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Everything posted by crystalcranium

  1. Roland turns his dials on a early 20th century engine lathe. He does not manufacture but none of the stock movements he works on look anytinng like off the shelf. He also drops old Hamilton size 10 movements into the Lancastrian with so much decoration on the bridges and plates that they are pure art. From this To this www.rgmwatches.com
  2. How about one of Roland G Murphy's creations at RGM watches. Basically very small scale, almost one of, high quality production. Same thing with the Bozeman Watch Company in Montana USA. They outsource their production but they make some stunning COSC chronometers like the Sidewinder. Any of the high end, very small scale companies are not likely to be reped any time soon.
  3. Ahhhh but like my wife always reminds me "Chris, it's not how many IQ points you have, it's how many you use that's important"!!!! I don't think she believes creating interesting questions on RWG is an all points activity!
  4. So they were genuine, not that funny blue screwed amalgam of asian and ETA parts?
  5. Does anyone have a photo of a replica watch in hand that has a genuine swiss ETA 2892-A2 in it????? I can't recall a single watch discussed here that's met this threshold. Will owners of special order watches that were guaranteed genuine 2892s share them with us. I need to have my dealer faith restored!!!
  6. Wow, thanks Rob for the kudos! I'm still all thumbs with the micro screwdriver and the eyeglass loupe!!!!
  7. Work: Omega SMP Chrono. I need a chrono at work. Weekend: Yard duty and car stuff.....nothing! Maybe SS Sub for casual non destructive weekend stuff. Evening: Rose Gold FA Jones Sport: Again, too nasty an arena for a prized rep posession. If I have to, Seiko Diver or Casio G shock.
  8. No it was right, he just deep fried it to strip off the AR coating like you requested!
  9. Well if this doesn't work, I don't want to know. Lacquer thinner is the most incredible stripper, cleaner, universal solvent I have ever used. I've cleaned brushes that have dried stiff with polyurethane to like new condition. In my repair tool kit, there's a Vicegrip, a roll of duct tape, and lacquer thinner!
  10. I wouldn't bet on it and I predict more confusion and less origin certanty as we move into the ETA shortage era. Even Ziggy stated in his recent teardown of the Chinese 2824 copy that it was tough to see any differences, (except for the absence of an ETA hallmark), right down to the machining marks. As I stated earlier, I think once we get used to the Chinese providing movements that are 99% accurate copies of ETA's and performers of ETA quality, naming them "swiss movements" is going to mean less and less.
  11. The amount of oil in a properly lubricated mechanical watch is so small that circulation is not possible. You actually want the oil to stay in place in a jeweled bearing and it does this through a capillary action and surface tension. I don't think the service interval for getting your watch cleaned and oiled would be changed very much by position. Oils dry out at a pretty predictable rate but....I'm not the expert here...Ziggy is. Dial up or down storage probably refers to the position a well adjusted watch is optimized for 8 hours a day as far as running regulation...on your night stand off your wrist while you sleep.
  12. Well, let me amend the COSC qualification and say it has COSC performance but isn't actually a COSC certificate owning watch.
  13. Fidelity vs function 1. They have finally made the "Perfect........" It is visually indistinguishable from the genuine article. The weight is perfect, the dial holds up under 7X loupe inspection. Lume is spot on and the colors are perfect. It's the best replica ever made from a "to look at it" perspective. The other side of the coin is that it has an asian movement that's suspect in it's reliability. It's not water resistant in any way nor can it be made so by owner interventions. The crown tube will strip eventually and there's no option to replace with OEM parts. The case metal looks great but it's not 316 stainless and there are no guarantees about longevity in daily use. The cost is $200. 2. There is a lights out function version of watch brand/model #1. It contains a serviced ETA movement that winds and operates smoothly. It has passed COSC certification (This is a fantasy scenario you know!) It is really water resistant to 1000M and guaranteed. The case materials are high quality stainless and the case tube is first rate and tough. The watch is a very reliable daily wearer that the owner can expect to get a decade of tough use from and it wont miss a beat. The other side of this coin is that it's a 90% accurate replica. The average Joe wouldn't question it but anyone with a little brand knowlege will spot that there are some things that aren't right. The dial has some font issues, the weight isn't right and a in a side by side with the genuine article, it's easy to spot the flaws. The cost is $200. What do you buy? No wisecrack answers like "I buy both and put them together!!!!" The purchase is a final "have to live with it as is" decision. My answer would be #1 and I would park it in the watch garage and drive it on sunny days to the country club!
  14. Wow! Fabulous, informational, professional....everything I come to RWG for. Thanks so much for the great reference.
  15. ...the good news is your cat scratch fever has healed!
  16. The dial shift is not the weak link. Not only does the minute totalizer only move when in chrono mode, it only operates once a minute to move the minute counter.
  17. OK, here's my question and I hope I make it clear enough. I want to see a picture of an unquestionably Swiss 2892-A2 inside a replica watch. I don't care if you have a 2824 inside your FM. The issue is the 2892-A2.
  18. Pugs, you're not shooting up again are you????? Or were you looking for something in the rose bush arbor???
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