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I just noticed Murdoch is from Denmark :) and that his avatar is oddly familiar. It seem to resemble either a bomb or a profet.....or maybe both. It may possibly be offensive to some (vague rumors...).

Considering the ban on Danish cheese, may I propose that you promote your lovely country in a more positive fashion Murdoch, but then this is only a suggetion from me.

Suggestion for new "political correct" avatar



Gunnar fra Norge :yeah:


Hi Gunnar :)

When you say politically correct...do you mean something like this? :rolleyes:



No :lol: .....err I would have said yes if it was the Danish or Norwegian prime minister let us all sweep our own doors :console:

Raving liberal french artsy movie loving member

Gunnar Gran :euro:

I just noticed Murdoch is from Denmark :) and that his avatar is oddly familiar. It seem to resemble either a bomb or a profet.....or maybe both. It may possibly be offensive to some (vague rumors...).

Considering the ban on Danish cheese, may I propose that you promote your lovely country in a more positive fashion Murdoch, but then this is only a suggetion from me.

Suggestion for new "political correct" avatar



Gunnar fra Norge :yeah:

Hi Gunnar,

Thanks for the suggestion :thumbsupsmileyanim:

But actually I think this a very positiv promotion of my country. Denmark has compared to many other countries fought for the "freedom of speech".

I don't think that we should lay down to the pressure from Islam and the muslim communities. They have no right to tell us what to bring or not to bring in our newspapers. Take a look at the newspapers from the muslim countries... they often show comics about Jesus and christians. Have we ever told them not to? Nope! We respect their "freedom of speech".

A couple of weeks ago I finally managed to get a hold of the original page from the newspaper (Jyllands Posten) with all the 12 drawings. I went to a printhouse to get it scanned. Then I cleaned the scan in Photoshop, and went to shop again to get a fullsize A2 print. I had it framed and now it's hanging on my wall. :victory: It's the most historic newspaper page in danish history and I think it's a milestone in the debate about european and islamic cultures crashing against each other.

I wont get a new avatar unless the administrators tells me to. I will allways fight against Islam and other totalitary ideologies. And allways protect the freedom of speech.


If anyone want's a file with the scan of the newspaper PM me and I'll email it to you :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Nope I'm NOT a nazi... are you?

Islam is very close related to nazism. During WWII Hitlers Nazi-germany had a special SS-unit with nothing else but muslims. Hitler was not very fond of religions but he once said that islam was the closest a religion would ever come to being a religious national socialism (nazism).

And by the way... "Mein kampf" has been a top 10 bestseller in the muslim world for the last ten years... and still is.

Last month the president of Iran said that holocaust was nothing but a lie... oh yes - they are VERY related.

As I said in the first post: I will allways fight against Islam and other totalitary ideologies. Totalitary ideologies also include nazism - if you didn't know that.

I wont get a new avatar unless the administrators tells me to.

That is what I figured you would say Murdoch :)

I agree with the "Solidarity with Denmark, death to fascism"


Still I think it is unnecessary and childish to wave the unholy pictures of the holy profet in everyones face. I can understand that you have been offended by a lot of crasy muslims but your are becoming part of a "crusade" against Islam. You can fight to better our own religion Murdoch, but its not our (your) role to better Islam. The muslims have to do that jobb themselves they probably wont listen to you. :)

To you others.....please do not bring Hitler and the Nazis into this....I am sick and tired of those guys :angry:


Gunnar :)


Hi Murdoch :)

Change it, no if's not but's no nothing we are not going down that path here :angry:



omg you dont really believe the crap that just came out of your mouth, do you?

Islam is no 'totalitarian ideology', some ppl just use islam in order to achieve their own goals. maybe you should read the book "a handmaids tale" maybe after you read that book, you start a war against christianity?

sorry but i'm not going to continue discussing this with you, because the words that just came out of your fingers are the worst [censored] i have ever read and dont even deserve a response!

and please, if you talk about germany and hitler, educate yourself before you do so, okay? hitler and the other nazis believed in germanic/nordic gods like Baldr,Bragi,Eir, Forseti, Frey, Freyja, Frigg, Fulla, Gefjon, Gna, Heimdall, Hermod, Hlin, Hoenir, Idun, Lofn, Loki, Odin, Saga, Sjofn, Snotra, Thor, Tyr, Ull, Vali, Var, Vidar, Vor

they had nothing to do with islam.

maybe you got something in the past wrogn, hitlers goal was to get a pure arian race. now i dont know if you've ever seen a muslim in your life, but they certainly dont look that way!

and the only reason, muslims ever were in the "SS" is, because germany occupied terrotorys which were inhabited by muslim ppl (like yugoslavia). they only made them "SS" because they didnt have enough ppl to kill all the jews.

sharing the same "enemy" doesnt make 2 groups one and the same.

every religion can be "totalitarian" if interpreted a certain way, even christianity! again, please read the book i told you about earlier!


Murdoch let me make myself clear, this is not a political forum, conform with our expectations or bugger off............simple.


Posted (edited)

btw. Murdoch, if i start having a swastika or whitehooded guys as an avartar, would that be freedom of speech also?

edit: whatever you say ken :p


Edited by slay
To you others.....please do not bring Hitler and the Nazis into this....I am sick and tired of those guys :angry:


Gunnar :)

I totally agree. I'm sick and tired of being called a nazi because I have an issue with Islam.

You have a good and serious way of debatting.

I don't agree with you though. Maybe it's not my job to better islam... actually I don't think that's possible. If you read the Quran you will learn that Allah forbids any kind of changing the book, or any other ways of interpreting it. In fact it is not possible to interpret the Quran. You have to know arabic to read it. Any translation will allways be an interpretation. The great difference between Islam and Christendom is that the bible is open for interpretation. It's Gods words to Jesus, Jesus words to the diciples, the diciples words to students and so on... before it was finally written down it had been told over and over again, and interpreted many times. The Quran is Allahs words to Muhammed and nothing more. Therefor you can not interpreter the Quran and therefor Islam will never change. Christendom had had it's reformation where we seperated the church from the state. In real life this meant that the church had nothing to do with politics and laws. This will never happen to Islam since it's illegal to interpreter the Quran. In islam they have the sharia-laws and almost every muslim supports the sharia. Even the ones calling them self moderate muslims.

You cannot compare a moderate muslim and a moderate christian.

The solution...? I don't know. But maybe muslims should live in islamic countries and christians in christian countries. I find it that borders help to keep the peace. Everywhere we have tried to make a multicultural society it has ended in civil war. I'd rather that it didn't happen in my backyard.



Didn't see your post before my last one. I will change my avatar instantly eventhough I don't agree with you.

Sorry if I have offended anyone...

Trust me Nanug... I wouldn't be the slightest offended by swastikas or [censored] on christ.


Didn't see your post before my last one. I will change my avatar instantly eventhough I don't agree with you.

Sorry if I have offended anyone...

Trust me Nanug... I wouldn't be the slightest offended by swastikas or piss on christ.

Yes well that may be so, but you ignored my request therefore I have raised your warn meter.

this thread will now be locked.


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