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Everything posted by Usil

  1. Yes, I may be classified as nuts - when my wife sees the reps bill this month. But I thought it would be fun to see all those reps layed out in one place. No, I don't want to risk the flight doing this and that is why I asked to see if this is at all possible that might be near the airport. Usil
  2. I am traveling to Jakarta and returning through Bangkok next week. Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to extend for a day and travel the rep dealers. BUT, I do have an 8 hour layover at the airport on a Saturday in Bangkok. Is there anywhere close that will easily get me to an area selling reps and return by taxi so I have no issues meeting my flight departure. I get in on Saturday at 4:15 pm and leave at midnight. Also, getting a taxi at the airport is no problem but getting one for the way back - is that an issue? Usil
  3. Just keep saying - it's only money. usil
  4. I read somewhere that the hands whip around so fast and forceful when you rest the chrono that this can loosen the hands. Do you think this is what happened? Usil
  5. Great to see this in development. I checked the file size on some of the pictures and they were < 100k so they should not roll in so slowly at this size. This may be a server issue. BUT, as long as it comes in I can multitask between pages. It is worth the effort. Thanks, Looking forsward to the site. Usil
  6. I appreciate the posting of prices on a regular basis and on sales too. It speeds up my descison making on purchases. Those who post may get more business because of this. It is a business and posting prices is part of the marketing strategy that should be left up to the seller. Usil
  7. Am I correct that the 8 day function does not work for this or any rep? I think that I read that this is a function that would not be found in a cheaper movement. Usil
  8. I ordered 2 straps from Tc Straps (Elliot) on a Sunday special. The price was fair and the straps looked good in the pictures. I received the straps in a short time period and they looked great but I had to pay an extra 35€ for them because of duty. I emailed Elliot and he said that he put 28 USD as the value on the paperwork (UPS international) and I should not have paid more than 5. Had that been the case, I would have happliy paid and the deal would have been a good one. However, he did not put 28 USD in the value and in fact listed it as 0.00. This was clearly a mistake on his part and for some unknown reason with Duty, I wound up having to pay an extra 35. I feel if he had put 28 USD as the value this would not have happened, thus this is an error on his part for which I had to pay extra. I tried to open a dialog for negociation on this and expected some form of compensation to offset my trouble. A new strap deal or a buckel or something to smooth over his mistake to keep a customer happy and a repeat buyer. He immediately sent me a reply to send the straps back. This, I felt, hurt him and further inconvenienced me and I thought that there was clearly a better solution for both of us. So, long story short, I chose not to send the straps back and simply will not do business with Elliot again. Was I expecting too much? Usil
  9. Hi Watch fans, I am an American currently living in Paris because of my job. I have lived here almost three years so I can give you a perspective from both sides. I saw a poll recently to French and American Expats asking why they left their home land (French moving to America and Americans moving to France). One of the top answers for both was 'Quality of Life'. I think to some extent there is the 'grass is greener' in the other pasteur synrome but this is not true for all. Many are adventurous and have the drive and opportunity to make a change in their life and it is the differences that makes this appealing. History, travel and cultures were a big motivator for me as I have been to every state in the US and was looking for a little change of scenery. Some people I know in the US could not understand that I actually looked forward to this. As for expensive, I find it much more expensive here than in the US except for when I lived in the SF area. I was hoping to buy a little apartment after I retire but the cost for a 60 M apartment is ridiculously high. I accept the price difference (can't do anythign about it anyway) but it seems that the move to the Euro had something to do with it. I have often been asked what is the big difference about living in Paris. Actually, it is not just one big thing but a lot of smaller differences that all add up over time. France embraces the computer and internet and yet has manual systems in government (drivers license and other government paperwork) that is purely manual like it existed in the 1950's in the US. Service in stores is (generally) below average compared to the US. On the other hand, culturally, you are in overload as to what is available to you. Paris is fantastic and a wonderful place to live. I enjoy the culture and sights. I drive by the Eiffel Tower on my way to work, WOW, I still pinch myself at this. So, costly yes, but there are large benefits. I was driving my motorcycle last fall in the countryside and came to the city square of a small village. The entire city was sitting in the grass and sidewalks watching a play. A travelling cargo van had parked at one end of the square and opened it's sides and there was a full stage and settings. A play proceeded that was fantastic involving sometimes members of the audiance. The cargo van was dirty and dingy with lots of dings and dents but the entertainment was wonderful. It had a turn of the century feel to it and I felt like I was in a time warp. I hvve had other experiences like this and frankly, the higher cost of living is worth it to me to experience something like this. To the young struggling to enter the job market - it is tough for them with 10+ percent unemployment. Well, I have rambled long enough. Life always is a challenge. What looks good to one is not ok for another. We all have to make our life as we go and I hope the youth of today God Speed because I know it is tough. Usil
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