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Omega seamaster 300 vintage bezel insert lost! Help!

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Have a standard cartel seamaster 300 vintage (not recent release of the remake) and lost the bezel insert. They are like a clearing insert wire black printed on from the underside.

Anyone know if we are able to source it somewhere?



To OP, are you sure your insert was clear/painted plexi?

All the reps I have seen have had the wrong type insert made out of aluminum.

I don't think the original bakelite insert is available, or would fit the rep bezel if you found one.

You can get the aluminum insert from an ebay retailer.



Here is mine with a couple mods.

( I hope we are talking about the same type watch) :g:

In any case, good luck in your search!




I have not seen one with the plastic insert.

Please let me know if you come up with a plexi replacement source.

I would like to pick one up as well.



Thanks whoopy.

Any chance you could PM me their emails? I have never purchased from either!

I don't have their emails, but I'd suggest pm'ing Angus on Repgeek and Toro here on RWG ;)


Good luck!


I went through my emails and found that I bought it from Silix.


The odd thing is that in their pictures, it is a aluminum style insert but I got the watch, it was the clear plexi type. Strange indeed.


I've inquired again, keep you posted to see if they can help me.


They may or may not have the plexi anymore.

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