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Zeitgeist Film


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Just saw the thread in Off Topic about ID cards to fight terrorism, something mentioned in a film called Zeitgeist.

EDIT: gets a bit crazy with some conspiracy issues of 9/11, but the religion part is interesting.


Hehe, I edited out that I 'recommend' the film, because well, didn't see the whole thing and only found the religion part 'interesting' rather than amazing :lol:

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Oh God, Dutchy please not Zeitgeist. That's like recommending all the other tinfoil conspiracy theory "documentaries" out there, of which I have watched almost all. Loose Change, The Assassination of JFK, Jr., and anything to do with the Bilderberg Conference.

Didn't you hear? Prince Bernhard was the anti-Christ!! :p

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Oh God, Dutchy please not Zeitgeist. That's like recommending all the other tinfoil conspiracy theory "documentaries" out there, of which I have watched almost all. Loose Change, The Assassination of JFK, Jr., and anything to do with the Bilderberg Conference.


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Oh God, Dutchy please not Zeitgeist. That's like recommending all the other tinfoil conspiracy theory "documentaries" out there, of which I have watched almost all. Loose Change, The Assassination of JFK, Jr., and anything to do with the Bilderberg Conference.

Didn't you hear? Prince Bernhard was the anti-Christ!! :p

Thanks for the heads up V!! I just saw it last night, the religion thing was interesting to me, like I said before, whether made up or not. I missed the Kennedy part (fell asleep - 4am) and didn't like the 9/11 stuff and the banking stuff.

:lol: @ the Prince B comment!!

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Basically the religion part was quite interesting, whether completely made up or not.

Well, sure. For example, I am interested in the history of Opus Dei too, but that doesn't mean I like the entity AT ALL. I say this as a fervent Roman Catholic.

-- I hate Dan Brown for outting them, since loathing the Opus Dei was my secret since adolescence. :o --

Conspiracy theories are nothing new in the world, and their explanations can be "fun", in the way cow-tipping can be fun (I guess).



They really took off after the French Revolution, which was attributed to: Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, and of course, everyone's favourite whipping boys, the Joos (mostly in the form of the Rothschilds).

Today, it's Halliburton (the Freemasons), the World Bank (the Illuminati), the UN (the Jesuits), but yep, still the Joos (Neo-Conservatives like Paul Wolfowitz, also the head of the World Bank and a Bilderberger, conspiracy theory JACKPOT!).

Once you step on this mud of logic, you come out very dirty indeed.

EDIT: :lol: @ the Prince B comment!!

Poor Prince Bernhard, so hated by the Dutch. Okay he was corrupt, but not without courage in WWII. I say, give the German a break. ;)

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