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The email account ozfirefund may have been hacked. I have just been booted off with the msg "You have been disconnected beacuse you have loged on on another computer" several times in a row. No credit card details are compromised 'cause I didn't have them in the first place (one of the reasons I set it up this way). How ever your email and postal addys may have been. Your postal addys are particial only, they do not contain your country of origen. If you recive any mail either postal or electronic from the Red Cross please enshure that it is from the Red Cross before replying. I would sugest emailing them via www.redcross.org.au for confirmation before taking any action. Do not reply before this step. If indeed you recive any mail you belive may be bogus please contact me ASAP as I have a contact with the AU Federal Police who can deal with the issue. Hopefully this is nothing but better safe than sorry.

All data identifying members has been removed from the mailbox.

Regards, Col.


The likelihood is still that this is just a technical hiccup. If you have Yahoo Messenger, I don't think you can be logged into both simultaneously possibly.

Suggestion - give the login details to someone you trust, let them try it on their PC, see if they have the same issue, and change the password for peace of mind.


Don't use MSGR. That was the bit that jagged me. Prob nothing but better safe than sorry. They have nothing but emails if it has been. It would be a logical target after all. Password was changed and problem went away, another pointer. As stated all personal info has been removed. I just would feel real bad if somone was scamed by an email apperently from the Red Cross. Incedently, all hard copies of recipts and any other personal info were shreded imediatly after the draw. They are now goat beding :)



give the login details to someone you trust, let them try it on their PC, see if they have the same issue
I did. they did :(

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