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To all IT / mobile phone gurus


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For xmas the wife gave me a Nokia Xpress Music 5800, from Movistar here in Spain.

V.Nice, but I find out there are firmware updates since release - there have been 2 and so the latest is v.20.0 xxxxx (something). ALl to help many functional items including the image processing of the camera, which is to say the least, currently naff.....

OK - I have all the Nokia software in the PC, including Nokia Updater for exactly this - software updates.

Last night I tried and tried but was always told "nothing available".

Bit of googling, and I find that Movistar blocks many mobile models firmware upgrades......grrrrrrrr.

So - the Q is - how can I do firmware upgrades for the bloody phone, given that it's a Movistar one and they block it?


I know - I'm IT retarded. So treat me nice......

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Hi Laz and thanks.

Have googled and theres pages of articles so I'll read through.

But seems that changing the product code invalidates the warranty, and maybe not possible to go back.

Also some people who have changed the code and upgraded are reporting some problems.....

Bugger - thought this was going to be simple and risk free......

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It's all nuts.......................

One of the forums I consulted had a guy saying he didn't want to risk the warranty, nor risk screwing up, so he'd contacted Movistar service.

they did the upgrades and he's got the latest version working hunky dorey, and all legal like innit.....

So I spoke to customer service of Movistar - 30mins (free call) to their call centre somewhere in central America. Lots of holding and elevator muzak....

Finally they say call a local shop....

I call said shop - who says call a Nokia service centre, preferrably one inside a Movistar shop.

I find one close to work, and they say pop in with the phone and they should be able to legally update without invalidating the warranty.

So .... why the hell have they got updates blocked from the auto upgraders on the website, PC software, and phone itself.....??????????????????'

Ye gods......

So maybe this afternoon it'll be done.....

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All done. Quick visit to Nokia and updated........free....

Seems Movistar is crap at providing mobile manufacturers updates.

Warranty still intact....

If it's any consolation, not that unusual and certainly not just Movistar. Vodafone (as you know, also in Spain) are notorious for wanting their own firmware on their phones, particularly Nokia models (my experience), and are usually a good few months behind the standard firmware upgrades. And before I moved location a few years ago (where my now local Nokia operator always offers sim-free handsets fresh from Nokia not Vodafone-boxed-and-installed) I too experienced the frustrating wild goose chase you went on, more so because I've always been Mac-based so couldn't even attempt the online updates.

Mind you, that was before I gave up on a brief flirtation with N-series phones, and went back to my old S40-running, 2005-era firmware, and aesthetically gorgeous Nokia 8800 for calls (plus an iPhone 3G for email, web, music etc.). If you have to rely on phone software updates, then it's usually because there's recurrent bugs with the phone and/or OS, and frankly life is too short to be dealing with that constantly.

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