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Posts posted by Demsey

  1. Ahhhhhhhh, Beau Geste!. Congratualtions. What a watch!

    Not to steal from your moment, but to bond/share with the feelings you may be experiencing, I was similarly shown such generosity on the old RWG that some of the Seniors here may still remember, perhaps not, as it was about three years past. A Senior member there to whom I bonded through shared anecdotes of separate yet paralleled lives, good Karma and Gonzo Journalista asked for my postal address. Shortly thereafter this showed up at my door;


    Yup, my jaw hit the pavement. I carry this wherever I go for fear of my house burning to the ground if I am away and with it this talisman. Three things I want to be burried at sea with on my person, in case the Egyptians were right; My wedding band, locks of my daughters' hair and this pen. That awta cover all eventuality in the afterlife.

    It is humbling, but you can feel less selfish for the gesture, if you indeed are, if you put it upon yourself to heed the caveat to "pay it forward"............which I have certainly tried to do hence, falling astray from time to time, but getting back on track in short order. Like a chain letter, take it upon yourself to perpetuate the pyramid. You already seem the type, as perhaps this gift illustrates already, now kick it up a notch! You find that it is not a totally selfless thing to do; these selfless acts. Some people get to live excellent lives. By this design. Forever.


  2. Well, there you go then :)

    Good luck boyo. Here's the thing. For the first year of marriage, every time you and the wife make love put a pound coin in a jar. Henceforth every subsequent occaision take a pound coin out. The jar will never empty. :lol:

    No, no, just kidding.

    I wish.

    No seriously, the first ten years of marriage go by like; *SNAP*...............



    lol, just foolin' man. I am so glad for you, and that you are getting hitched.

    Misery loves company...............

    OK, I gotta go, her ladyship bekcons. One of these week-ends I really do have to sound proof the attic.

    "Jayne? Jayne Eyre? Coming darling!"

    Crikey, never marry a Rhodean girl. You're not marrying a Rhodean girl are you T'J? I did. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Then again so did signing up for skydiving class with an instructor named "Mad Dog".


  3. I'm on a very restricted budget

    That's the beauty of my plan; If I know this group, and some I do, you will get an offer of a loner. I would step in, but the best I have to offer is the GMT Master II on black croc, it would do in a pinch, but with the time restriction, the USPS and Royal Mail and 'Murphy' you would still end up wearing the five pound quartz.

    No time for debating catagory, class and type I suggest Vacheron Constantin Malte Perpetual Calender SS Black Dial on black calf, THE gentlemen's watch for men In gold if the stars are aligned, but not that hideous 'rose gold', looking like the bottom of a well polished kettle. At best. .................I'm sure the British contingency here have them falling out of the watch boxes in good number.

    Nine days of *Bumps" awta do the trick.

  4. lol! it was created in 2000 while i was away in college.

    Your roomate was Chinese?


    You mean, all this time your hobby was tooling around in Jules Verne's Time Machine, and yet you let Ubi head off to 1973 in his Franken "Way Back Machine" for that 6263 group buy in his protoype??!! Dude, that's just not cool.

  5. And then there seems to be this smaller group who actually stay on this site (larger than my pathetic post count!) and enjoy the hobby of creating a timepiece that make this forum what it is today.

    There you are!

    I remember your thread last week with regard to Rep v. Gen crown, tube, stem and it brought about this same discussion albeit from a different aspect; modding watches so they pass more as 'gen' and ergo become less conspicuous worn in public..........to which you commented on gen. pieces;

    There is nothing for me to do with them besides wear them and appreciate them.

    I posted that was truely brilliant as the 'mantra' of the modder and a parallel to why I go out to the garage to polish my already immaculately polished car. It's the Zen aside the points; telling the time and ground transportation.

    Post count is like shoe size; it means nothing, it's all in 'who fills them'.


  6. Lost power for 6 days

    lol, look for a substantial increase in the local population in 9 mos. Everytime a hurricane knocks out the power here for that long, the indigenous population 'knock it out' for lack of anything better to do.

    I cheated, I turned on the sprinklers for a birthday surprise for my youngest. A natural born Florida Cracker, other than walking over one of the glaciers in 'Nanuq' 's backyard in July, this is as close to "Winter Wonderland" as she'll get! :D

  7. china. who else is better at reverse engineering?

    The Russians? But our rep Subs run better than their nuke Subs.................

    All roads lead to Rome. If there are any replicas on those roads, they came from Guangzhou.

    Not sure what you mean Corgi. Abandoning it why exactly?

    I think the repetitiveness of query, for the lack of the use of 'Search', on the part of the neophyte, is getting to him Robbie. It is a common affliction of the "Senior Poster". I suffered from it horribly on that other site to the point I didn't post regarding 'watches' for two years. But then you come back to it and things have changed a lot on the 'replica scene' and it's fresh again. "Breaks" and "Hiatus" work wonders. Not to mention you'll probably get around to repairing that fence.

  8. Great post and thread...........Zen and the Art of Replica.

    Send the watch to RG for a full 'return to service' treatment, and have him address any concerns he may find with the movement (it's a Rolex, there will be something that needs attention), and consider it a fresh start..............

    You know RG he'll take a few snaps of that awesome 3185/3186, bring up some tech points of interest, give it a big thumbs up and send it off...........

    In the meantime, strap that cat on and climb up Nuuanu Pali, you know; go Exploring and take a wrist shot......................the kids here will go nuts for you. Although, yes, this is a 'replica' site, I cannot think there is a single member here not jumping up and down inside you sourced this watch, than they would be if you sourced a Ubi Frankentona..................it's just a different flavor of the same Karma.

    Congrats and enjoy!

  9. Let me just say that whatever has happened to this member, it has not come from this forum. Our servers are very well protected and there is only 1 person with access to them, and thats me. Several different scans are performed every day to avoid anything to happen. (Rootkithunter, CHKROOTKIT, nobody-scan, etc)We have a solid brute-force protection system in place + anybody trying to get access to any vital areas and don't know the username/password, will be locked out by our firewall after 5 tries. Even if somebody should manage to get access to our system, it won't do them any good. All user passwords are MD5 encrypted. So let me just assure you that you are all safe when you do your daily surfing on RWG.

    This post gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over.

    "..........solid brute force protection system in place............" I just wanna run up to Jax and and buy an Aviator a beer...................

  10. Hey Demsey,

    I'm really sorry to hear you were treated like this. It just goes to show you that there are assholes all over the world. But don't think that just because one small group of Hawaiians treated you like this that they are all the same.

    My brother lived in Hawaii for most of this decade. I have spent lots of time on the big island visiting him and I can tell you that some of the nicest, funniest and most gracious people I have met in my life were native Hawaiians that I met through my brother. I have been welcomed into their homes and shown many "locals only" spots on that island...And I'm as Howlie as Howlie comes.

    I don't know if things have changed a lot in the last 15 years since you had your terrible experience, but my wife and I have felt so welcome there that we hope to make it our home someday.


    Oh absolutely Mike, totally! And I'm glad you posted this. I didn't mean to infer anything of the nature that the island chain and/or 'Hawaiians' are anything but what you describe. I would never pidgeon hole a race like that. It was what it was; an isolated incident. I wish I could say I made personal connections there as you did, and I did subsequently go back to Oahu and then Maui since, but I was just hanging with 'troop' doing the tourista` thing. It is a great place. I never got a hint of anything but being welcomed outside the events of that one day.

    My comment just sort of fell out after a reply another member made, a Hawaiin, that 'racism' did not exist in any form in his young life experience, until he left to attend college, I presume, mainland? I read it as there exists a place on Earth where 'racism' actually doesn't exist (the descendants of Captain Cook may disagree :D ) I have no reason to doubt him, just when I read the post, my left hand immediately went up to the orbit of my left eye, and I/we begged to differ :lol:

    It's all about perspectives..............you're probably aquainted with an Hawaiian comedian Frank De Lima?

    Here's what he says on the matter;

    "Those of us locals (hawaiian, haole, asian, etc.) have our prejudices but in the end we think of ourselves as family (ohana). We are like family, we fight (and have for generations) but will come to each others aid. We are all connected and know each other - through generations of marriage, friendships, living closely. We are home town people - our love for our land and our lifestyle runs very deep. We are not like you - there is no where else we could live - Hawaii is where our souls are at home. You are here for yourself, we are here for our past ancestors and our future great, great, great grandchildren.

    Please try to understand us. Your lack of knowledge of true Hawaii is ruining the cultural uniqueness that took generations to build."

    The Official Frank De Lima Website

    I think that is a fair and telling statement that probably more than not sums up why I got the brunt that day. The situation was on a hair trigger that spanned generations. There are cultural boundries that should be respected as well as the geographical. We tread on both that day. When the trigger was pulled it was not about me, personally, the Hawaiian, the dog, or my girl. It was what Frank was stalking about. I do understand the "bitterness". Meh, it's just 'human'.

    As I mentioned, I think, I have a lot of Latino friends, just by the benefit of my 'geography'; I live in Florida. I'm a WASP and I come and go through certain neighborhoods in South Florida and the Keys that would be combat zones to European tourists, you've heard the stories. I am known there. I have contacts there. That's the beauty of the 'thing'. You can be accepted. Understood as the 'minority'. It smacks of 'reverse racism' Mike, but you in Hawaii, and me in Kendall , we are two of the "good ones". :lol:

    Tell you what though, the one thing that emblazoned itself on my mind, above all the obvious that day on Oahu were the fact the local didn't hesitate a nano second to hold me accountable for my girl's remarks. He never even acknowledged her. Wow. That's some cultural realism right there man. Purdy cool. Purdy cool.

  11. 6263a.jpg


    My mother bought this watch for my father and waaaaay over paid @ reportedly ~ $400 usd in '73-'75. But thanks to the fountainhead of vintage Rolex knowledge known as 'Nanuq', the open end rivet, rivetted bracelet identifies it as a British Version/Release, so that means she bought it on vacation on Tortola BVI. They must have seen her coming :lol:


    But, in the long run she didn't make such a bad investment, you can always <Buy It Now> on eBay :lol:

  12. Wow. A little behind the board Ubi, and therefore the curve.

    When 'Sql_pl' posted a query a few days ago with regard to a 'hand' situation, referenced the El Primero, and I saw the correct sub-dial spacing for the 16520, I mused; Damn, the man got a gen. 16520!!?? I demured posting there as I really didn't have any good input to his situation but my interest was surely piqued! I might have known you were behind the scenes.....................

    These are amazing pieces. Just wow.

  13. Gee Dems,only a few weeks ago you posted that you were done with rep watch forums as the wife wanted more sex,and i find you here....that was quick.... :D

    Dave? You made me come back into this thread. Only for you though Dave. Did the Mexican border guard let you out already? Nice!

    Go back and read my post. I didn't say I was 'done' with the forums, to the contrary I was just largely stepping back 'blogging' them "Off-Topic" in a move to get reaquainted with my wife after 22 years of monogamy resulting in indifference manifested in me 'blogging' nights and opting out of my Poker game cross town, as she watched, yuk, the Women's Entertainment Channel, and , yes, I am in this thread, a shameful relapse, but I am averaging 1 post a day here 'watch' related, which is a big step in the right direction. RWG1.1 was a worm hole that I wasn't committed to like RWG1, I decided to back off. I hope it is doing well for all of you, and I wish it luck. It will be a challenge, like getting a cinder block to 'glide'. It has no more allure than those other fine fora; RWS, RG, RWI et al and I would like to keep it that way. This site I've come to find, is more like TRC than what RWG used to be. After four years registered TRC I think I had 400+ only posts. Benign. Besides, there was a lot of catching up to do here with members whom I haven't interacted with in four years. It's kinda a hoot. As it were. I missed them but didn't really realize it. Those years. And again, Doc posts here, you are here, Trailboss is here, what we don't seem to have though is 'Graman' (unfortunately) and marital aids pasted in the "Shoutbox" (fortunately).

    Anyhoo, the wife didn't want more sex, I said we were going to make a concertive effort to 'reconnect' and that would probably translate to two weeks of more sex. But it turned out to be three. And didn't have to resort to one 'little blue pill'. So I have that going for me. Which is nice. Good to see you.

    All the best.

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