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Everything posted by Ztech

  1. First, thanks for the info and links guys. I've got my finger on the trigger and am deciding on whether I "need" another one.
  2. So anyone going to order one? I really like the SS version. Very nice dial. Man I was trying to keep my wallet closed for a while too. Doh! Huh? Doh!!!
  3. Hey I subscribe to the same magazine, but I don't recall seeing this baby. I like it. Till now I've held off on Vostok purely because it was an unknown, but I like the design of this thing so much I might have to give them a try. Thanks for the info.
  4. Do a search dvn Samurai did a review of it. I think there were a few others who got one too. Good luck.
  5. Happy B-day! Make sure you enjoy it with something special.
  6. Ok, maybe I should have been a bit more clear. I'm not looking into cheating myself or looking for quick gains. I think I'm fairly good where I am currently, but I'd like to see if I could help in recovery and add some protein in my diet. Although I value fitness I am by no means a work out junkie. I enjoy life. I work long hours due to my choice of careers and the industry I'm in. That much can't be changed. So I tend to take every opportunity to enjoy myself and live life to the fullest. Yes, I do spend some time at the gym to stay fit, but that's not the center of the universe for me. I'd probably value my weekends out with my friends than how I look to other people. The thing is I DO value fitness and would like to see if some of these product could aid a little in maintaining what I work hard for. From the posts in this thread opinions seem to drift back and forth throughout the spectrum, which is confusing to say the least. So... are the products I put up above a waste of money? Should I just spend it on a bottle of McCallan 12?
  7. Wow, that ROO has a beaut of a dial. Thanks for the pics.
  8. Want an informative thread. Ok, I'd like to chime in and get some tips. To be frank I'm probably easily catagorized as fit. Of course, it all depends on opinions, but I think I'd be safely considered "in shape" by most everyone. I'm modest, but I didn't know how to get that out of the way. I'm 6'2" and am currently around 205lbs. I work out about 3 to 4 times a week. Having spent 10 years in the military has made physical fitness an integral part of my life. One thing I'd say my problem area is my diet, sleeping habits (don't get enough) and my drinking and smoking habits (I love a good single malt whiskey and smoke socially about once a week). So I've been toying with supplements, but since I've never ever taken any I just don't know where to begin. I've been hearing more and more from friends that I should at least get creatine and whey protein into the mix. So I thought I'd ask you guys for some tips. I've dropped some muscle mass as I've gone from about 220 to 205 in the past few years. I'm 37 and in pretty good health and feel that I'm still pretty strong. I'm no power lifter but I do dumbell presses regualrly and my last set is with 120 lbs bumbell and do a full 10 rep set. In terms of the flat bench I do go up to a max of 2 reps at 345lbs. Hopefully that gives you an idea of where I am in terms of strength training. So a few of my buddies have suggested these products: http://www.vitaminworld.com/pages/file.asp...stylebordernone http://www.vitaminworld.com/pages/file.asp...stylebordernone http://www.vitaminworld.com/pages/file.asp...stylebordernone So my questions are these. My goals aren't to get any bigger and loose any fat. I think I'm about as big as I'd like to get generally (I don't have goals of ever competiting or anything like that) and I'm pretty fit/lean so these are my goals. I've recently begun to feel my age a bit and my recovery is getting more difficult and longer. I'd like to aid in recovery and hopefully get anything that might aid in helping to sustain where I am currently. Next is to supplement my diet as I've heard that protein should have a positive impact on overall fitness. Then the next area would be some additional energy during my workouts. So would you guys give me some tips on whether the 3 products I've listed are any good and what combination or process/schedule I should use them in? Cycles? On 3 months off 3? I'm completely lost and all this stuff is very new to me. Thanks in advance guys. z
  9. If you want to keep that job run! Welcome.
  10. Welcome. And let's see a pic of that collection you got there.
  11. Finally a super Pam??? I've heard that they got a pic of Bigfoot wearing one in the forest.
  12. I see you've already been bitten by the PAM bug. Weclome.
  13. Welcome Tom. Yes, let's see that collection.
  14. You've got a nice collection there already. Congrats and welcome.
  15. Thanks guys for the info. I can't wait to see a full review, with lots of pics, of this baby!!!
  16. Mark, that's a difficult question to answer as there's so much detail involved with the answer. I really suggest you do some searching and read the countless threads devoted to that question. Good luck.
  17. Wow! That's art right there. Enjoy her Lani and if you should EVER decide to make room in your watch safe please keep me in mind.
  18. Welcome and enjoy the wealth of the forum and members.
  19. That's what I figured. I can't wait to see the first review to this watch. Thanks CK.
  20. Ok, so has anyone bought the new Super Avenger yet? If so, can someone please do a quick review of it? I've been very anxiously awaiting a review of this watch. Thanks in advance. z
  21. Welcome.
  22. Funny but I almost put a deposit for their new one that's coming out at my local AD. It's supposed to me something like 52 or 54mm BIG. I liked the regular sized one so I figured I'd like even more with the larger frame. I didn't pull the trigger, but my AD said he'll be getting one in anyway. We'll see how things turn out. I like that fact that not everyone will have one of these on their wrists. Thumbs up for me.
  23. OUTSTANDING!!! Some collection you have there...
  24. Take it from me. Splurge a bit more and get the auto version with the high beat Asian movement. It's a great piece by the way.
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