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Submariner LV - the variations of the Gen


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Hi Guys

I found this on another forum and thought you might all be interested.

It details the changes to the Gen Submariner LV from when it was first launched as a limited edition 50th Anniversary model to the one currently on sale today.

there have been so many subtle changes to the bezel, dial etc that it would be very difficult to spot a replica unless you know what you are looking for


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I'm glad this topic has arisen, thankyou for bringing this information to my attention. I was wondering myself about the differences in the "o", hadn't noticed the other differences and didn't realise that these were all differences in the GEN!

This makes me wonder, and worry actually how accurate the WM9 LV will be :( WM9 LV V2 is the last thing we need !

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Hi Guys,

I've had many variations of rep LV's from MBW's, Josh's "Perfect" to Eurotimez and all of the dials can be called out when you compare them to a gen. Forget the subtle differences between the gens coz the font always gives a rep away, it just isn't as sharp and the lume is never even or the same texture.

I'm sure WM9 will do a great job but the slight variations will be the least concern when compared to a gen LV.

here's my Euromariner LV with a gen dial:




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Hi polexpete,

Beautiful gen. LV dial you have there.

Trust it has an ETA inside. So what did you do with the dial feet? Did you cut them away and just apply dial dots? The size of the gen. dial fits into the rep case OK?


Hi Berti,

thanks glad you like it. Yeah has a swiss 2836-2 inside. I chopped the dial feet (painful i know) and glued the metal

spacer ring around the movement and then the dial onto the spacer ring lining up the datewheel then leave it to dry overnight.

I used hypo cement with the narrow applicator tube coz any cement near the movement will trash it.

Yeah the gen dial fits the Euromariner case no problem



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Hi P,

Thanks for your comments.

Wow, it is surely painful to chop the feet off. This really will heavily reduce the resell value of the dial in future in casae you decided to do so.

But still it looks superb with the gen. dial. No rep. dials come to any close to the look and finish.

Wear it well, mate.

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