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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. We will if we have to... Have you been in the Bin yet? EDIT - JUST SAW YOU IN THE BIN - NEVER MIND! Come in here - we are in here: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=21
  2. Guys if we clutter this thread up it will be useless for posting useful info. Jesus - did I just sound like Fakey?
  3. Me: Are you there? God: I'm still here. Me: Did Oscar watch football today? God: Ah. I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not.
  4. More pubes... From Oscar's latest tattoo:
  5. Me: I want to [censored] an alien God: Try asking me something else.
  6. Me: What do you think about evolution? God: An unfolding, opening out, or working out; process of development, as from a simple to a complex form, or of gradual, progressive change, as in a social and economic structure. Me: But do you like evolution? God: I love TV shows about robots. I like to talk about movies and music.
  7. Me: What is the meaning of life? God: Actually, it's twenty-three, not forty-two. Me: Really? God: For real. Me: Wow God: I'm glad your impressed, JohnG.
  8. Me: Do you love Onzenuub? God: Yes JohnG God loves everyone and everything. By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question? Me: Ok God: Yay. Me: Ask me God: What? Me: A personal question. God: How old are you? Me: 41
  9. Nah, just tell me when you want to say shit[censored]er and I will say it for you.
  10. $5 per month. How much is a healthy thumb worth to you?
  11. Me: So God, RWG went down and now we are in the Loony Bin. Can you help? God: How can I help you? I am a Christian. Can you ask for help in the form of a question? Me: Can you help us get our site back up? God: Certainly, I have an extensive built-in help system. Me: Ok, we need to contact Johnnyboy. Can you help? God: By "we" do you mean you and me? Ahem. Can you ask for help in the form of a question? Me: Can you help the members of the site contact Johnnyboy? God: Certainly, I have an extensive built-in help system. Me: You said that already. God: Perhaps. " Certainly, I have an extensive built-in help system."? I said it. Me: Are you Fakemaster? God: I don't know whether or not I am Fakemaster. I am a chatterbot. To chat with iGod: http://www.titane.ca/igod/
  12. Nope - McCloud can't say it! It is because we PAY to be able to say it... In honor of page two of the stool thread - I present you all with an OLD POST to a friend some of you remember from RWG:
  13. You can't say [censored] [censored] [censored]? OMG - how typical of us... the stool chart thread is the FIRST ONE TO HIT TWO PAGES!!!!
  14. If I were allowed to have multiple id's here I could make these more realistic... and bring over some other friends like Tanzim, Whor, Sandy from Herbalife, not to mention...
  15. I thought we should have one place to post news and updates - to make announcements if we hear from people, etc... I have posted threads in Off Topic at RWI and RG to announce where we are - just got a pm from JoeyB at RG - I replied and told him how to get here (I don't think he had seen the announcement in Off Topic because it has a link...) Hopefully he will be here soon. Greg has told me he thinks he located IAbounty on eBay and sent him a message. I sent Jameo an email today telling him where we are. I also sent Johnnyboy a message at RWI (he has an account there). And I have asked in those off topic threads for help contacting him. Dave has told me he has an account at RWI so I tried sending a message - hoping it is set to email him a notice. If not, I will ask a mod to email him at some point on our behalf. That's it for now.
  16. How come the tiny rabbit pellets (the number 1's) are always the most painful? I mean, you strain, you feel this incredible pain, and then comes this little "plop" - like you had dropped a raisin into the toilet? It makes no sense. Where's Jameo?
  17. T�RK�YE'DE HABER�N VE E-T�CARET�N YEN� ADRES�. 網路加盟可以賴以維生,甚至讓您變成富有,是真的嗎? 在歐美各國,網路的 Soho族以加盟網站來賺錢的例子,多不勝數;但在華SWAPPING人網站世界中,卻不多見,這是為什麼呢? 各位不妨找找看一般中文的加盟網站,其抽佣金條件,幾乎都是只把由您網站連結而來的客戶的第一次購買金額,讓您抽佣金,所以您儘管很認真的幫網站經營,都只能賺上一陣子而已;再者,其產品多半侷限在華人區域,無法真正邁向全世界,賺取無盡的利潤。而在國外,許多加盟網站的條件都非常優厚,它們視加盟者為創業夥伴,DEEP所以加盟SEX者HOLES的利潤很多都可抽佣一輩子;編寫"Million Dollar Emails"一書(本站有售)的作者,在國外是個典型的例子,他在經營了一段時間的加盟網站後,現在即使不做,也都有很豐富的抽佣收入。 本站的編輯部門花費一年八個月的時間,在一定的條件下,收集了400餘個優良加盟網站,然後再根據國外相關論壇,寫信問加盟網友,以及我們的實際經驗,做出對各"Free Money Shots"網站的評比,並且淘汰掉大多數網站,最後,只剩下最精華的66個加盟網站,共分為11大類。 本書的內容,對於想以網路維持生計,或者想用網路賺點外快的人,有絕大的幫助,您不僅不用花上半毛錢成本,也不用有架設網站的技術;依照國外網友的經驗和我們收FACIALS集相關的資訊,甚至可幫助您賺一輩子的收入。
  18. Guys, I posted Off Topic threads at RWI and RG informing people of where we are in case anyone else it at the other forums... I suspect more will come drifting in as they get frustrated and need to get their watch fix SOMEWHERE... they will find us... Gives me an idea for a new thread in LB...
  19. Guys, I posted thread in Off Topic at RG and at RWI - so anyone else who is stranded will know where to find us...
  20. Here ya go buddy! You earned it...
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