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Everything posted by chronoluvvv

  1. i had a cold turkey sandwich for breakfast, does it count ?
  2. 999 props to Fitipaldi for posting the mod one of my AP's clasps won't lock shut anymore so I am using a generic clasp for now it did cross my mind to try and transplant the AP buckle onto the sterile clasp but i wasn't sure how to do it since the designs are different p.s. a brief tutorial would be worth its weight in gold !
  3. I'm somewhat surprised you managed to fit a Survivor's strap to the Diver's case reason being I've tried fitting a couple of ROO APBands to my Survivor and it didn't work ...
  4. i'm gonna plan my next vacation @ Nanuq's house
  5. if I liked it that much and it was close to 25% off, Xmas would arrive a full month early this year
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yep, what he said
  7. its late but some of that stuff is actually funny !
  8. I've faced the same issue with my PO chrono it was apparently serviced by the dealer before shipping
  9. so where does one go about finding the correct DW if he sought to replace the bad one on his Seawolf ?
  10. Yep, no dyno like the butt dyno
  11. you call that a beating ? heck I got smacked a lot more for a lot less and its cool because if i didn't i'd be dead a long, long time ago no but seriously this guy needs to be on the receiving end of his belt for hitting a handicapped child its almost like slapping someone for being crippled for no fault of theirs
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