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Bush fire appeal wrap up.


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Well that went well. We raised a grand total of 6997 USD that's 10.155 AUD! Well done to all who contributed. Give your selvs a pat on the back. The total for the entire Red Cross fund has now risen over the 250,000,000 mark so a big difference will be made in the lives of those affected by the fires.

My thanks go to all who contributed prizes for this effort.










SFA347 (@ Geeks, I don't have a link)

And a cpl of anon doners who know who they are.

Thanks guys, without your generosity it would never have happened.

One of the best things in all of this for me was to see all four fora work together with a common goal, raising money for folks worse off than us. It just goes to show what can be achived if we all work as one.

Lots of thanks must also go to the Admins who allowed this to happen and lent me various facilities on the fora to make it so. Thanks also to Onzenuub who ran things at Repgeeks on my behalf as I don't frequent there. Thanks buddy!

Please reward those dealers who gave prizes by buying from them when you can. Each and every one of them is #1 to deal with and all round great guys. If you won a prize, please take the time to thank the prize giver via PM/email and if it was a dealer take some pics and do a little review of the item you won on your home forum. There were some damn nice prizes there and I'm jelous of some of you. Still can't get over that Key board, wow! Damn nice phone too. All the watches were of cause first class and the more personal prizes like badges and handmade pens are of cause extra special like things money can't buy allways are.

AFIK all should have their prizes by now execpt for a cpl still in transit. If you havn't and belive it should be there by now, please get in touch.

So in concluding, thanks one last time to one and all who made this possible and that's everybody!

Best regards, Col.

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10 grand Oz! Wow, what a great result.

Thanks to Col for all the time he put into this, the prize contributors, and of course the many donors from all the forums.

Just a fabulous result, which shows the watch people from all over have their hearts in the right place.

Hope it goes someway to easing the burden of those who suffered so terribly.


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It is a wonderful result and all who took part can pride themselves with the knowledge that they have honestly made a difference to the many families caught up in this massive tragedy.

No amount of money will ever replace all the lost loved ones and all the irreplaceable memento's gathered, in many cases, through numerous lifetimes.

What the money raised has done however is given those affected a chance to rebuild their homes and lives and put them squarely and soundly on the long road of recovery.

As an Aussie from Victoria I thank you all for rallying to the aid of my fellow Victorian's, the stories that have come out of these stricken towns are truly heartbreaking, some of my own friends have told of families they knew that were totally lost, yet the time for these shocking stories have past and now is a time for healing.

As to Col, I can only applaud his initiative and the following hard work to pull this combined forum fund raiser off and I would also like to point out that whilst he was at his busiest with this his own state (Queensland) was being devastated by severe flooding, so yes a herculean effort that we should all recognize.

Once again these boards have shown that whilst we collect replica watches we have real hearts.


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