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Posts posted by siesta181

  1. I find the current NFL draft extremely queer as well..... this draft especially. No clear cut can't miss prospect and they have to dole out over 35 million guaranteed to the number 1 pick (if he's a QB). What a mess....

    No peytons or elways in this draft and yet the amount remains the same... Total crapshoot if you ask me.

    Patriots are an exception to the norm....Hate them for being so successful.... They are like Toyotas, boring but reliable.

  2. In terms of monetary returns, the highest earners in football will not get paid as much as the US superstars in baseball or basketball. No such thing as a draft where unproven rookies get millions.

    In soccer, players make money on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th contracts they sign. You got to show what you can do before you get paid.

    The draft in US pro sports is a good idea... it creates parity, equality and balance. Any Given Sunday. But someone need to check the amount of money being doled out to these rookies.

    Soccer success in the rest of the world is about who has the most money. Money can buy success on a consistent basis. Once in a while, you'll get a cinderella story but its very rare.The English Premiership has been won by only 4 clubs since its inception in the early 90s. Compare this to the number of superbowl winners during the same period.

    In A football, teams can be successful over a 10 year period through consistently good QB play. Might not win the SB (Jim Kelly case in point) but you'll be fun to watch. In soccer, teams can dominate consistently over decades. Manure has been dominating English league for close to 20 years now. Barcelona and Madrid has been dominating their league since forever....


  3. I watch both Soccer and American football. Love them both to bits. Soccer for its simplicity and continous flow. Football for its meticulous detail and brutality (Footie and and rugby fans might want to differ, but I watch these as well).

    Yes I think soccer is steeped in history, rivalries and sometime politics as well.

    Some examples;

    Liverpool / Everton - Stadiums separated by a river, less that 2km apart. This used to be a heated rivalry back in the 80s but its somewhat friendlier these days, probably due to the fact that Everton doesnt have that much money nowadays.

    Barcelona / Real Madrid - Fiercely indepedent Basque club Barcelona vs the royal family backed aristocrats from the capital.

    There are other more heated rivalries which I am quite sure our EU members can elaborate on. Let's not even get started on South and Central American soccer. Countries have gone to war over a soccer result.

    Its sheer lunancy, I tell ya...


    nil satis nisi optimum

  4. I am going with wraithride here.... Most of the reps on show here are so accurate that its almost impossible to distinguish from the gens.

    Remember the golden rules

    1. Dont go wondering into an AD with reps.

    2. Dont' show up in gen fora with reps.

    3. Dont go attending WIS gatherings with reps.

    We know because we KNOW what to look out for because we spend half our waking time on the fora. Others apparently have better things to do... B)



  5. I was a ware of high quality reps even before I found RWG which was almost a year ago but.....

    before RWG, I had 3 hi quality reps - Port Chrono, fiddy and PAM 183.

    After RWG, the collection has grown to about 11 and close to 6k invested in reps, mod projects and straps over the past 12 months. Madness, not that I will be stopping anytime soon.

    and yes..... the IWC Aquatimer is nice... this is mine. Just get it...lol



  6. Ruskies' Aviator Watch....



    Looking through my watch box and realised I have not worn this for a while..... realised that it deserved more wrist time so I intend to mod this with a diamond crown from debaufre and sapphire crystal. Anyone know's where I can get a 40mm sapphire crystal?

    Heva a great weekend guys.



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