Confirmed! My latest PAM "Ghost" was seized by french customs. Now they ask for a 300€ fine to drop the charges.
Joshua (from whom i bought the watch) has advised me to tell it was a gift from someone on the forum and to refuse paying the fine. What would you do?
Hi thanks! Yes the ultimate were supposed to have a better cyclop but this one ...
What DSN crystal model should I ask for? I searched in his forum section but didn't find any match for the 252.
Hi, I recently got a PAM252 which looks quite good. The worst part is the cyclop though :
As you can see it is so distorted that i can hardly read the date (especially with xx numbers)!
What can be done to improve this? Is it possible to replace the cyclop or should I get a new crystal? What do you guys reckon?
This model is the ultimate 252 from h factory.
Thanks in advance!
Ouch that hurts Wolf!
These are my two grail watches ever... And yours are absolutely wonderful!
I want to enter the competition but I'm still looking for a decent PAM029 caseset. Common guys!
Hi guys, just un update on this subject: is the Avitt method the only one to remove a bezel or Kbiz did you succeed to pop it out from the inside out?
Does it goes for all the pam cases?
Hey! Thanks for your warm welcome! I am in the process of building my dream watch with different sources right now. I'll post pics as soon as the project materialize ...
Hey everyone !
I am from Paris, France. I have been lurking here for a couple of years or so and I feel now is the time to say hello to fellow members! I have great pleasure to enjoy so much knowledge on watchmaking. And it's much more fun that gen forums full of show off ... ha ha !
Anyway, it's a great honour to be here!