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Posts posted by Demsey

  1. This thread is wrong on so many levels John. This is what I was talking about in your 'header thread'. "Bin" or no, I really don't think a "WE ARE RWG!" putsch is or will be appreciated here. It's really not on.

    So, how's the new site coming? Looking forward.

    @ Dave,

    Why the hostility? Just because I rebuffed your advances is no cause for promoting an agenda and smear. I just don't swing your way. It's nothing personal. I dunno man, there's got to be someone out there for you. Like I say, I'm really not one to offer advice here but, perhaps less hair gel? And cut down on the Kool-Aids. Love handles are not sexeh.

    Regardless, just because RWG has fallen away doesn't mean you have changed as a person, or that SA, John, Col., Oscar, Alpha and I would forget your 'coming out' thread there. That took courage. Don't fall back on old habits. Stand and be proud. It's a whole new era man. Jeez, just look at the US, we have a half minority president, and it seems California may someday soon get out of the 'stone age' with regard. Don't worry, your time will come friend.

    Remember,you're only as gay as the watch you wear, oh, uh, sorry man, no seriously, on you that new Breit looks great man! What do they call that dial? 'Baby's Breath Blue' ? Nice!

  2. Damn, I always leave one loose thread somewhere for you to pick at.


    :p This is you we are talking about here John. The best defense is a good offense. Your threads are pretty tight. But nothing that can't be carpet bombed with a formation of 52's, from say FL 220. Safely above Constitutional Rights SAMs.

    Never said Dani wasn't a [censored]. I'm not going to throw stones in that glass house tho'. I just remember him from RWG and remember liking him. Then again I liked Ahab in that book.

    Man, am I ever hung over. Another victim of the Pinot Noir in-house-drive-by.

  3. lol you are such the attorney John (would be?). I have a 'right' to like Dani? lol God bless. And thank you Sir. I think the U.S. Attorney General's office really missed out on a great opportunity for a 'Constitutional Scribe' when you expatriated yourself. Clinton really could have used a person like you to exponentially pursue "is" in that witch hunt of a Congressional Hearing. :D

    The post was rehtorical. No need to break it down and file it away in a dossier to your C drive. Did you pull up all your beets? Did you finish the Soduko already?

    Just put the rubber to the road and open an Invision Powerboard account. Screw all RWG and replica watches and the RWG database. You could open your site under the guise of "The Berkshires; Not Just a Summer playground for the Privileged" and hang an "Off Topic" sub-forum on it. Shoot, Greg, Alpha, Onze, Col., Dave and I would gladly step in and imagecave.com our latest watches. I read where Dave bought another awesome Breit. Do they have Costco in CNA too?

  4. I wouldn't use the term 'active' myself.

    Yes, that would be a stretch.

    Then, after a while I created a lurking account to read one or two threads

    Ta. At least you will admit that much Pug. Shoot, Ryyannon, Ken, Bob (nanuq), Two Tone, Alan (offshore), By-Tor, Clive,

    and Omni showed up, and some lingered full frontal. The rest? Peeking over the fence as dopplegangers. Considering 'here', like masturbation; exciting yet shameful. Funny.

    some bloke's playground

    Moi. Yes it were. TTK called me the 'big fish in the small pond' in his alter-egos there X4. Said I were sad as I was missing the 'real party' AKA rwgjr. lol, I'm first generation 'Merican from Scotland (Fraserburgh. I know, please don't shatter my childhood delusion with the allusion to Fraserburgh skanks) , I could say that's two points we have in common, but no, he's banned from here? He was such a convincing proponent for registration too. Gotta love TTK.

    the opportunity for someone to post sub-par Deviant Art [censored]. All those [censored] harlequins, poor dali copies and poetry got up my nose.

    That would be Decimus Junius Juvenalis. Our saviour, exeunt. Not a bad Canadian if you consider Dave as one.


    But Dems,internet or not,you will always be this guy....


    Try to be proud,don't hide.... :p

    U.S. Marines Davie. That little girl could take you. Unless of course you ran her over with your 'Vette :D

  5. Just skimmed thru his posts at RG,i don't get it....posts that don't make sense,constant spelling mistakes....if this really is Dems,why go so far to act like someone else?....

    Further towit; this is the internet; you can be just what you always wanted to be, say, I dunno, a German national, with a family heritage steeped in the Luftwaffe, a sweet job wit Lufthansa, and an objective opinion on an election without the stigma of being framed a Neo-Con when you simply aren't. .


    Are you really getting a Z06? Reign it in cowboy.

  6. I dunno guys, I really don't think Ken, TT, the membership et al are, should be, or should be expected to be, copacetic with all this. It's kinda a cultural imperialistic exodus for you (us) guys to be here under "our terms". There are A LOT of members here who were so grateful that rwgjr was formed. Not that it was sprung from it's (RWG's) pinnacle, but rather what it had become, devoid of a webmaster; a "bin". Even though rwgjr. has this "laissez-faire" subforum I really don't think it is appropriate to take advantage and squat here. I always liked 'Dani'. He really is a good guy, loves his puppies, is a patriot, and in the 'bin' got a good dose, not so much from the rwgjr. membership but from the RWG flotsam. That's not right. If you all want to meld with rwgjr. then I am sure the membership would be glad to absorb you. To bide time here, flippantly, waiting for RWG to come back on-line is not only naive but contrary to my opinion of why I stayed @ RWG in the first place; it were 'something else'. RWG, as far as I have been informed, is done. It was a great run. Sorry. I have had nothing but respect for this site here, from afar. Ken, through email had informed me years past; "Dems you would love it, it is the old RWG!". True. My real adoration of RWG though came shortly after the swamping. I only avoided it (rwgjr.)until now as RWG was viable and devoid of the common criticism; ".....it is worthless" Never. Now it is merely 'gone'.

    John, you had expressed an interest to build your own site while considering RWG's demise last January. Do it. If I can help, say the word. Evertything and anything save being a 'moderator' or member of the Admin.

    So, what ever happened to 'Jonthebhoy'? He sounded like Elton. In a not gay way.

  7. 768_funny-face.jpg


    Stranger than fiction;


    The fact Rob had zero comment is not wasted on the fact that he, as an intellectual and an engineer , and I will fully admit to his credit, is well above these threads, if not the "Loony Bin" all together , actually was baited to 'lurk'. Coincidence? No. It were the thread title. Of all my detractors on RWG, or more to the correct; TRC, when Rob posted, paraphrased; "You know Demsey, you have no character. You stand in disdain of anyone who does.", which was rampant, it hurt the worst, maybe him too.. There can be no more respect given to a person, who's attention to detail and duty is paramount to another's life, than an airplane tech to the pilot. At least when a doctor screws up, the object of his responsibility is under general anesthesia and steps seamlessly into the bright light, not spinning from 10,000 ft., every 180 degree turn an eternity in hell.

  8. Dibujo.jpg

    How's THAT for gay?

    Purdy gay. But I've seen pictures of you. I think you would make pretty children with my sister, because, actually, you are the spitting image of my brother-in-law, A Choate guy, but, not having seen Greg in jpeg. at least I can fantasize he is a good looking dyke with a penchant for men's Vacheron Constantin. For your twisted consideration and a better mental image:


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