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Pedigree dogs


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Thake a look all you show dog people and fashion dogs owner that dont work your dogs..


At least i use my dog and work his head whit gamenes..

From this day when some dude says why not another dog then american stafforshire terrier, and i tell them to watch this..Healthy dog breed should be first priority when you get a dog..

Edited due to bad langued ;)

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I hear ya bud,

I have a puppy, always loved bulldoggs, but their health issues kinda made me feel sick, why breed a dog that cant breath? or cant stand to be

in the sun for a reasonable period of time?

I also thought about the staffordshire bull terrior, but it seems all the thugs round here have them on a lead.

I ended up going for whats called a Dorset Olde Tyme Bulldogge, this is a bulldog of old, how they were 100 years ago before they started to

breed it with the pug.

There is all kinds in the mix with the olde Tyme, but essentially you have a much healthier, fitter heavier dog, mine however has 25% mixed Mastiff

in him too, this should keep the line going in the direction they want.

Infact mine was the only pup that did not have the "smashed in the face" look, he has a more elegant mastiff looking head.

He should end up smilar to the American Bulldog type breed but not as heavy....30-42kgs is where he should fall into.

He's 14 weeks now, but underweight, he needs another few Kgs on him yet but weighs 9.2kgs today.


I had an encounter today, from some hoodie scum smoking a spliff, covered in a rash and scratches, blood shot eyes and

obviously high.......he was in a bus stop waiting for a lift, he stopped me as I was walking Cody my Pup, he asked the usual

"Ere maaate is that a Staff?

Erm.......No its not.

Aaaah maaate looks wicked, waz E Much dosh?"

No. (I lied)

"I add wun of dem American Bulldog fukkas, was a monsta, we fed him raw meat so blood would drip down his chin, would

av Alsations and labs, and staffs, would tear em apart, we used him in dog fights, me mate got him to bite once an it

bit his shoulder, ripped a monsta chunk off him, and chomped it down, so me mate pulled out a gun and shot it dead,

I woz like.......Oh well.......means I dont av to put the f****er down now hehehe"

I was stood there thinking..........is this really happening?, he just told me he uses his dog in dog fights, and his friend shot

it with a handgun!?


I just made my excuses and left, I just cant believe some tool would say something like that to an obvious dog lover walking

his 12 week old puppy, it also offends me that he felt he could relate to me!

I need to change my image if scum like that think I'm on the same level, or maybe the drugs elevated him to working class?

Personally I hope his trigger happy friend trips and blows them both through the head.

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I agree...a great post Dani!

Near where I live many of my neighbors shun the thought of rescue or welfare dogs aiming for the prestige of a pedigree dog...

Genetics tells us that differentiation and diversification in the gene pool provides the healthiest dogs (or anything for that matter- look at the British royal family!!)...so I've never understood the prestige of owning something that is genetically predisposed to health problems and pain...

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I love my English Bulldog, and my vet loves me!

For me although I knew they are not a healthy breed they fit my lifestyle.

I used to own a mixed breed, the only benefit to a pedigree dog is that you have more control over what to expect them to be when they grow up.

Each dog has their own personality but the specific breeds have certain traits that usually stay consistant.

Unfortunately I need to leave a dog alone for most of the day and this breed really does not need exercise during the day, it would be cruel for me to get an active breed. My bulldog is content lying on my lap on the couch when I am home and lying on the couch by self when I am at work.



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I hear ya bud,

I have a puppy, always loved bulldoggs, but their health issues kinda made me feel sick, why breed a dog that cant breath? or cant stand to be

in the sun for a reasonable period of time?

I also thought about the staffordshire bull terrior, but it seems all the thugs round here have them on a lead.

I ended up going for whats called a Dorset Olde Tyme Bulldogge, this is a bulldog of old, how they were 100 years ago before they started to

breed it with the pug.

There is all kinds in the mix with the olde Tyme, but essentially you have a much healthier, fitter heavier dog, mine however has 25% mixed Mastiff

in him too, this should keep the line going in the direction they want.

Infact mine was the only pup that did not have the "smashed in the face" look, he has a more elegant mastiff looking head.

He should end up smilar to the American Bulldog type breed but not as heavy....30-42kgs is where he should fall into.

He's 14 weeks now, but underweight, he needs another few Kgs on him yet but weighs 9.2kgs today.


I had an encounter today, from some hoodie scum smoking a spliff, covered in a rash and scratches, blood shot eyes and

obviously high.......he was in a bus stop waiting for a lift, he stopped me as I was walking Cody my Pup, he asked the usual

"Ere maaate is that a Staff?

Erm.......No its not.

Aaaah maaate looks wicked, waz E Much dosh?"

No. (I lied)

"I add wun of dem American Bulldog fukkas, was a monsta, we fed him raw meat so blood would drip down his chin, would

av Alsations and labs, and staffs, would tear em apart, we used him in dog fights, me mate got him to bite once an it

bit his shoulder, ripped a monsta chunk off him, and chomped it down, so me mate pulled out a gun and shot it dead,

I woz like.......Oh well.......means I dont av to put the f****er down now hehehe"

I was stood there thinking..........is this really happening?, he just told me he uses his dog in dog fights, and his friend shot

it with a handgun!?


I just made my excuses and left, I just cant believe some tool would say something like that to an obvious dog lover walking

his 12 week old puppy, it also offends me that he felt he could relate to me!

I need to change my image if scum like that think I'm on the same level, or maybe the drugs elevated him to working class?

Personally I hope his trigger happy friend trips and blows them both through the head.

Great dog their bro.

I know that breed looks great.

I think bulldogs have been breed to the border line of retardnes to be honest, but the old style bulldogs are very nice.


I agree...a great post Dani!

Near where I live many of my neighbors shun the thought of rescue or welfare dogs aiming for the prestige of a pedigree dog...

Genetics tells us that differentiation and diversification in the gene pool provides the healthiest dogs (or anything for that matter- look at the British royal family!!)...so I've never understood the prestige of owning something that is genetically predisposed to health problems and pain...

Very true bro.

This thread i think is not to sensitive subject for rwg, i think this post shows a very big problem and will not cause any harm among us members.


I love my English Bulldog, and my vet loves me!

For me although I knew they are not a healthy breed they fit my lifestyle.

I used to own a mixed breed, the only benefit to a pedigree dog is that you have more control over what to expect them to be when they grow up.

Each dog has their own personality but the specific breeds have certain traits that usually stay consistant.

Unfortunately I need to leave a dog alone for most of the day and this breed really does not need exercise during the day, it would be cruel for me to get an active breed. My bulldog is content lying on my lap on the couch when I am home and lying on the couch by self when I am at work.



My uncle has a bulldog so i know the breed, and i do what others dont do to me i respect your choice, i dont agree on it but i rescpect it..

But i wish more bulldog owners would stop and look at where this breed has gone the past 100years, really only one way downwards and that is just facts.

I hope yours will stay healty :)


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thank you Dani, .. the reason I never showed my Sharpei's .. was the arrogance and snobby attitudes of what the Owners have become .. especially when they believe if the Breed is impure .. those animals should be "Put Down"

I cannot stand to see dogs suffer because of inbreeding etc. ... the Sharpei used to be larger and was bred down for "Standard" which caused a rash fo illness and allergies... I miss them so much.. but with my schedule it would be selfish to bring a dog home.. I would not have time to give them the attention and care they need... I cannot stand to see dogs chained up all day and night..

The Socialites at the Westminster don't even really know their animals .. they are there for the Prestiege of the "Trophy"

Sad really what some will do for Glory ..

thanks again.. mixed breeds in Hawaii are called "Poi dogs" and are the healthiest and sometimes the smartest :)



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i had a german shepard that was plagued with health problem. with the amount of german shepard one should think that the breeder would have some choices...

but apparently no...too much inbreeding.

I had a welsh corgy....smart breeder they took a male was in no way related to the [censored]....never had a problem,he is 16 but damn he had a great life....

it mostly depends on the breeder and if they want great dogs or great trophy.

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no offense taken Dani, my bulldog is 7 years old now and other than the typical problems he has been in good health,

a real 60b teddy bear.

I agree that the constant over breeding has cause numerous problems and the fact is this breed is not well thought out in terms of their breathing ability, folds that are subject to infection, etc.

They have changed over time from a fighting dog that was excellently condition to an overweight dog with medical issues from day one, it is said that this was all done on purpose.

Personally as long as the owner is committed to loving and taking care of his or her dog I respect it.

Too many people take on a dog as a pet without thinking about the responsibility or financial committment required.

Hate the thought of the breed or not but you don't see pedigree Bulldogs at a rescue becuase their owners pay so much for the dog they will be more willing or able to pay for proper vet care which can be a problem with other breeds and non-pedigree dogs.

Before him I had a shepard/rotti mixed mutt. Monster of a dog at 120 lb. but the kindest/smartest dog I ever knew, at the time my lifestyle allowed me to spend the needed time with him and he went with me everywhere.

Dog never had any health issues in the 6 years I had him, was an easy and rewarding dog to own.

While not in my care over a weekend, he was left in a car on too hot a day, sad story died due to heat stroke in the car.

He will always hold a place in my heart.

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I way watched the whole vid and that ridgeback breeder who said

if the pup has no ridge she puts them down needs putting down


Someone would take that pup and have a very loving dog!

I know what roger means about time and the bulldog fitting his needs,

mine should fit in with my lifestyle well, gets daily walks but is also happy

to lounge.

Sorry to hear about the heatstroke, that's really sad mate :(

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damn...didn't watch to the freaky chick point....

putting down pups because they don't have a ridge and it is not up to standards? and that is in a ethics code? did they even look at a dictionnary first?

and what the hell is wrong with those german shepard breeders...

didn't even have the guts to finish looking at the video. I didn't know it was that bad.

those people don't like dogs...they just like to play god and create something "perfect" for their own selfish benefits.

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putting down pups because they don't have a ridge and it is not up to standards? and that is in a ethics code? did they even look at a dictionnary first?

That seems to be one of the problems: a standardized code of ethics regarding international breeding.

On a side note Dani my home state of Massachusetts actually had a line item on this year's election ballot to ban Greyhound racing...

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