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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Finally back online, but unfortunately on a week old backup (Well, since the board went down on friday and the backup is from tuesday, it's more like 3 days old)

    I've still got a bunch of errors to figure out, but never in my entire computer life have I ever had this run of bad. I'll get back to you with more details when I find the time, but just to give you a hint; The server died on Friday because of a fire in the server :o

  2. Have just added a small, but useful feature for our members, who sometimes seems to be experts in going off topic in topics. So what could be more useful than a off-topic tag ;)

    Here is what I have written on the topic


    This is totally off topic, but I just had to show off this new off-topic text

    The post uses the off-topic tags, as you can see below.

    Here is what I have written on the topic

    [ot]This is totally off topic, but I just had to show off this new off-topic text[/ot]

  3. Well, as some of you might be aware of, we have been having some big problems with the payment system over the last couple of weeks. Basically an upgrade from the creators of the forum software screwed things up majorly and both me and them have not been able to fix this. Because of this, I will have to go through all recurring memberships (these are the ones causing problems) and I will cancel the recurrence, refund the last payment and then reset all purchases. So if you have been a VIP or platinum member and your account is downgraded all of a sudden, this will most likely be the reason. You will also see a couple of e-mails from PayPal regarding a refund and a cancelled subscription. I am truly sorry about this, and I hope the members who we have to downgrade because of this will use our store and upgrade their memberships immediately again; http://www.rwgforum.com/store/

    I will, as far as possible, notify all members who we downgrade by PM also. Please contact me by e-mail on admin@rwg.cc if you have any questions or if you think you have been downgraded by a mistake.

    Your support is highly appreciated and what keeps this forum going.

  4. As some of you may know, the forum software was upgraded a couple of weeks ago. This upgrade included several new things and one of these new things was a new and improved "store" where members can purchase and manage their upgraded memberships. After some initial problems and some help to iron out the bugs from the makers of the software we are using, it seems that thing were working again. I have no been getting almost 40 PM's over the last 24 hours with people who have been downgraded from their VIP or platinum status due to these problems. As of now there are 2 ways to solve this, where option 2 will be the solution that will upgrade your membership again immediately

    1. PM me and let me know that you have been downgraded and give me your PP address at the same time

    2. Re-upgrade your membership ( http://www.rwgforum.com/store ) then PM me with your PP address and I will cancel your old payment cycle and refund the latest payment

    I am sorry for any inconveniences caused.

  5. We are constatnly upgrading the forum software and this is the most likely reason Tapatalk will stop to work. As soon as they release new versions that support the current forum software, I will usually install it right away, like I did today. So basically everything should be working now, but can stop working any moment. TapaTalk is a feature we offer all members, but we provide no support or guarantees that it will work ;)

  6. Just a small FYI; For some reason all payments require manual approval at the moment, event though I have set these to be automagically accepted. Because of this, your upgrade will not be fully automated at the moment and your donation will not show up immediately. I am looking into this and hopefully it won't take long before it is fixed.

  7. I have just installed a new system that will allow for better handling of both upgrades, donations and other "stuff" ;)

    First of all, it should now be easier than ever to upgrade your membership. Just use the link in the top menu that says "Upgrade your membership". Upgrading your membership is done in 3 simple steps.

    You can now administer your purchases (upgrades, donations, etc), you can donate from a new "Client area" + you can get support/help


    All active subscription/upgraded memberships have been moved to this section.

    Also, you will notice that we now have a Donation "widget" in the right sidebar, where current donation needs will show up. If you want to upgrade your membership, please use the "Upgrade membership" link in the top menu, as donations will not upgrade your membership.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  8. The e-mail notification should now be fixed. We have a backlog of about 7000 e-mails that the server started working on a couple of hours ago, so you have probably already received a bunch of old notifications. As soon as all of these have cleared, you should start getting your "regular" notifications.

  9. The site is working perfect for me in all browsers. One suggestion for all of you with problems; Download CCleaner (an essentil utility on any PC's. Don't think there is a Mac version available); http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner

    Download, install it and run it. Make sure all the boxes below Internet Explorer is checked in the Windows-tab and if you have any other browsers, have a look at the Application-tab and check all boxes below the corresponding browser. Hit "Analyze" and let the program do it's thing. Once you get the results, hit "Run Cleaner".

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