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Pan American World Airways clock by Bulova from the 6542/1675 era...

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I've had this clock for 25+ years and it came from a Pan Am exec's desk after the airline went out of service on December 4, 1991.

Their last flight was from from Bridgetown, Barbados to Miami, Florida.

Pan Am was absorbed by Delta Airlines.


I worked in 'ramp service' for Delta Airlines in Atlanta, Georgia for a couple days until they found out I was too young...the summer between third and final year of high school. 

My supervisor said to come back when I was old enough and they would put me to work.  I never went back.


Another Bulova from the same era...


A 14KGF 'woodie' from 1972 with a wood bezel insert and wood inserts on the original bracelet.  Not many around now.

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Thanks Freddy, I never saw one for sale before.


The ad says:

"...has a quiet ticking sound, we noticed every once in a while for a second or two it made a soft noise that was different than ticking sound."


The other noise is the electric winder.  Some older battery powered clocks have a short mainspring that will run them for a few hours and an electric motor winds it now and then. 

This clock would not run when I got it because the battery leaked on the movement so I put a new Seiko continuous sweep clock movement in it.


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