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Ryyannon's Time-Wasters: Biggest Time-Waster Ever


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And who the fok cares, right?

Whatever happened to telling the Truth to Power? Or in this case, when the Power-Watchdogs invent the Truth? This is what:

The Ridiculous

9. Associated Press (AP) (2005). Fell for hoax and phony photo. The AP ran a story, with a photo, about a soldier held hostage in Iraq. The photo turned out to be that of an action figure doll; there was no such soldier.

The Sublime

71. Rigoberta Menchu, author of I, Rigoberta (1983), Nobel Peace Prize winner (1992). Lying/fabricating. She claimed her autobiographical book "is the story of all poor Guatemalans. My personal experience is the reality of a whole people." However, "Mench

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I guess that makes two of us, babe....

Other than that, who really gives a rat's ass?

Just keep dem fake watches coming....

Some of my fave raves:

4. AFP/Yahoo News (2007). Fell for hoax/lie. Ran a picture with the caption "An elderly Iraqi woman shows two bullets which she says hit her house following an early coalition forces raid in the predominantly Shiite Baghdad suburb of Sadr City." But the picture was of unfired cartridges, which could only have "hit her house" if they were thrown at it.

19. The Boston Globe (2004). Fake photos, fake story. The Boston Globe published pictures alleging U.S. troops raped Iraqi women. The pictures turned out to be commercially available pornography.

82. Reuters Russia's North Pole coverage (2007). More fake photos/footage. "Reuters has been forced to admit that footage it released last week purportedly showing Russian submersibles on the seabed of the North Pole actually came from the movie Titanic." The mistake was caught by a 13-year-old Finnish boy. :lol:

Out of the deep affection and respect I have for your ever-renewed sense of outrage, I'd buy one of these for you, but I don't think you need it -

The Universal Bullshitt Detector Watch!

It flashes, it moos, it poops

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And who the fok cares, right?

Dun rock da boat.

Nope...Dun get fooled agin. The internet requires that we be our own news editors. Toward that purpose I would add:

101. The American Thinker Website. Top 100 list only includes false reporting by the "librul" media victimizing corporations, the CIA, Isreal and other Republican donors/special interests. Author and publisher Admin Lifeson functions regularly as small-time GOP/ultra right operative and surrogate. Since he was a college professor for many years he is sometimes used by Rush Limbaugh to add some sort of academic to whatever ultra-right crackpot idea du jour. A top media lies list without Judith Miller's repeating Cheney's proven lies verbatim in the NYT's, without a single fabricated "I-invented-the-Internet" storyabout Gore, without Susan "steno" Schmidt's operating as Ken Starr's personal PR shop in the Washington Post? 'Nough Said. The biigest timewaster of all time? You bet.

For "Fair and Balanced"-ness here is the liberal equivalent: www.mediamatters.org

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The biggest media fairy tale of all is the one that the "liberal media" controls what we hear.

The mere fact that before choosing to believe news or not, you now have to ask who is reporting it speaks volumes. Both sides are lying twunts. The fairy tale of an impartial US media is turning in its grave.

ps. There is no Santa; It's your dad in a funny suit.

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Nope...Dun get fooled agin. The internet requires that we be our own news editors.

Umm, that's for sure, boss. :p

Not sure which side of the fence you're sitting on here, but it's clear you've got a position... :o

101. The American Thinker Website. Top 100 list only includes false reporting by the "librul" media victimizing corporations, the CIA, Isreal and other Republican donors/special interests.

You've included just about everybody except Blade :lol:

Author and publisher Admin Lifeson functions regularly as small-time GOP/ultra right operative and surrogate. Since he was a college professor for many years he is sometimes used by Rush Limbaugh to add some sort of academic to whatever ultra-right crackpot idea du jour. A top media lies list without Judith Miller's repeating Cheney's proven lies verbatim in the NYT's, without a single fabricated "I-invented-the-Internet" storyabout Gore, without Susan "steno" Schmidt's operating as Ken Starr's personal PR shop in the Washington Post? 'Nough Said. The biigest timewaster of all time? You bet.

For "Fair and Balanced"-ness here is the liberal equivalent: www.mediamatters.org

Still don't see where you're coming from, but while you're at it, why not throw in the Daily Kos? Librul as they come, and no spin or distortion there... :rolleyes:

Anyway, say what you may, the examples in the list seem to check out - everybody's got an axe to grind these days, so you pick your political flavor and go with it.... but I do believe there are some sites and sources which try mightily to cut through the bullshite and bring the reader the pure, unvarnished truth...as far as such a thing exists :huh:

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