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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Good morning guys, 1675 still on my wrist
    2 points
  2. Does anyone know if there is an OOTB non-ceramic GMT that will take a Gen Dial, Insert, and Crown, and possibly Gen Bezel assembly. I know that there are no acceptable 1675 reps but hope that there may be a 16710. Before anyone jumps on me, I have been searching and reading posts but honestly feel even more dumb now after doing so. So many of the topics are outdated, contradict one another it is frustrating. I have a 16710.Gen dial and insert I can get, and crowns are simple. Anyways, if anyone could let me know a TD, and model I would greatly appreciate it, or better yet if someone has one for sale it would be perfect. Thanks
    1 point
  3. I think this piece is one of those builds that is constantly evolving for me. I've made a number of revisions to this watch over the years; this one is (in my mind) finally edging ever closer to being finalized (methinks)... I managed to score one of those new, Rolli/FGD 201/A dials from Ogladio, who was an absolute gent and a great pleasure to work with! He zipped these parts over the Atlantic to get them in my hands in very short order; having rec'd them this morning, I went to work quickly as I was quite excited and very anxious to have these goodies before my eyes! I managed to modify the hands and get everything installed while on a conference call for work Don't think I heard a word of what went on during the call, but I did manage to enjoy the process of doing a little watch work, which I have to admit I have not done in quite some time. Anyways... On to some pics... You'll have to excuse me on these as they are a mix of DSLR and cell phone images. And... There aren't too many images either, I'm afraid. I was already multitasking enough as it was! Gorgeous dial! It's got a nice, semi gloss/semi matte finish, though it appears more matte in this pic than it really is! Modded hands... Edges and center opening given a bit of a rub to expose some brass On to business... Side by side with my Steph_Dexter prototype dial; also a great dial in it's own right! Buttoned up... That 6... Thanks for looking! //ubi
    1 point
  4. Start today off with my gen Datejust
    1 point
  5. I second that ,stunning. May have commission a Date ii ,need the larger case.
    1 point
  6. I'll join the GMT party. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. I just love it when You take one glance at a watch and immediately notice it´s something very special - and this one does it. Beautiful Datejust - congrats:)
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Now I wonder what a 6542 GMT version of this would look like. At that point it's all fantasy. Get a decent gilt dial print, any custom hands and use a + crown or maybe even Adrian's 700 crown to build that or with newer rivet bracelet. Hmmmm
    1 point
  10. Sent from my droptop using telepathy [emoji466]️
    1 point
  11. Still lugging this old thing around
    1 point
  12. That is the perfect base watch. In the Tempus Machina specifications list, they flat out say they use the 114060 as their base for this, and then they machine the sh#t out of the case to make it thinner, remove the crown guards, add chamfering, lugholes, and alter the profile shape.
    1 point
  13. Spent a late evening last night working on this one. Just a couple of pics for now… Cheers, and Happy 4th! //ubi
    1 point
  14. Work in Progress mate...provided there's no more unwelcome attitude on this forum we'll make a lot of peoples project dreams come true
    1 point
  15. Thanks Kilowattore for your grown up input. I'm also hacked off with the less than friendly tone in this thread ....I thought RWG was supposed to be the Friendliest Watch Forum on The Planet ! As Rolli's "silent' partner on these projects I choose to stay in the background, but there's been a pretty miserable assault on Rolli's motives and character here and that's not on. I don't control Rolli or try to , neither do I necessarily agree with everything he says or believes. We've had disagreements but understand each other better as a result , that's how partnerships work. I do know that his desire to make dials is because he is absolutely and totally passionate about Panerai and is about as true a hobbyist you'll find on this forum or any other. This 000 dial was a labour of love for Rolli , not my personal taste as I have ample base dials in my collection and there is only one "King" 201/A as far as logo dials go. He had the desire and means to do it , so he made a very very limited run and made available to those who wanted it. There's been a few assertions that these are copies of a Noob dial , Asian made dials , large profits being made , people being misled etc etc, but as partner , I invest half of the production costs and have records of every single invoice and payment received so it's time to state a few home truths for those who are bothered to know: - Every single step of the manufacturing of these dials is done in Switzerland , the only parts made in Asia are the Pre-V hands from Helenarou - which I purchased without lume many years ago. - If you take the money Rolli and I have invested and divided it by the number of dials we have each received from these projects - we have paid more than double per dial than what we sell them for ! - I conservatively estimate that Rolli has invested over 1000 hours of his own time in the last 12 months to make these projects a reality and paid meticulous attention to detail every step of the way. - In each production run , despite the highest standards and precautions, there are dials with flaws , so on these very small runs, the yield is far less than expected and as such there has not been enough dials to make a profit. - All the money that has been raised from sales , has been re-invested in the next dial production, which is why these dials are made WITHOUT pre-orders and requests for deposits from people. We actually don't want to take anyone's money until we're satisfied we have a dial ready so pay all the costs upfront ourselves. As FGD , I made hundred of dials and hands for the members of this forum and due to my inferior production methods was to able to offer these are far lower prices than Rolli's. In the end though, poor yields , production problems , delays and the deluge of PM's and emails you receive made me call it a day. I just could not get the standard of dial I and others wanted this way. Rolli took up the gauntlet and used his engineering and business skills to build a network of high end Swiss contacts and asked if I wanted to go into partnership with him. The results are what you see today. So there you have it . For those of you who have been great supporters , bought dials , gave advice but most of all enjoyed these projects , thank you. For those who want to b1tch and moan about someone's "charity" work then try Jack Warner , he's got a lot more questions to answer....... FGD
    1 point
  16. There's a lot of things one can buy rather than building. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Interesting... What I see here in these pictures is different gen dials, with different thickness of font, numbers and indexes, no doubt from different years of production. The pictures you show prove Rolli's and FGD's point. Thanks for sharing them.
    1 point
  18. Mr Bozz, No replica dials were used as reference for this dial or any others. We have physical genuine dials including 000, 001, 002, 003,061,082,024 and 023 plus many high resolution scans of other genuine dials care of friends on this forum and others. Whilst I can appreciate not everyone will like this dial , your stating that a Noob dial was used as reference is 100% incorrect. Best FGD
    1 point
  19. Wow, have you guys seen the latest instagram pics? What a watch, I'm in love it's official I want one
    1 point
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