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My thought's of this Memoeial Day Weekend are not at the beaches..nor my so called problems with the economy....

not this year...

They are with the Men and Women who gave unselfishly so we can enjoy the FREEDOM that is not FREE....

"Let Freedom Ring"

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

To the Men and Women of the Armed Forces

"My deepest Gratitude for your Sacrifice "

To the Families of Our Fallen Soldiers.

"With Deepest Gratitude for Your Ultimate Sacrifice...

Your Children, far from Home"

I pray you find peace in the thought that your Children gave the Ultimate Sacrifice for Our Freedom.




Here are some of the poems that touched my Soul...

- C W Johnson

We walked among the crosses

Where our fallen soldiers lay.

And listened to the bugle

As TAPS began to play.

The Chaplin led a prayer

We stood with heads bowed low.

And I thought of fallen comrades

I had known so long ago.

They came from every city

Across this fertile land.

That we might live in freedom.

They lie here 'neath the sand.

I felt a little guilty

My sacrifice was small.

I only lost a little time

But these men lost their all.

Now the services are over

For this Memorial Day.

To the names upon these crosses

I just want to say,

Thanks for what you've given

No one could ask for more.

May you rest with God in heaven

From now through evermore.

For so Long Memorial Day meant beaches.. barbeques .. no work.. This year seems so different.. no longer will I take for granted...

and after reading a Poem by a Fallen Soldiers Wife....

Dear My Fallen Soldier

About how a soldier


Right on.

My grandfather served our country in WWI.

My father served in WWII and Korea.

I served in Vietnam.

IF I had a son, he would have served in the Gulf War.

Freedom is NOT free.

Remember them all.


These heroes are dead. They died for liberty - they died for us. They are at rest. They sleep in the land they made free, under the flag they rendered stainless, under the solemn pines, the sad hemlocks, the tearful willows, and the embracing vines. They sleep beneath the shadows of the clouds, careless alike of sunshine or of storm, each in the windowless Place of Rest. Earth may run red with other wars - they are at peace. In the midst of battle, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death. I have one sentiment for soldiers living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead.


I feel as though words are not enough to convey the gratitude and appreciation that I feel for those fighting for our freedom, and those fallen for our country.

My heartfelt thanks... To those fighting for our liberties, and for their families...


This is a very hard day for me. I have nothing but the utmost respect and gratitude for ALL of our enlisted men and women. my grandfather was a Colonel who stormed the beaches at Normandy, and served in Korea. my grandmother was a pioneering member in the Women's Army Corps. We have lost them both in the last few years, and this day more than any other makes me remember them and everything they did for this country.

Thank you all, you will never be forgotten...

This is a very hard day for me. I have nothing but the utmost respect and gratitude for ALL of our enlisted men and women. my grandfather was a Colonel who stormed the beaches at Normandy, and served in Korea. my grandmother was a pioneering member in the Women's Army Corps. We have lost them both in the last few years, and this day more than any other makes me remember them and everything they did for this country.

Thank you all, you will never be forgotten...

Urabus,.. this Memorial Day feels very different from others...

My Uncles all served in the 442 during WWII ... before my time... but we in Hawaii grew up with their History, they were the all Japanese American Regiment that was made up from volunteers from Hawaii and the Mainland.. the most decorated regiment during the war. They sustained some of the heaviest casulaties.

they were known as the "Go for Broke" soldiers. .. they had something to prove..

Their Parents and siblings were put in internment camps here and on the mainland.. as were many citizens whose ancestors came from Foriegn shores.

Every year there are less and less of them at their reunion .. but we keep their legacy with the "Sons and Daughters" of the 442. Because they stand for more than just War Veterans.

They represent everything that this Country was founded on.. understanding and overcoming prejudice.. overcoming overwhelming odds,.. proving that so many different cultures can come together as one.

The one Uncle that is still alive .. all he say's is .. "We did our Duty".. end of story.. they were all proud to serve their Country.. when Congress issued a formal apology .. their parents lands were taken away after the attack on PH.... there was no bitterness .. no remorse .. They were just proud to have served.

It rained last night.. but today the sky is crystal clear.. and the National Cemetary of the Pacific.. at Punchbowl will be adorned with a small flag over each of the thousands of markers.. and Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troops will drape leis over each one...

Each and everyone gave their lives so we can live ours...


my grandparents were stationed in Hawaii for many years, my father was born on base there (all of their children were born on a base somewhere in the us). my grandparents never spoke of the worst of times. At both of their services the few surviving people they served with joined the honor guard in thanking them for their lifetime of serving their country.

on a side note, last week I signed my son up for scouts (tiger scout) and he was so excited. I thought about the story you told of watching your son become an eagle scout, and I felt so proud to be able to start the journey with my boy.

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