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Posts posted by robertk

  1. :lol: ...You guys need to do a pub crawl down Walking Street in Pattaya.......there are katoey there that knock the socks off anything you post here......I've seen grown men faint in a dead swoon when given the news that his lady of choice has her undercarriage extended......and sometimes not.......believe me....Eddie's girl might fool you.....but she's mundane by comparison.....!

    As for that harridan like termagant..... that masquerades as a woman....Ann Coulter......it's not her big hands or feet that [censored] me off.....it's her fuggin' big mouth......I always swore I'd never raise my hands to a woman......and she's no exception.....I wouldn't raise my hands to her.....not when I have two good feet.....she's got a kind face.......the kind I'd never get tired of kicking......and you can take that to the bank.....lock me up in a room with that long streak of paralysed pish......and all the years of rustration and anger that I've held back on other women.....I would gladly take it out on her......!

    Ya gotta stand in line!!

  2. Most of the serious Gen collectors I know (and it's more than a few) have fairly pristine vintages. I've seen some 50's and 60's prized Rolex models that look almost new. None of them are proud of a beat-up bezel/overly faded dial. I know a fellow that has a very extensive vintage Pam collection and they look great. Not pristine but certainly not beat up.

  3. Great post The Zigmeister. I have about 20 or so of these movements. never serviced them. Just wear em. I know some will finally break, but in two years everything works. I need to keep "knocking on wood". I figure these reps are so cheap, that when I do have to service them it's still a bargain.

    BTW, at least half are chrono's, and I use em.

  4. I think the attraction for the expensive brands is also the movement. They are works of mechanical art. Our reps can't compete with that. They do compete on appearance.

    It's what's under the hood that counts.

    In most cases, a rep is like driving a ferrari with a VW under the hood.

    ....but then again, I'm into appearances for appearances sake. :bangin:

  5. Seeing as the alternative would be that all the factories are controlled by a rep cartel that lets only one factory build a specific model, I would say that.

    Oh, or that a Tag genuine to rip apart, scan and CNC would be cheaper than a Rolex GMT-II. :D

    Do you think if everyone decided to wait on the new generation, that there would be a new generation? :bangin:

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