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Posts posted by Demsey

  1. I know, I'm very strange.

    Good Lord. Where does that leave me?

    Missed this first time around Shund. Glad you bumped it. Classic! This is like a Freddy 333 piece. I have to say though I think I preferred it on leather. Is there a market for vintage gen Rolex leather? Hmmmmmm.

    This watch would be over the top on my Croc w/Deployant rep band...............but it would have to be a gen one to do service to the watch. Of course.




  2. Not sure about 'lume' but you will have a long life and three children. All girls. God Bless.

    <edit> When we were kids, my sister had a craft kit; she would bend common wire into flower forms, dip them into a plastic film which would fill the voids with surface tension (similar to soap bubble) the resin would harden. That may work as a substrate for the luminova.

    Hopefully Rob will comment.

    You may have to MacGyver the thing T'J. Should keep you busy for a while. Looking ahead, let me be the first to say "Congratualtions" and "Happy Holidays". :)

  3. (which a good friend of mine keeps trying to convince me to sell to him).

    Yeah buddy, like I keep trying to tell you; name your price and we'll deal! :whistling:

    Seriously tho' very well done. I love when people think outside the box. These are great.

    A Destro Tudor

    Great minds thinking alike is one thing T'J but your 'Destro' comment took all the oooomph out of my original reply. Only glad I scrolled down before submitting. Redundancy is not on. -_-

  4. Brilliant!

    And for those who may not have the means to afford a Round Tuit, the economy version:

    Ctrl+Alt+Delete X2 :)

    Seriously. In 1996 when the old RWG went down for eight weeks, I put in a 300 sq. ft. patio of brick pavers, replete with crushed rock and red dirt substrate. Since then? I got nuthin'.

  5. I don't think I've ever come across an 'Ubiquitous' thread or mere post I didn't eagerly, and with much anticipation, click on. To a Rolex Daytona fanatic the man is an institution, to the membership at large he is an exemplar comrade.

    Many, many happy returns of the day Ubi!

    @ Alan

    You beat me to the punch, er cake! I'm a day late with salutations as I was up half the night working on my own confection. It was to be a 116520, but when it was retieved from the oven the piece bore an uncanny resemblance to the paparazzi pic of Britney Spears' infamous shot climbing out of Paris Hilton's Bentley commando. As if that weren't disturbing enough, I iced the thing anyway. I stood back and realized, to my extreme horror, it was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I don't know what Freud would have made of all this, but I needed 'eye bleach'.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too. Thank the Lord.


  6. Ahhhh, the salad days............good times.

    I actually went to the gun safe today (why I keep them there I do not know) and pulled out an Eddie Lee TWB GMT MASTER-II today Bill, which hasn't seen the light of day in years and put it in the Mid-Week wrist thread. I swear I heard 'Burning Love', only for an instant, when I strapped it on. Weird.

    Great thread, awesome collection.

  7. To me, although I know it's gen, it looks like a rep, because despite the vintage coloring and details, the condition of the watch is pristine... Gorgeous watch, but personally, I'd want a watch like that to actually look it's age, and actually been used for the purpose intended and seen some action, rather than being pristine. Pristine condition is for new stuff, not vintage :D (and on the flip-side of that, I would appreciate a fully restored vintage car, rather than on old banger :D ) To my way of thinking, this is how a watch of that vintage should look B)

    Took the words right out of my mouth T'J, right down to the automobile allusion.

    And too it's odd, if I were to take possession of Bob's watch, I would cherish it for the fact it had been around the block and he were responsible for it's patina. I would wear it in, and continue that vein. But, if I took possession of the virgin piece I would beat myself up for using it in it's intended design and marring it. It takes guts. That would be where Bob comes in. :lol:

    That is why I am so glad my one vintage Rolex piece came from a good 39 years, albeit kind service. I get to wear it. I just have to be careful. If it came in the condition of the above Sea Dweller? I may wear it to bed.

    Good find Chief. Great thread. Yup.

  8. Happens to me all the time just as you have described. I have a LINKSYS router and zero computer literacy. I just unplug the barstid's and modem's power chord(s), reconnect, let all the pretty green lights cycle back on and it works. Have you tried swearing at it?

  9. Oh, 'theflyingdutchman' is now 'theflyingscotsman'. :)

    Everyone is accounted for p1, aside 'Lanikai' who is on the mend but rallying, 'Nanuq', but Bob probably can't maintain an internet conection on whatever glacier he has peddled up on this week, and of course 'jonthebhoy' which is par as he, like St. Nick, is on a strict calendar schedule. A pity there, but when those two do show, it is with much rejoicing and fanfair.

    I will say tho' there has been a low volume of posts in the threads. On the face of it, seems a pity, but being high summer I would imagine all are out enjoying themselves. Which is good.

    That's not to say the 'few' are not trying. According to the new feature on the forum main page 'dluddy' has clocked in 18 posts, 'Chief' an admirable 16, 'redwatch' 14, the least of which there is not his post in the wrist check, a handsome Explorer vintage, yummm, and even 'Pugwash' tallied 9. Good news there as he had been erstwhile and until recently preoccupied with other distractions; the damned 'Twitter'.

  10. haha That's easy - City-side of the Thames, between Tower Bridge and London Bridge, probably almost opposite Hays Galleria :p

    Are you sure that's not Lake Havasu, Arizona? :lol:

    Great shot 'ammandel'! Makes me homesick. For my wife's home. :)

    Nice piece 'redwatch'!

    Wow, I finally changed my watch after six months and can participate in a wrist thread wooooooooo!

    GMT MASTER-II avec le deployant. Old school, old times!



  11. I am having them as of this morning as well...each time I want to access RWG I need to log in...then the View New Content doesn't work any more...it says that there are no new posts to show...everything worked fine until this morning...

    That was the case for me as well 'dog', but has since resolved itself with regard to my browser. Try deleting your old link in your 'Favorites' cache (....www.rwg.cc.....) and navigate back to the board with the addy www.rwgforum.com and save that routing, or, the next time you are taken to the 'login' fields click on the 'RWG' icon to the left of the 'FORUMS' icon in the banner, that took me to the forum's Mainpage.

    @ 'theflyingscotsman'

    The berries!

  12. Bad luck 'tfs'. I have not the computer background to help you with your predicament (other than, yes, all computers are of an evil that goes beyond design function) but can only suggest that tinkering with the lore of The Flying Dutchman has been your undoing. Hailing the ship or the mere sighting of said same is a portent of doom.

    One such sighting was by Prince George of Wales in 1880. He was on a three-year voyage with his tutor Mssr.Dalton aboard the 4,000-tonne corvette Bacchante. Off Australia, between Melbourne and Sydney, Dalton records:

    "At 4 a.m. the Flying Dutchman crossed our bows. A strange red light as of a phantom ship all aglow, in the midst of which light the masts, spars, and sails of a brig 200 yards distant stood out in strong relief as she came up on the port bow, where also the officer of the watch from the bridge clearly saw her, as did the quarterdeck midshipman, who was sent forward at once to the forecastle; but on arriving there was no vestige nor any sign whatever of any material ship was to be seen either near or right away to the horizon, the night being clear and the sea calm. Thirteen persons altogether saw her...At 10.45 a.m. the ordinary seaman who had this morning reported the Flying Dutchman fell from the foretopmast crosstrees on to the topgallant forecastle and was smashed to atoms."

    In light of the fate of that ordinary seaman, I suppose a 'login error' would be 'getting off lightly'?

    I shall miss your old screen name, me sailing the threads of RWG. I thought well of it, stirring the fascination in me from childhood of stories told me by my Grand Uncles who worked the fisheries out of Fraserburgh on the North Sea. And of my time crewing a long line boat off the coast of Florida working my way through university. All that time keeping my head in my work trying hard not to scan the horizon needlessly for fear of seeing that vessel.

    For what it's worth, I prefer and can appreciate the more benign and colorful 'theflyingscotsman' and can only hope you do not 'sky dive' as a diversion. Be safe and good luck laddie.

  13. Upon waking from my electrically induced sleep I realized a few things:

    1- Three of my teeth seem to have melted.

    2- I now have cramps in the bottoms of my feet and my right butt cheek (not the left, just the right).

    3- Poop, pee, and vomit when all mixed together, do not smell as bad as you might think.

    4- My left eye will not open.

    5- My right eye will not close.

    6- The lawnmower runs like a sumbitch now. Seriously! I think our little session cleared out some carbon fouling or something, because it was better than new after that.

    7- While I lay unconscious that afternoon, my home was robbed. They even made off with my Wal-Mart mower.

    Terrible 'pizz'. Could have been worse I suppose. Not sure how, but it could have been worse. Thanks for sharing.

  14. In before Gran

    The Zigmeister played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly

    The spiders from Mars. He played it left hand

    But made it too far

    Became the special man, then we were The Zigmeister's band

    The Zigmeister really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo

    Like some cat from Japan, he could lick 'em by smiling

    He could leave 'em to hang

    Came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.

    So where were the spiders while the fly tried to break our balls

    Just the beer light to guide us,

    So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands?

    The Zigmeister played for time, jiving us that we were voodoo

    The kids were just crass, he was the nazz

    With God given ass

    He took it all too far but boy could he play guitar

    Making love with his ego The Zigmeister sucked up into his mind

    Like a leper messiah

    When the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band.

    My avatar is red hot. Your avatar 'aint diddley squat.


    Don't let it get you down Ubi. From my own experience with a watch giveaway (after the watch was sent out, silence for weeks, then, kind of concerned over customs, a PM from me; "Hey, did you get the watch?" The return; a simple "Yes". I think the other party was kind of let down over those old TWB crown guards :lol:), certainly not to your level of continued benevolence here with regard, but I think the act in and of itself is supposed to be the reward? I certainly know what you are saying but perhaps just thank yourself for being the person every benevolent God in all his forms wants you to aspire to be; a good citizen to the world. That's a hard gig and it is never 'done'. Who knows (no one) perhaps when it is all said and done and you're surrounded by the purple humm you will be thanked eternally by he, on behalf of all those who were remiss in appreciation of your altruism. Eternity with an ocean view? So, you have that going for you, which is nice.

    Hopefully 'Omni' will come across this thread and comment. Perhaps PM him outright for some more insight to your situation. As far as I am concerned, his is the highest form of generosity. In both the obvious and the arcane. He saved my life once, and he doesn't even know it.

    Keep up the good work. Karma is everything.

  15. 'What does not kill you will only make you stronger'. Stronger? Jeez, when you get back 100% you'll be in "Leaps tall buildings in a single bound....." territory.

    Glad to hear of your recovery. Your situation has been of concern on all the sister sites, someone mentioned H1N1. True? Scary. Be well.

  16. HaHa! Too cool. I would love to do that. No, I would love to say I had done that. :lol:

    You know, when they say the American spirit is dead, you just have to turn off CNN and get off the beaten path to actually find an American.

    Maybe someday the Alaskan pioneer spirit will trickle back down to the lower 48 whence it came and we can reclaim this mutha. Wait, she tried that and the media dragged her down the stairs by her hair and sent her back home to Wasilla. Yup, we're doomed.

    Great post Bob, now get a Flip Video camera on the cross bar, strap on an Explorer and give the board something to think about!

  17. . . . not to mention all the "Best" stuff I have bought.

    Haha! Ain't it the truth?! When I started all this business in '04 I stock piled all the 'best' pieces Eddie Lee could get his hands on thinking, "Right, well, that's that, I have the best!" For about half a year and I was left in the dust. Hard to beieve that current Watchmaker9 pieces will also become obsolete. But they will!

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