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Pam194 Sub2500 And Pam202 Subslytech....


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we now enjoyed the PAM187 ChronoZilla for quite a few weeks and we got used to the size and weight.

Now the high-demand-time seems to slow down and the PAM-aholic in me starts to wacth out for the next models........

.....the CNC machines are ready for the 47mm case, the new Asia 7750b1 is stocked and a reliable movement, it will not take that much effort to do the PAM194 Sub 2500....even less critical is the PAM202 SLY TECH 1000m Chrono !!!!

Who knows more, who will spread the positiv confirmation for the above, who will offer first???

I need to know this, cause my money is ready for them and if you do not make the watches, I will buy the B-Avenger UTC instead or the new Super-Avenger!!

Just impatient (my normal state when it comes to rep-deals),


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for the 194 there are rumours that it should be released soon...the 202 is already out (i suppose you know that) but i don't like it...like i feel it is far from the gen one...and it looks kind of cheap to me...(don't ask me reasons)...

I am waiting for the 194 as well...hope to see a nice version in Ti...and without the chrono finctions it should be even better than the 187 (less or NO problems) cause the new 7750b1 mvt is very reliable...

let's just be patient...

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Yes I saw the PAM202 cheapo SLY TECH version with the ugly case; too many flaws on that piece......

but modernise it, update it, file the case a bit...ready is a nice SLY TECH ChronoZilla...I wood also buy this model.

Before the 194 will hit the market, the suppliers have to sell off their stock of the 187 first, thats OK if only someone will drop me a line and tell me:"....yes Theo, they will make it, it´s ready in their drawers and they will sell in the coming 3 weeks, pppssssstt, don´t tell anyone!"

I love the rep-business, you wait and wait and wait for a new model, suddenly someone shows a diff. watch that catches your interest, you jump on the other train, let your raised funds go and.....hello, 2 days after the dealers come with the original piece you were looking for!

Damn that happened too often, but I like it.....I must be ill, need help,....talk to you all soon.....have to ckeck the mail at home......some watches on the way to me......hurry.......bye


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How about lets do a count how many would want to buy the 194 when its is finally avail ? And let co-relate this figures and identities to those who say hang on, wait a minute, wait for the next version, wait for the Swiss 7750 ????

This would be interesting...

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How about lets do a count how many would want to buy the 194 when its is finally avail ? And let co-relate this figures and identities to those who say hang on, wait a minute, wait for the next version, wait for the Swiss 7750 ????

This would be interesting...

Ya, Jos... Let's see how it goes. Someone can start the buy list and Jos and I will get factory to offer, perhaps..


LOL you see what you guys have done? Demand new models but don't buy them when they come out because of "flaws". Seems like a win win for the buyer and a lose lose for the dealer!

Jon :victory:

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@Andrew & Joshua,

I understand your point, but I also think our (the buyer) point is valid as well. What we need to do is find a middle ground if possible.

Since you are the ones who have the connections with the manufacturers, a possible win/win idea would be to get the manufactures to give you samples of their product - before mass production - and you can show it to us and we can suggest any necessary changes thereby bypassing flawed versions and going straight to "ultimate" versions. (Do you think this would be possible? maybe you have tried this already)

I think everyone on this board would be willing to pay an extra $20, $50 even $100 extra for a first run watch that was near perfect...

this is an extreem example, but look at the 187, it sold out @ $800+/- with little or no complaints. this newer version, while being hundreds of dollers cheaper, is getting all kinds of complaints.

Edited by Nebakanezzar
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@Andrew & Joshua,

I understand your point, but I also think our (the buyer) point is valid as well. What we need to do is find a middle ground if possible.

Since you are the ones who have the connections with the manufacturers, a possible win/win idea would be to get the manufactures to give you samples of their product - before mass production - and you can show it to us and we can suggest any necessary changes thereby bypassing flawed versions and going straight to "ultimate" versions. (Do you think this would be possible? maybe you have tried this already)

Remember for them to manufacture one they might as well manufacture 1000 because to create one they have to re-tool their factories!

This is big business this is why Andrew has previously stated that the first run of a new rep is never profitable. The factories are attempting to recover their expenses on this run. So if they create the rep and it isn't successful they might not retool again for the same rep but might just move on to something else. Then all those that wanted the rep but passed on it are losers!

I've also heard from another reputable dealer here that if and when the 194 comes out he will not be buying them on the first run because many people scream for the Ti reps but then when they are released they don't buy them!


Jon :victory:

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Remember for them to manufacture one they might as well manufacture 1000 because to create one they have to re-tool their factories!

This is big business this is why Andrew has previously stated that the first run of a new rep is never profitable. The factories are attempting to recover their expenses on this run. So if they create the rep and it isn't successful they might not retool again for the same rep but might just move on to something else. Then all those that wanted the rep but passed on it are losers!

I've also heard from another reputable dealer here that if and when the 194 comes out he will not be buying them on the first run because many people scream for the Ti reps but then when they are released they don't buy them!


Jon :victory:

I disagree, many times its just small changes that need to be made. but even if it was major changes that were necessary, as stated above i beleive every single person on this board would be willing to pay extra for a better product. so in the end, it would be worth their time and effort.

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well speaking of first releases...i don't think that the 202 has been so popular among members of the forum...but i think that is being sold to people who are not present on the forums and do not discuss so much about flaws and so on...there is market for everything...we are a little bit more demanding than other customers...some more...some less(like me)....

I find the 187 that is sold for 300-400$ a good rep for the price you pay...and i ordered one...the 202...looks cheap to me and i m not gonna pay that money...give us a 194 of a quality of the current 187...and it would be purchased by a lot of members and surely by a lot of other people that are not forum members...

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...give us a 194 of a quality of the current 187...and it would be purchased by a lot of members and surely by a lot of other people that are not forum members...

I just have to second dadog13´s words and of course stress them.....give me a 194 with equal quality like the 187 (good date and cyclops please!!!) and I will be definitely in!

Jos & Andrew.........get it for me in good Quality.....will go for 2 pieces!!!!


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Ya, Jos... Let's see how it goes. Someone can start the buy list and Jos and I will get factory to offer, perhaps..


Oh well, It seems that there is not much interest in this model.. 12 hours has passed and not much comments..... or did my post stop those that is always telling others to "wait for the next version" from commenting ?

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Oh well, It seems that there is not much interest in this model.. 12 hours has passed and not much comments..... or did my post stop those that is always telling others to "wait for the next version" from commenting ?

I dont think there is much interest or probably no one dare to commit...

Let's call off the project then, Jos...

Case closed.


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Thats an easy step....just calling the project off......but time will bring us the 194 soon, I bet!

What makes it so easy for the manufactorers:

- similar case than 187, leave out the chronopusher holes and the datepusher

- similar bezel, just a bit of re-designing

- dial will be easy, as I look on the wonderful clear and crisp 187 dial

What will make it harder for the manufactorers:

- get a good AR coat on the chrystal

- develope the date-fonts and size and at least improve the cyclops

- Titanium case, I am not sure if this is a no-go, but a brushed SS will make it for me

The best part of the 194 will be the new Asia 7750B1 to be used; even more reliable when the chronofunction is left out!!!

Again, I will buy 2 pieces if the quality equals the 187 and the price as well, would spend some more bucks if quality improves!

Hope and pray for some day........Theo

Edited by PAM1A
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I dont think there is much interest or probably no one dare to commit...

Let's call off the project then, Jos...

Case closed.


:o ... :lol: ....

a bird told me that... :whistling: ...soon it will be released.... :bounce:

and BTW...i want one and I know some people that would buy a couple of them...

Edited by dadog13
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@ V and dadog13

....guys, c´mon....you cannot wait....you want it......and we will be under the first to place an order :)

I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, I can wait, Nooooo I can´t!!!!


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Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194...

Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194...

Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194...

Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194...

Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194...

Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194...


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HELLLLLOOOOOO????????? anybody out there????

Am I the only one wanting this watch, the PAM194 is a stunner and I want the dealers to make it, please!!!!

So now up with this thread and wave your hands if you want the 194 like I do!


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