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did anybody already purchased (and propably disassembled... :D ) one of the new 7750 watches with additional GMT hand/ function? E.g. the Navitimer world. Does anybody know how the GMT function works/ what exactly the modification is? Is that 7750 reliable? I really don't know if that new mvt. has 28.800 beats.

I would be happy for enlightening me :thumbsupsmileyanim:


And up....

Did nobody purchased that Breitling Navitimer World with asian 7750 and GMT function yet? C'mon folks let's share your experiences :D

Best, Frank


I have not yet taken one apart but I can tell you that they are the more recent version of the asian 7750 and much much better finished. I have one in my PAM 24 and it works beautifully. Mostly it is the chrono functions that give these movts the problems ans since the chrono parts are not there problems gone!!

The Zigmeister had psoted that sometimes the pallet jewels were not glued in properly (not a difficult fix).

The GMT functionality will be achieved by fitting a hand to what would be the day display wheel instead of a disc with the days printed on it, which means a new gear wheel - very simple and not a cause for any concern.



thanks for your reply. Yes, I read Rob's review and his warnings due to cleaning the mvt. with ultra sonic because it could loose the pallet jewels. That's well known and can be avoid. But if that watch really has the old and rough 7750... I am afraid by asking some dealers I will be told all watches do have the new 28'800 7750 but as you know we've heard something like that regarding to the 14K TT watches, too. You know what I am meaning? It would be a pitty to get no good 7750 because I just received two (!) genuine Navitimer World dials. I would give away one if somebody is interested.

Just for your pleasure: A pic of my recently finished Franken-Avenger: Gen Dial, gen Hand set and swiss 7750.





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