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Posts posted by Ztech

  1. This is something that I've been wondering for some time now. I've got two gen watches that the pearl just won't line up at 12 dead center. Is there something that I can do to fix this? Or is it something I need to have a watchsmith take a look at? I know I'm being anal here, but it does bother me to no end. Thanks in advance.


  2. Wow... I'm simply amazed at what lies around the corner of life.

    If my 2 cents even matter at this junction I'll state it. Like others have already said, I've no right to judge others as I too am not perfect. Far from it. I think we all know JohnG's actions were wrong and unforgiveable. There are many times in life that I've made serious errors in judgement, but one thing has always remained clear. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Just because you failed at it in the past doesn't mean that there won't be another opportunity around the corner. So... let this be a lesson and learn from your mistakes and drive on.

    I also have to say that Robbie has put things very well.

  3. I got this a few weeks back and, although I really like the design and heft, I wish it was a bit bigger. Yep, I said it. :p It's very thick, but a bit on the small side for me. Still a great watch though. People look and have this perplexed look on their faces every time I wear mine.

  4. If I recall correctly, they do put the red dot back on after service. After I had my old SMP serviced the red dot was there again. To be quite frank, I don't even know if the servicing affected the dot or whether it was replaced after service, but I can attest to paying for it to be service in Swiss at the AD.

  5. Thanks folks. Glad to do my part for the forum.

    I'm not sure what's happened with Victoria. Things got a bit negative/critical for her at one point (which was sad considering how much she was offering to the forum) and that led to a short term hiatus when family came to visit...and then...>POOF<

    I recall that she had family over and she said that she'd be back. Then nothing... sad really as she was an awsome memeber that made things fun. I hope she's doing well and will come back someday.

  6. Sorry to hear about your little incident, especially since it was a gen. Although I've never experience it myself, I've heard from other friends that have had it happen to them. Amazingly they were all gens and some very reputable brands like Rolex and Tags. I would figure it has to do with the pressure changing, but I asume there's more to it than just that. Maybe the x-tal was and ill fitting one from the get go or something to that effect. Something I would definitely mention it to an AD. Good luck.

  7. That makes no sense to me.

    Genunine PAM's use standard Super Luminova C3, I use the same stuff, direct from RC Tritec, and I think Vaccume does also.

    I have compered and have had many customers compare genuines with SL to my SL, and in each case my lume was as bright as the genuine watches.

    SL is the best of the best, C3 is the brightest there is, so there can't be any difference...

    On this model, I do agree with everyone, I have lumed one of mine, with my tritium mix, which has very little glow, just like real tritium.


    By no means am I an expert like yourself The Zigmeister, but I got a 201 that Vac worked on. One of my good buddy has a 111 and there was a noticable difference. Now I know that the 111 is a sandwich dial wich is usually brighter, but my 201 with superlume looked pathetic next to it. It didn't even seem to hold a candle next to the gen. Of course, this has just been my personal experience to date.

    That's why I'm humbly waiting on the sidelines for you to open up your services to guys like myself. ;) (hint hint)

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