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Posts posted by Admin

  1. It you have not done so, this is an excellent opportunity; Upgrade your brwoser to the latest version available. If you are using Internet Explorer, I would highly recommend an upgrade to Opera/Firefox/Chrome, but that's just a matter of personal taste ;)

    The reason I am recommending this is that a couple of members have contacted me and told me "This doesn't work and that doesn't work" After some investigation, we've discovered that they have all been on older versions of their browsers (Some even on IE6 :o) ;))

    The forum software we are using relies on modern technology and modern programing routines. Unfortunately, not all older browsers are capable of handling this, so if you have ever looked for an excuse to upgrade you have one,

  2. Well, I am going to start off here then; My mother recently finished her education to become a skin care therapist (or something like that). A couple of weeks ago she showed up at our house with some weird looking bottles and tubes and told me that she wanted me to try some shaving cream + some 100% natural after shave balm. "Hell, no!" was my initial reaction. I've been using shaving foam for the last 20 years and I didn't see the need to change. Anyway, I did try it and I was so disappointed. I LOVED it. (Don't you just hate it when your mother still knows best :D) The shaving cream just made a thin, oily white layer on my skin that made the razor glide really well. It is supposed to prevent razor burns and ingrown hair. Don't have tu much of a problem with any, but any problems I've had are all gone. So now I am hooked. Recently ordered some shaving cream from Anthony Logistics + after shave balm and I have to admit that I am really satisfied with it. It contains some peppermint leaf extract (peppermint oil, I guess) so I am left with a really refreshing feeling when I have shaved. Anybody else have any experiences with this stuff?

  3. it looks cool but i'm old and crotchity, any chance you can reload the old skin?

    No. The old skins no longer works as everything has been changed in this version of the forum software. And you are not old, A, so you'll get the hold of it ;)

  4. Well, it will be interesting to see how things go throughout the day. Especially interested to see the server load and how fast the forum load. We have changed to a new ISP, so I would be very interested to hear som opinions on speed from our US members, as I have received many complaints from US based members that the forum loaded extremely slow, which I blamed back then on our bandwidth.

  5. Well, the upgrade was taking much longer than I expected, so I decided to put the forum back online ahead of schedule. All the big bits and pieces has been fixed, but there is still a bunch of minor adjustments to be made to our new look and many new features that have not been added yet. Anyway, here is a quick summary of what's new so far;

    The forum has been updated to the latest version of the forum software available. Unfortunately, there are many big changes in this new version and this might have caused some attachments, links, etc. to go missing. Same goes for the PM system, as this is brand new and there might be som images, smilies, etc. missing from PM's. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about this. If there is anything important missing from a post or a PM, I suggest you contact the poster/Sender and have them edit their post or resend you a PM with what you want.

    The forum has been moved to a new address; http://www.rwgforum.com. Feel free to update your bookmarks, but you should be redirected if you use any old bookmarks.

    The forum is now running on 2 dedicated servers; 1 webserver and 1 database server. We hope this will give all our members a good browsing experience. This setup might need some adjustments as we go along, so please have patience if unexpected things happen ;)

    The forum layout needs many minor adjustments (fonts' font colors, etc). This will be fixed as soon as possible.

    Icons, etc are missing. These will be added

    The allowed size for avatars have been increased to 200x200px

    The forum structure has been changed and a new section has been added; Gentlemens lounge - http://www.rwgforum.com/forum/105-gentlemens-lounge/ This is a place where men can discuss style, clothing, lifestyle, exersise, etc. Women are of course also allowed, but we are allowing men to be men in here, so this area may contain nudity (Well, not right now. Now it's empty. Go and make your first post there! NOW!!! ;)

    Members trade reviews have been added to the trade area

    Dealer reviews have been added to their respective area

    Genuine watches area have been added to the trade area. Please observe our high value sale rules!

    Dealers and accessory dealers have been moved into a new forum. This has been done to shorten down our massive front page. You can get there by clicking the links to the sub-forums where they are.

    New, dark skin available for our "light sensitive" members; The Dark Side of RWG. You can change to this using the drop-down menu at the bottom left of the forum.

    As you can see, there are many new things just in the new forum software and more will be added in the next couple of days.

    Currently, it is not possible to upgrade your membership. I hope to have available the newest and most stable subscription/upgrade manager later today

    Well, that's about it for now. Gonna get some dinner and take the rest of the night of before I start fixing and adding stuff again. Will also e-mail all members that the forum is back online. I hope you all enjoy our new forum and feel free to add any feedback in this thread.

  6. Good luck. Will the upgrades include an iPhone skin? :)

    Unfortunately, that is not on the to-do list for tomorrow. I'll go ahead and add it to the wish list.

    I don't mind losing the shoutbox, but any chance of the 'quick reply' icons, like "I agree"/"I disagree"? They were great for commenting on posts :)

    It doesn't look like that exact feature will ever return. The guy who made the modification is no longer upgrading it and I haven't seen anybody else express an interest in taking over his idea and upgrade it to the current code base.

    Off to bed now. I have a suspicion that tomorrow will be a long day....

  7. Well, I am back from my vacation and I am getting ready to go through with a major upgrade of the forum software, as promised a couple of weeks ago.

    So, starting Sunday, when I get out of bed and have finished my breakfast, the forum will be taken offline. To be honest, I have no idea how long the upgrade will take, because there is a shitload of work to do. I previously posted that it would take 24-48 hours and I still hope this is the case and it should certainly not take any longer. I am hoping for 24 hours or less, but do not be surprised if it takes longer. As usual, I will put up a status page where you can follow the progress. On this same page, you will be able to log on to several chat-rooms and hang out with other members waiting ;)

    Now, let me just tell you all straight away that because of this upgrade, many features will disappear. This is of course unfortunate, but for now there is nothing I can do about this. I will of course store all the data for these features in case some of them are upgraded and made compatible with the latest forum upgrade. Fortunately, the new forum software contains many new and very nice features and some of these will replace current features.

    That's about it for now. I'll get back to you with more details if possible. If not, you will automatically be redirected to the status page, starting this Sunday, and I will post any important info there + keep you up to date on how things are coming along.

  8. It is indeed a pleasure to welcome a new dealer on board. But please bear in mind that none of the dealers here come with any recommendations from any of the admin team members or the admin team. We have not ordered from these dealers and most often these people are added after recommendation from our members. It is you, the customers, who decide by posting your experiences with the dealers who are the judges on how good a dealer is. Our general recommendation, regardless of who you buy from, is "Buyers beware".

  9. Well, let me just first of all say that the forum update will be delayed. I am waiting for a specific module to be upgraded and it is supposed to be finished this week, but I have my doubts that it will be. Basically I will not upgrade the forum software until this is ready. On top of that I am leaving for my vacation on either friday, saturday or sunday and will be gone at least for 14 days, so I prefer to do this when I get back and have more time on my hands. So nothing to worry about until I am back then ;)

    I will however try my best to figure out why the board is running so slow and fix this before I leave.

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