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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Well, since most people seems to be fairly confused about this new link, I thought it might be a good idea to explain how you can control how it works. You can either set it to display all new posts since you last logged in (default setting) or you can have it display all unread topics. This is how you do it;

    Click on "My settings" in your usermenu;


    At the bottom of the first page you come to, there is a dropdown menu that let's you control the behaviour of this feature;


    There is also another drop-down menu below ehere you can decide how you want the results displayed.

  2. Also, when the little window popped up to insert the image I could not see any text at all on it. I just pasted in the link, hit enter and crossed my fingers. Maybe some Java update required?

    The upload utilize either Flash or regular forms with post-commands, so no java update should be required. If you have the flash uploader enabled, you could try turning it off in the "My settings;



  3. You guys need to give me some more details. Telling me that all of this sucks, the site is slow and nothing works is not helpful at all.

    The time it takes to generate a webpage on the server is always displayed at the bottom of the page. As I have said before, most pages are generated in less than 0.5 seconds. After the page is generated, the page is then sent to your browser. Now this new look relies havily on CSS and stylesheets. Because of this, there are not that many pictures that needs to be downloaded to your computer, so the pages should load fairly fast. We are on a very fast connection our of NL and most members have reported a significant improval of the speed after the upgrade. Have you perhaps tried a trace-route to the server?

    Also, why is the PM popup a hit and miss? Is it that you just don't like it because of the design? Is it to obtrusive? If you don't like it, feel free to use "My settings" to turn it off"

    Also, what part of the search does not work? We are using the same search engine we used on the old format (Sphinx), so there should be no difference in how it indexes the content of all posts. Do you get an error message when you use it? What is the error message?

    Same with template issues for profiles. Where? Screenshot?

    Pretty much everything is working as it is supposed to work for me. Only one thing that I have found so far that does not work and that's the fact that you for some reason can't click "Vew New Content" when you are reading your PM's

    We have over 21000 members and perhaps 50 members have some sort of problem so I would imagine that the site works like it is supposed to to for a great majority of the members. That being said; I want things to work as good as possible for all members, but you need to help me out with more details about the stuff that doesn't work for you.

    Also, many members have experienced great speed improvements after cleaning out their cookies and temporary internet files. There could be some old cookies from the old domain that screw things up and there could also be some old cached stylesheets, images, etc. that has an impact on your usage of the forum.

  4. Upgrade link is back - It is now possible for all members to upgrade again and you should also be able to manage your subscription better. More improvements to come, as this piece is still beta software

    Donations are also up and running again. Use the donation link if you want to donate funds to RWG or pay the xx% from the auction you have posted.

    Shoutbox is back, as you probably have noticed. If you don't want it at the top of the forum, you can click the the click the "My prefs" button and select No where it says "Display Global Shoutbox".

    New links added to the user drop down menu for easy access to My topics, My posts and Update status;


    If you have updated your status, your current status will show up in your posts. (Just have a look at this post as an example, top right corner...Off to bed....)

    Some minor changes done to the skind files and stylesheets. More to come.

  5. My, my...I see all the Apple fanboys are awake today :p

    Personally, I use both Mac and PC. I also usually do a full restore on both machines at least once a year, where I reinstall fresh backup of the OS and all my programs. All of this is stored in a way so that the entire operation takes less than 30 minutes. All personal files, etc are on partitions that are not affected by the restore, so all you have to do once the backup is online is install the latest patches, updates, etc. Easy peasy and keeps the system fast and stable.

    I guess all of this boils down to a matter of what you prefer and how much money you want to spend. No matter what, a PC is still less expensive than a Mac with the same feature set, but with the MAC you get a very easy to use OS and many good preinstalled programs. If you have the chance, borrow yourself a Mac and perhaps a new PC with W7 installed and try them both.

  6. Looks good. Thanks for all the hard work. Now I just have to figure out how to use all this new stuff :)

    I am having the same problem as deltatahoe...no next page button.

    The pagination is showing up just fine here; both at the top and of the bottom of the page;


  7. Well, as I have said before; this is not just change for the sake of change. The makers of the forum software we use have released their newest piece of software and this has been rewritten from scratch. There were some security holes on the version we were running, so when an upgrade was due, it was this or change to another piece of forum software. Changing to another forum software soon turned out to be impossible, as none of the "converters" supported the various data we have here. All new the "skinds/looks" that are release to the V3 version of the forum software use the same features and they are pretty much placed the same way things are here. The color schemes and looks are of course different, depending on the designer who have created it. Also, we could of course have gone with the default skin, but we want RWG to have some personality. We have over 21000 users here and there is no way am able to please all of them.

    Also, if you want more posts per page (if that's what you are refering to with the "extra short thread page lengths", you can adjust it to your personal liking here; http://www.rwgforum.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=forums

  8. Shouldn't be any problems using it on a Mac, although I have not tested it with safari. As you can see at the bottom, the pages are usually generated in less than 0.5 seconds and we are on a gigabit connection with the ISP, so there should be no reasons for it to be slow...

  9. Interesting read. Change is never easy. We have change the look of RWG a couple of times of the past years and it's been the same every time; some mebers like it others doesn't like it and some hate it (Maybe the same members also?? *Running for cover* :lol:). To be honest, I do agree on a lot of the stuff that has been said about the "look" of the forum and I know we have a lot of people here who refuse to admit that they need glasses ;) When selecting the new look for the forum, there are many factors to concider and I think many of you would have just preferd a forum with very "soft" colors and black text all over for readability. But I have to consider more than that when making a selection. I'm not going to go through all the factors here, but in the end, I a also like a forum that is easy on the eyes, easy to read and easy to navigate. This is also what this forum will become over the next couple of weeks. There are many minor tweeks that will be done to the fonts, colors, etc. How many of you have noticed that all the text in the posts have changed from a semi-dark blue to a dark-grey today, to improve readability? :D

  10. If you are running an older version of IE, you are basically crazy! There are so many security holes in the older (and new versions also, actually) that you are literally begging for trouble. Always keep your software and Anti-virus updated + have a firewall installed on your computer. I would like to recommend the Secunia Personal Software Inspector from the security experts at Secunia (These people have reported tons of bugs to Microsoft and other software companies) It will scan your computer and let you know if you have insecure software installed on your computer. It doesn't recognize all software, but a lot;


    You can also do an online scan at their website; http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/online/

    Just to end this lecture; Microsoft is once again breaking their regular update/bug-fix schedule today to release an emergency update to IE8 to patch a very serious bug in their ActiveX/Killbit handling that will allow anybody to run whatever they want on your computer if you visit a website with harmful code.

  11. The GTG forum has been removed to shorten down our front page. All posts have been moved to GD

    Anybody knows how to find the LINKS tab.

    I want to buy a new strap for my PAM.

    Carpe Diem


    The links will be brought back in a day or two

  12. p.s.

    what happened to the Trader feedback feature ?


    why can't i reply to messages received in my inbox ?

    As I announced before the upgrade; Many features would go missing because of the upgrade. All the data for the Traders feedback is stored in case the author of the plugin decides to upgrade his software to fit with this version of the forum software.

    The upgrade is also the reason you cannot reply to your "old" PM's. You will have to write a new reply for your PM if you are trying to reply to someone.

  13. re: other comments above regarding PMs, for what it's worth (and note that i'm at work on ie6), i can't see any of my PMs on the normal RWG skin, but they show up using the dark side skin :g:


    Strange. I will have to have a look at that also. Added to my list.

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