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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Had to laugh when I saw this in the description; unmolested & serviced

    Do you guys remember Captain Koons in Pulp Fiction;

    "The way your dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright. He'd be damned if any slopes gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright, so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you. "

    Guess it's a good thing it is "unmolested" :D

  2. First of all, let me just say "Thank you very much" to the members who have used the "Donate"-link over the last couple of days to send donations. Very much appreciated. Unfortunately it seems that the donation tracker, that is supposed to track these donations are not working, so even though we are receiving all your payments, they are not registered in the donation tracker. I am taking the tracker offline right now for further investigation and hopefully it won't take long before this issue is fixed.

  3. Had to re-visit this thread, as I have updated my shaving habits over the last couple of weeks. Been shaving for 20 years now and I've always been using the multi-blade razors from Gillette. Been pretty satisfied with them, but I have almost since I started shaving been having minor issues with ingrown hairs. Well, after taking the advice from a friend of mine, I recently bought myself a nice Edwin Jagger shaving brush and a Merkur 34C DE Razor with Feather blades. As you can see, the blades are really cheap and they are EXTREMELY sharp.

    Bought the brush first and I have to admit I really like using a brush + it works the shaving cream better into my beard. The razor was kinda scary and I have to admit that I was 100% sure that I would cut myself 100 times. After having watched a couple of shaving videos online, I had use my new razor for the first time. Totally different technique and almost no pressure required. The blades are so sharp and since there is only one blade, it is very easy to rinse off the hairs. Sure, I did cut myself a couple of times, but just because I managed to shave against the growth direction of my beard. All in all, I was rather satisfied and the shave was almost as smooth as what I was used to from the Gillette razors. I've read that it takes 3-4 shaves with this kinda razor until your skin gets used to it and I had a much "rawer" sensation in my skin after shaving with this razor, so I used twice as much balm as I usually do. To make a long story short; Been using these things for over a month now and I really like these new additions to my bathroom shelf and my Mach3 will probably not get anywhere near my face any longer. Really starting to get the hang of my new razor and my shaves are as close, or perhaps closer, than ever. I also think the shaving is much more comfortable and I have to admit that I don't mind paying $8 for 10 blades when each blade can deliver 7-8 comfortable shaves :) + haven't had a single ingrown hair the last couple of weeks.

  4. To all of those who have IE and problems with the reply box. Please try emptying your browser cache, temporary internet files and cookies;

    1. Exit Internet Explorer 7, and then exit any instances of Windows Explorer.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • In Windows Vista, click Start Collapse this imageExpand this imageVistaStartButton.jpg, type inetcpl.cpl in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
      • In Windows XP, click Start, click Run, type inetcpl.cpl in the Open box, and then press ENTER.
    [*]On the General tab, click Delete under Browsing History in the Internet Properties dialog box.[*]In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, click Delete Cookies and Delete Files.[*]In the dialog box, click Yes.


    Not sure if it will work, but this is a general tip that will allow you to get rid of older files that might be causing problems.

  5. New version of the forum software has been installed. This is a maintenance release that fixes dozens of bugs, including the really annoying one that doesnt let you mark forums/threads as reads + display issues with emotcons.

    Because of this upgrade, you might experience that some of our additional service doesn't work. I will be taking care of this over the next couple of days.

    In addition to this, I have installed the same search engine as we previously used. This should give you better and more relevant hits. The search indexes are updated every 15 minutes.

  6. Nanuq - Are you guys working on the Go to first unread post function (new_post.png), which has not been working for the past 2-3 weeks?

    This, and the "Mark as read"-links that are not working is a bug with the forum software. It has been reported to the makers of the forums software and it has been marked as critical. Basically that means that it will be fixed in the next release or sooner.

  7. And just as an FYI, since I have seen the question raised in some threads;

    We utilize a custom made piece of software for these raffles. As soon as I approve the last payments in ever lottery, the script uses a random function to draw x winner(s) from the tickets bought. If anybody has any doubts about this routine, I welcome anybody to have a look at the code to see have things work or have a programmer look at the code. The script was originally developed for the raffles at TRC and have been used for over 50 raffles now.

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