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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. Going to get some pizza - back later. Hey! I remember you Massimo. I am glad to see you here. Hopefully things will get worked out soon - but this is a great site too as you already know. See you back here later.
  2. No problem. You will like this forum - it is great for technical info - for buying and selling watches - and there is good discussion here too. I just happen to like the smaller more informal setting at RWG1 for "hanging out". But for serious technical questions I always come here.
  3. Do you mean he was checking out this thread - or that he is a member here? I know he is a member - but I have no problems with him here. He leaves me alone and I leave him alone.
  4. Bvc, Hey, just posted a reply in the refugee thread. This forum has a whole section just for Breitling - this thread probably belongs there. There is Off topic, but also General Discussion (for watches generally) and subforums for many brands. I think the mods will probably move it for you - but just so you know where to post in the future. It is good to see you here man!
  5. Here we are pro-Eurotimez and Josh-indifferent. If you upgrade to a paying membership you can say [censored] and [censored] but sparingly, or you might get chastised. We can't post really nasty pics either - at least outside the Bin. I am not sure how my head-shot .gif would go over here - but then there are no spammers here to be dealt with. Anyway, the old site may be up in hours or days... Hard to tell. I will try and find out from Dave if we can get an update from Johnnyboy (our mod - yes we actually have one). In the meantime, this will be our hangout spot. If you want to just touch base with RWG1 friends - use this thread. And if you want to post pics of watches or whatever, of course you can do that in your own thread - or you can do it here and we will run this as a kind of continuous stream of thought thread...
  6. I think we need to have JB talk to Blade and see if we can move the forum and get new software. Or something. I would hate to see it die - it is the most fun (for me anyway). I like that there is no moderation - and we just have fun and talk about whatever we want and say whatever we want. I have good friends there now. I wish I had a way to contact JB to get updates on how long this will take. One thing - the last time this happened for three weeks - it was the datatbase error - this seems different. Good to see you here. I hope the other guys find their way over here - but many are not members anywhere else...
  7. Don't mind me... Just bringing over some more things to make it homey...
  8. We are also just as nitpicking about our reps at RWG1 as you guys in the other forums: A critique of one member's new PO:
  9. Oh yes! We have interesting discussions over there:
  10. To make it is little more homey in here and before I accidentally close what may be the last open RWG1 page...
  11. This is something other than the regular CPU exceeded - 5 minute moving window thing - or even the database error (not seen in a while). If this is serious, it is going to take JB seeing it and then contacting Blade, so for now, we need a place to hunker down and this is it. JohnG present and accounted for - anyone else? EDIT: RWG1 REFUGEES - Our temporary base of operations will be the "Loony Bin" at RWG.cc - http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=21 When starting threads here, please use "RWG1: xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx" title format so we can identify our guys' threads easier.
  12. According to IRCSA - the Institute for Replica Statistical Compilation and Analysis: HBB replicas extant Lite: 102,474 Cer: 17,442 PVD: 8,582 Total 128,438 Concord C1 extant 17,491 Planned production 4Q 2008 4,500 Nautilus extant 11,337 Planned production 4Q 2008 2,700 Rolex (ALL) extant 29,384,246 Statistical probability of any given HBB being a replication 93% *raw data sets compiled from information provided by the National Security Agency, Dept. of Strategic Economic Data Assembly and the Guangzhou Ministry of Commerce
  13. Yes, but the general expectation was that she would be so much worse that the overall effect was that she wasn't that bad. If you have seen the interview with Couric on CBS you will know what I mean. Nevertheless, you are correct, she was generally vague and off point. To anyone who really has their eyes open, it is painfully clear that she lacks even the most rudimentary grasp on a variety of basic issues.
  14. It's too late for that. I never really got to know you, but it was nice having you here with us.
  15. Yeah but you got a post out of it didn't you?
  16. Then the only important question here is when Moze is going back to create episode 2 of this saga. And this time, WITH PICS!!!
  17. Do we know yet whether she was hot???
  18. Yeah, because all the other Bond movies were so REALISTIC.
  19. Answer: Through a special RFID transceiver (the one you thought was just for "convenience"), the Rockefellers upload your soul to a dedicated coms sat where it is stored for some unknown (but undoubtedly sinister) future use.
  20. This is what I was getting at before. Go back, take her to dinner, get your freak on, and post the pics here (or in the bin). Do it for those of us who still live in Mom's basement.
  21. Ditto to TeeJay Jeesh guys, give the woman a break. If she had been a nasty snot I would have been right there with you, but like someone pointed out, this is just a (low paying) job to her. She obviously has no passion for watches, and frankly if she is pleasant and does her job reasonably well, who cares. I think this is what is really going on here: She was a very sexy older woman. Through the slit in her skirt you could see she was wearing thigh-highs. Something about her demeanor made you suspect she was single. It was almost closing time. You were dressed dapper, wearing a Rolex and offering up an Omega for service. She should have been impressed and started to flirt with you. Then she should have said "oh my, well, okay!" when you then asked her to have a drink with you after she got off work. Instead she offered you a free battery for your DateJust and tried to sell you a Seiko. Now you are bitter and disappointed. I understand - it's a great fantasy. But I could have told you in advance, at Zales this was never going to end the way you wanted it to.
  22. Yup - no moderation in that forum. If you separate two fighting children they will harbor anger and resentment against their fellow. Let them fight it out until they are covered in mud and blood and often they will become the best of friends. I have seen (and participated in) some nasty brawls over there. I myself have been abusive to others. But there is considerable more merit in coming to that realization on my own and apologizing humbly, and from the heart, than in doing so under a threat of banning. And on the whole, there is less sniping and petty bickering there than in many other forums. Members should respect the rules of each forum they post in. But less oversight does not make RWG1 a worse forum - just different.
  23. Depends on where you are and who you are. Among cow pokes in Amarillo, Texas - not cool. Among young professionals in a lot of European capitals - the very essence of urban chic.
  24. There is a Navigator version. It is pretty cool - I saw one at a show recently and the price for the kit wasn't that bad...
  25. HILARIOUS? It's [censored] vile.
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