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3717 bracelet adjustment

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i was asked by a member about the 3717 bracelet.. so here goes.. I used a link for example instead of the whole bracelet..

post-2172-1195438942_thumb.jpgthe bracelet is too wide for the pin to fit into the tool

so I take out the pin tool and hammer the pin out 1 or 2 mm manuallypost-2172-1195439048_thumb.jpg using a styrafoam box so the pin in the bracelet can come through the foam on the bottom post-2172-1195439174_thumb.jpg leather hammer 4.00 usd craft store

ok just enough .. (stubborn pin)post-2172-1195439257_thumb.jpg


the spring and the pin will still not fit into the tool.. so i can use more force without damaging my fingers or the bracelet i insert the bracelet into the holder and manually hammer with the bracelet securepost-2172-1195439401_thumb.jpg

ok now the pin can fit into the spring and the tool is good to go as normalpost-2172-1195439544_thumb.jpg depress the lever as normalpost-2172-1195439929_thumb.jpg

post-2172-1195439690_thumb.jpg then remove with your plier as normal.. careful with that skinny joint.. don't twist.. use tension not force..

I did not find it easy the first time around in removing the spring bar on the bracelet .. so I improvises.. with your spring bar tool depress the spring bar then stick a tooth pick in the opening ... then use you SB tool to depress the other side and BAM... the bracelet falls right out.. don't know about you but "I" wanted to use a hammer until I tried this..I was not born to work on watches :Dpost-2172-1195440127_thumb.jpg

hope this has helped..




Silly question, but why don't you push the button and slide the pin out easily?

post-2172-1195440762_thumb.jpg Slai.. if you can see the pin will not fit .. or the bracelet will not fit into the pin... either way .. you need to make some room for the pin and if you try to hammer to start with the bracelet in the holder .. how are you going to see where the pin tool is?

post-2172-1195441578_thumb.jpg in this position the lever will not work properly... not enough room where the pin in the bracelet is for the tool pin to fit .. the lever will not work in this position

post-2172-1195441613_thumb.jpg now there is just enough room for the lever to function properly

believe me it is easier this way than trying to hammer it out all the way ... these bracelet pins a pretty brittle.. don't ask me how I know -_-


sorry i take so long .. but it's not easy to take the pics .. hold the tool and the bracelet and watch the football game at the same time... and i lost the first post when the patriots scored and I (muscle reflex hit the table with my hand in cheer and BAM.. the post went into cyberspace :(

WOW! Wish I hasn't asked, lol....seems complicated!!! But the watch is so nice, it's worth the struggle :lol:

Thanks for the post!! :)

.. NO.. not at all just takes a little patience.. this bracelet was more stubborn than the 3717 black dial .. don't know why but those pins were really easy.. dutchy ... If I can do it anyone can :lol:


Like Slai said, it's an IWC bracelet. There is a release button on the bottom and then the pin should slip right out. Is this bracelet different Lani?


I just used two toothpicks and the push+press method described over. This way you don't scratch the metal and it should slide out real easy. In my opinion this is the easiest and way best bracelets to adjust. However if one has a slow sunday and nothing to do, do it the hard way ;) And I do appreciate all pictorals :)

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