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Posts posted by chronoluvvv

  1. What i has seen is that if you have a well serviced Asian it will be just as good as a well serviced ETA movement, but the crap shoot is that you dont know if the ETA movement you will get is

    A. New

    b. Clean

    c. Serviced

    At least with the asian copy it will be new

    you may want to read this post on TZ.uk for an unbiased expert opinion

    thanks for posting

    13 pages is a lot though :D

  2. Demsey, its interesting that you mentioned the Trinitron CRT since we have one @ my mom's house since the mid-80s

    the tuner is limited to 30 channels but its a veritable Energizer bunny, just keeps going on ... & on ... & on

    so hey p4GTR

    do you get a refund for your unusable membership now ?

  3. I'm not going to get into a fanboi'sh conflict but if all that is what you say it is why is the PS3 outselling the Wii & xBox all over the gamer block ?

    My Sony stereo is 10+ years old, my modded ps/2 is 7+, my modded ps3 is 2ish - they run as good as the day I first got them

    oh and i also have a modded PSP with custom firmware too. Any gadget is only as good as the user.

    If the memory stick bothers you that much, get a $10 adapter and lets you use 2 microSD cards at one time for the same effect @ a 1/3rd of the cost

  4. furthermore I'm able to get the drop-down menu under my nickname to work properly if I un-check the Remove Scripts option for NinjaCloak even though it reduces the top menu to this

    SELECT p.*, t.* FROM posts p LEFT JOIN topics t ON t.tid=p.topic_id WHERE t.tid=7

    ","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"xml":{"id":"20","title":"XML Code","desc":"Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted XML code","tag":"xml","useoption":"0","example":"

    \n \n Test\n \n

    ","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"member":{"id":"34","title":"Member","desc":"Given a member name, a link is automatically generated to the member's profile","tag":"member","useoption":"1","example":"Admin runs this site.","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"1","optional_option":"0","image":""},"adsense":{"id":"36","title":"Google Adsense","desc":"Add google adsense ads","tag":"adsense","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"test":{"id":"37","title":"Test","desc":"Test","tag":"test","useoption":"0","example":"Test","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"picasa":{"id":"38","title":"Google Picasa","desc":"Google Picasa","tag":"picasa","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"picasa2":{"id":"39","title":"Picasa Text","desc":"Picasa Text Link","tag":"picasa2","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"skype":{"id":"40","title":"Skype-button","desc":"Add a skype button to your signature or posts","tag":"skype","useoption":"0","example":"My status ","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"Enter your Skype ID","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"optional":{"id":"41","title":"Optional","desc":"","tag":"optional","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"1","image":""},"twitter":{"id":"42","title":"Twitter","desc":"A tag to link to a user's twitter account","tag":"twitter","useoption":"0","example":"@userName","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":"twitter.png"}}) ); _proxy_jslib_assign('', ipb.vars, ('emoticon_url'), '=', ( "http://www.rwgforum.com/public/style_emoticons/default")); //Search Setup _proxy_jslib_assign('', ipb.vars, ('search_type'), '=', ( 'forum')); _proxy_jslib_assign('', ipb.vars, ('search_type_id'), '=', ( 163)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', ipb.vars, ('search_type_2'), '=', ( 'topic')); _proxy_jslib_assign('', ipb.vars, ('search_type_id_2'), '=', ( 107125)); //]]> ; _proxy_jslib_flush_write_buffers() ;

  5. ok i just got through after 2 days using an anonymous web proxy called NinjaCloak

    for some indefatigable reason, my ISP i.e. Verizon DSL seems to have put RWG on its list of blocked sites but i'm sure swiss-backed web censorship has something to do with it

    anyway the good part is i'm through but no way of getting anywhere since there is no New Posts button for me and i cannot even drop a word into the ShoutBox either


    FML :D

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