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Everything posted by jnagy

  1. pugwash,i don't feel i won anything,just a friendly conversation.but if anyone is interested, on another topic in the off topic forum a gentleman discusses how he ruthlessly murdered a huge spider in thailand i think.i think i will start a save the spiders fund. ;)is that different than mistreating dogs?
  2. threads don't get good UNTIL god shows up.pugwash misses my point.i totally agree that without god ,man is just part of nature.no better ,no worse than anything else.therefore ,any behavior is excused as animal.and therfore natural.pugwash,you are using christian ideas of right and wrong to try and defend the point we don't need religion anymore.again your arguement fails.close down the discussion.why don't people like to talk about religion?most people on the planet have some type of faith,evolutionists have more faith than anyone.but nobody likes to talk about it.strange. /
  3. pugwash, i wasn't implying you are anything.please don't pick a part of my statement and respond,respond to the whole thing.non-belief in god doesn't make you a rapist, but if you were,it would make it excusible.after all,human nature is the same as animal nature,correct?or am i missing something in regards to my understanding of nature/evolution?if you have a desire to do something, who am i ,or who is anyone to tell you what is right in regard to your desires?again, your idea of right and wrong ceases to be valid due to the fact another group of people positively has another idea of right and wrong.if you want your idea to be valid,you MUST enforce it.and that is how leaders like pol-pot,stalin,hitler,idi-amin and others tried to enforce their ideas.and it is how modern leaders in kosovo,sudan,darfur,china,iran,iraq,intend to enfoce their ideas as well.you obviously believe those leaders are evil as any rational human does.but they are POSITIVELY excused under natural law,due to the fact those men were just doing what any TRUE evolutionist should do if he/she wants to be king of the species.if you want something you absolutely have to take it or get out of the way of someone stronger and more motivated so humans can continue to advance.according to an evolutionist hitler should be a genius.if someone doesn't believe that statement and CLAIMS to be an athiest/evolution believer ,then that person may need to seriously rethink their beliefs.interestingly,the whole basis of the satinist bible is that if you feel like doing something you should do it.why do we as people feel the need to repress any feelings we have?no,i'm not calling anyone a satinist.but as an atheist nobody should be offended at this due to the fact if you don't believe in ultimate good,you cannot believe in ultimate evil.they cease to exist.but,we all know that is a bunch of bolderdash.we know good when we see it and we know evil when we see it.this whole idea of going out and getting what you want is all over american schools,nobody says anything about it,then we complain when our children commit unspeakable acts or don't know how to behave.something is wrong.
  4. if god exists,there will be alot of people in alot of trouble.if not,who gives a rip who does what.if someone is robbed,raped,if retarded people are murdered,DOGS EATEN,kids murdered,species exterminated,who cares.we will just be ruled by nature and nature is cold and cruel.all those things could be deemed ok in the animal kingdom.those are the things animals do to survive.bottom line.you cannot disbelieve in god AND whine at some perceived injustice.as soon as you turn away from god,your viewpoint should turn to might makes right.therfore if you don't like the fact someone eats dogs or chooses to raise a handicapped child,go get an army and see who's right.if you WHINE and don't do anything about it yourself,YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM,AND SHOULD BE ELIMINATED ON THE BASIS OF YOUR OWN BELIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or it could be alot of people aren't really sure what they believe.if that is the case you might want to throw out your computer and get every book on religion,philosophy,life,death,everything,lock yourself in your room and figure it out.
  5. that's the spirit!i could use some more real brazilian hardwood watchboxes,also!just playing.i'm all for environmental protection,i am an avid fisherman.but,the fact is that the earth could support a much larger population than it currently has.with all the technology out there you would think we could come up with something like cleaner fuel,water desalanization plants for abundant water,something.fact is if there is no money in it,it won't get done no matter how much someone cries about it.also,if there is money in it,it will get done,no matter who gets hurt or killed in the process.there is evil in the world.
  6. again,another fact:all the people in the world today could fit inside the city limits of jacksonville,florida.it is nowhere near being overpopulated.think the american west,siberia,australia,almost all of south america.nobody lives there,plenty of room!read Karl Marx.lowering the world population to manageable levels is an old communist idea.for anybody interested,google "american stonehenge",or "georgia guidestones".very eerie crap.lowering of the world population is very high on someones list.read the number of people that would be considered acceptable.do the math.
  7. correct again,demon slayer.it is a matter of what you WANT to eat,not what you have to eat.
  8. as the world population grows,so will the amount of evil done in it.but,out of this evil true love can be displayed.without one you cannot have the other,so all is not doom and gloom.rarely do you see any GOOD news published.only the bad news seems to be worthy of mainstream coverage.one has to look elsewhere to see the good done in the world.man,did i say that mushy stuff?doc savage is correct in saying humans are utterly defenseless now.not a single person i know could survive a month in the wild without a gun.we are totally reliant on technology for our survival.humans never change, only technology changes.at least in modernized countries.
  9. we have the right teeth to eat fish?my teeth look nothing like a shark's teeth.again, teeth mean nothing when it comes to type of food eaten.i would also like to ask Dani, who started this topic,what makes him think we can evolve into a more civil human.we just emerged from the bloodiest century in human history.seems we're headed the other direction.
  10. demon slayer is correct about humans not being originally designed to eat meat.but,we sure eat it now.ok,i've figured out the most humane way to kill an animal.wait until it falls asleep then shoot it in the head.voila!also,in reply to doc savage's post about teeth:they mean nothing when it comes to what type food an animal eats.a gorilla has huge sharp daggers for teeth and they are herbivores.there is also a deer species that has huge canine teeth.the majority of a bears diet consists of vegetable matter.even a hummingbird has teeth and they drink nectar.
  11. i can't stand the fact i have a question mark beside my name.i feel as if i'm being discriminated against.
  12. are you the one responsible for the little blue question mark beside my name,anton?is that what you mean?no problem if that was you.i can be confusing at times.what is the world's largest ungulate?giraffe?
  13. what?
  14. i did go back and see where you said you,ve hunted ,victoria.myself included.not so much anymore.i still fish all the time,mostly trout.sometimes when i'm in the river and catch a fish i just hit his head on a rock until he quits moving,then stuff it down my waders.i will be the first to admit this is very brutal.but if i want meat it has to be done.if i thought i could stay big and strong eating veggies i would.but you cannot get enough protein from vegetables unless you eat your bodyweight everyday or have a special stomach.but i mostly practice catch and release so there will be enough fish in the future.anybody else here a natural born killer of animal life?also a post earlier said something about china being a cause of alot of animals becoming endangered.who cares as the strong ones will survive and go on to mutate into new stronger better suited animals that will one day challenge us for supremecy of the globe.shouldn't we just wipe them out now and save ourselves the trouble in the future?only kidding.but aren't new animals evolving as we speak?i'll answer that myself.NOPE.that is why everyone is concerned about endangered species.we instinctively know when they are gone,that's it,end of the road.nothing new coming up the evolutionary tree.
  15. who here has actually killed an animal before?i'd hate to think this is a bunch of people talking about things they know nothing about other than what somebody told them.
  16. killing and death are the result of SIN.at all levels.unfortunately,if you want meat,you must kill.according to the bible,when the earth is rejuvinated,the lion will lay down with the lamb and eat grass like an oxen!no more lions eating animals alive on the plains of africa.bye the way IS it cruel when an animal like lion or bear or crocodile brutally kills by all kind of methods?you must ask yourself if you are the product of evolution or a loving god.if you believe in evolution,like the majority of chinese,then who cares how you treat your food.it is just food.
  17. cool,i contacted navigater and he has correct parts.now i need the best lume for a sandwich dial.
  18. where did you find a 2893-2?
  19. we are a few bombs away from the stoneage.if it comes down to starving or eating, after a while some people would eat other people.civilization is just a thin veneer of technology.read the bible.people are just as savage as we have always been,we don't change.i agree it is plain cruel.is there a less cruel way to exterminate an animal that you are about to ingest?point is, it is all cruel.if you don't like it eat vegetables.or is it cruel to cut down corn in the prime of it's life and drown it in butter?hindus think it disgusting that i would eat a cow.jewish people would rather die than eat a pig.i eat bacon by the pound.aboriginies eat ANYTHING.it is just food.
  20. well,i'd post photos but i don't have a camera.is that weird?anyway i assure you it is a plain old undecorated swiss eta 6497.if i can find them i'm going to go with evildee's parts he listed. [240 and 250 ]
  21. man this gets confusing.i have a SWISS eta to modify.confident i can do the work.are the above photos the correct parts or not?i guess i can buy the shorter H2 and the H3 if worse comes to worse.try it and see,right?
  22. i did search around a little but didn't find numbers.i am going to modify myself as i want to learn some new skills.will also give reluming a try.thanks for the numbers, evildee.much appreciated.
  23. i know what you mean.i have an sc strap and the buckle stuck out off the strap too much for my taste.i just changed the buckle to one that is more curved so it hugs the strap.
  24. what do i need for a longer cannon pinion on my 127?it is a base eta 6497.anybody have part numbers?
  25. wow,ok,maybe the game is back on.there goes 175 bucks.
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