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Finally, it had to happen...I have an Unknown ETA movement

RWG Technical

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That being said I may have been missrepresented by some and chiefly by JF that was the target of my "fiddeling" and it cannot be denied in retrospect that JF was later found to be the real vilain in that sad saga

Although this is going way off topic, I would like to know the full story behind this statement.


Simple, I know JF very well, and when I am in his town on business, I always get together and have a meal with him. I have been meeting with him for a couple of years now, so this shocks me somewhat.


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Maybe it is not the same JF we are talking about. I am talking about the man who left RWGjr and is now the occasional supermod over on old RWG. If anyone would know the details and convey it in a sincere manner its KenBerg and maybe Admin too. probably best if you talk to them by mail or PM as I am not going to post more details on that ancient subject here. Sorry that my old grief should be laid so bare.

g. :)

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Ah shame... We should get a collection plate going for the owner of this watch so it can undergo a full teardown!

That would be a worthy cause!

Now lets hear and talk more about the movement, please how do we spot it and will it be any good, personaly i see the chinese as being very usefull at making high end watch parts, just ask J C Beaver from Hublot or what ever his name is!

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I do not deny my own history or as you puty it "your inglorious history as a mod at the old board and your uncanny impression of Nero, fiddling whilst RWG-I burned? No??? Thought not."

I was bad, maybe worse and I have payed for it and obviously still am reading your lemon posts. That being said I may have been missrepresented by some and chiefly by JF that was the target of my "fiddeling" and it cannot be denied in retrospect that JF was later found to be the real vilain in that sad saga

I am honest about my opinions and am not afraid to speak my mind and I do not easily bend to popular demand

If it bothers you I am glad for it and wish you would continue your little show of of manlyness...I can bite too if I so wish...your opinions give a glimse into who you are and where you stand (I respect that even if I may not agree with your tone)

Now lets see how you fair

As The Zigmeister said, sometimes things just have to be said. Whatever the details of what went down back then Gran, I personally couldn't care less, it's all ancient history which is where it should remain along with mentions of the likes of Klink, RBJ, Johnnyboy et al. That you yourself were involved and implicated is not a problem for me, you apologised and were welcomed back here...rightly so. But then have the sense to not make pointless and patronising references to that time and some of the dubious members back then as if they were something that they're patently not. Especially when it wasn't your finest hour. Trust me, it doesn't do you any favours and just comes across as ill-judged and unhelpful.

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Maybe it is not the same JF we are talking about. I am talking about the man who left RWGjr and is now the occasional supermod over on old RWG. If anyone would know the details and convey it in a sincere manner its KenBerg and maybe Admin too. probably best if you talk to them by mail or PM as I am not going to post more details on that ancient subject here. Sorry that my old grief should be laid so bare.

g. :)

I was thinking of the wrong person, who's initials are JF...Johnnyboy is who I was referring to...

JF I am not familiar with, except that I did get a PM from a JF from RWI a while back looking for me to do watch work for him...maybe I need to be careful??


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If you would like to see some pictures of the Swiss ETA and the Asian ETA....go to the Watch Collector Galleries....click on PAM111....scroll down to this watch....W-2902 Automatic Asia Eta 2836-2 For Man Vintage (4th from the bottom of the page)....and there is some great photos there of both movements.

Edited by Nightstroker
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If you would like to see some pictures of the Swiss ETA and the Asian ETA....go to the Watch Collector Galleries....click on PAM111....scroll down to this watch....W-2902 Automatic Asia Eta 2836-2 For Man Vintage (4th from the bottom of the page)....and there is some great photos there of both movements.

Well I guess there are more than one version out there...mine doesn't look anything like the one on the right.

Pics taken, just need to do the post up, probably tomorrow I'll have it done...


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Guest watchbuff

The pictures would tell the story of the swiss vs the asian "ETA" SO I am sure some ETA movements are sold uder the impression they are swiss. It can be real easy for some to "get over" and bump up prices $100.00 just on the letters "E T A "

Swiss is the operative word and to tell the difference means actually opening the watch, possibly damaging, dirtying or worse on something we have "doubts" on.

My question is, are these asian copies fairing as wel as the swiss counerparts? If so then I'll buy them instead. Its the difference between A Honda or a SAAB, they both go from A-B. Do any RWG members have REAL issues wtih their decent asian movements? I am not talking about the $20.00 crap you get on Canal street in NYC but the 21j movements in the noobmariner etc?

The scariest part is the movemetns will bear the watermarks of the swiss genuine movement in an attepmt to "defraud" the rep owners in buyng something they thought was something else. kinda like us rep owners"defrauding " the onlookers who we sometimes find staring at our well modded, super reps etc that adorn our wrists. :rolleyes:

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Well this will be interesting.

Moslty concerned with the pricing as some of you have mentioned, we have been seeing more adn more new ETA powered reps bordering the 300 mark and were talking about 7750's. with complications.

If we are getting asian movements (wich i have no problems with considering they are reliable) then we should not be charged the premium simply because of a stamp and a golden color movement.

But unless we all arm ourselves with watch tools i fear were goig to see many screwed buyers in the next few months.

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