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aftermarket pushers for secs @ 9 daytona 16520 /16523


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Hi ,

yeah i know i've been opening many topics here lately about a secs @ 9 daytona and Q's about mods.

here is another one!

i have made a little (well... not so little lol) search on rwg,

and found a few posts about aftermarket DW daytona pushers being far far more accurate and higher quality then stock pushers that comes with the rep out-of-the-box.

now what i wanted to ask,

i plan on modding a secs @ 9 a7750 daytona (the one with the incorrect subdial spacing)

i already discussed a little about replacing the rep tube & crown into gen parts.

i was thinking about the stock pushers,

are there any aftermarket pushers for a secs @ 9 daytona that are closer to gen and better quality then the pushers that comes with the rep ?

and where can i get them?

is it possible to fit them into the rep with only re-tapping and putting the new parts? what is the procedure?

many questions- but hope i'll get some info from these who may know something about this.

nice weekend to all =]

db1 :)

Edited by db1
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whell all the after market pusher you can find (cousinf, ofrei, ithink they are all the same...) are after market pusher FOR the newer daytona.

They olso are corect for vintage because the design didn't change much in all those year, and because when serviced older daytona pusher allways get changed with current one (as the crown that are changed from 24-700 or 24-702 to 24-703).

but basicaly the part that are curently availlable on after market mimics the 24-P402-0 that are curently used on ANY daytona.

you can find gen very easyly olso, but be prepared to pay around 150


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thanks for the help :)

so cousin's aftermarket daytona pushers are the closest to gen that is available?

(Btw- what is the main diff. bwtween gen & rep pushers on the daytona?)

does cousin's aftermarket pushers are more accurate and higher quality then what i get stock installed on the daytona secs @ 9 rep ?

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i can't tell you for shure as i don't know the particuliar rep you are refering too.

i doub't there is a real interest in swaping your pusher for you watch.

first your rep pusher hole may be machined with the same thread pitch as your case crown tube, wich may not be a direct fit with aftermarket pusher.

second i bet rep for the zenith movement might be allready very acurate.

so unless you can find any visual diference with the pics above (N

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i can't tell you for shure as i don't know the particuliar rep you are refering too.

i doub't there is a real interest in swaping your pusher for you watch.

first your rep pusher hole may be machined with the same thread pitch as your case crown tube, wich may not be a direct fit with aftermarket pusher.

second i bet rep for the zenith movement might be allready very acurate.

so unless you can find any visual diference with the pics above (N

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To begin with, that is a terrible rep. So many things wrong that it is easier to list the things it got right - the dial color is correct. Of course, if you are willing to trade believability for reliability (a watch that will always run, but never look real), then that is your next rep. But you should read this (you may need to Search out the referenced websites' current locations as they have changed) & try to include only the member's public name (Avitt) when posting in a public forum.

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thanks for the input freddy!

yeah sorry for that, didnt see im trying a personal name.

about the rep- you are right about the bad things on the secs @ 9 rep. but like you have said- i wanna trade some accuracy for reliability

(i wish the secs @ 6 would be any worth tryin- but its like a gamble, i've heard some that stopped after a month or two, and a few that are more then a year old and running great)

i know the secs @ 9 is not the most accurate rep, but i would like to try to mod it a littl bit =]

already ordered a gen tube & crown for it from SpinMaster.

i have the option to get a pair of sealed gen 16520 pushers. right now im not sure if i wanna get aftermarket or gen.

(yeah i know gen pushers on this rep is insane- but it really is interesting once they are available.. or maybe keep them for a franken daytona project)

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