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Posts posted by Demsey

  1. Oooops, my bad, I'm always getting my Kronen mixed up with my Guilders. :p

    In any event, if you can personally inspect the piece and meet the buyer, if practical, then all the risk can be avoided.............however, on By-Tor's advices the TZ web page is very 'above board' and has a good reputation. He's correct, quite a few nice Submariners there for sale, and quite a few Omega 'Moon Watches' I found that I'm keen on. Some excellent deals there too...............

    Good luck, and please keep us posted..............

  2. The Sub is the most copied watch in existence - I would certainly never purchase blind from the net - Go into an AD - spend your hard earned in there. - It's worth the reassurance.

    Excellent advice, but, you may luck out and find a eBay seller that is local to your area (narrow your eBay 'Search')...............open a dialogue with the seller, locate an AD OF YOUR CHOOSING and go down with the seller for an on the spot appraisal of the movement and serial number. It's perfectly reasonable if you are going to pay upwards of 2.5K on a used watch. If the seller balks at the notion? Pass. He has something to hide more than likely.

    <edit> I see from your link, the seller is in Holland, are you Dutch?

  3. we had to send them to shady characters like RedBigJoe who changed some "genuine" Chinese parts here and there... charged $500, then blew the dust off the dial for $100... and then the whole crowd was yelling pleasantries. "Oh that looks exactly like the gen!". Good friends, good liars too.

    I remember sending him a PM about a GMT insert. Joe said it was "highly handcrafted Swiss insert". Later I found those same inserts (with crooked numbers) from German Ebay for $7.t?

    Oh man! I had no idea! I gathered he fell from grace, but had no clue..............that's nuts! Like you say; just before this board was formed, every one was on about 'redbigjoe69' and his mods. Just wow. I suppose yes, we were that ignorant, but the learning curve was steep.

    I'll tell you, being isolated on 'Ice Station Zebra' (the old RWG) these past years I was buffrered from the strides 'replica' had made (in '05 a WM9 Sub would have commanded $1200, like those first 166520's, and some would have, and did, pay for it!) especially when TRC went dormant, but was also ignorant to A LOT of drama that went on here, RG, RWI. That part was nice.

    Anyhoo, yeah, I think the guys who still have those old lame CN Subs with Miyota movements, and even TWB cases with lousy misaligned M/m dials and megaladon crown guards have something worth keeping. Those days of 'replica' are probably, thankfully, never to return, but they should be in every 'collection' if only to show how far the industry has come. People just getting into it today are blissfully spoiled for their investment. Amazing stuff.

  4. That was probably the old and ancient 16613 that I got so excited about (when I was a noob)? Oh man, those were the days (and reps). :D

    The one and only :D . That watch were only precious for, as you put it; the 'era' it represented. That version would be laughed at today. Oh well. They come, they go. The watches and the noobs....................

  5. I just got fed up.

    Just before the old board folded up, Dave123 suggested a noob contact me about a 16613. The PM's went 'round and 'round, and 'round. I basically just referred him to Joshua because that's the only hands on experience I had with that model. Then came the 'Yeah, but, Yeah buts.......'. I logged on drunk one night to more PM's and just asked him for his home address. I mailed him my 16613 free of charge. Not because he was a pain, he wasn't, he was cool, but because it was just easier. And I was drunk.

    Weeks went by. I PMed, "So, did you get the watch, or..............what?"

    Him; "Yes".


  6. I got snapped in half backwards through a car in a motorcycle accident about 7 years ago, last couple of years my back has gotten much worse and I started having seizures, I was on HUGE amounts of medication, pretty much all of it opiate based. I was taking 60-70mg of diazipam a day, 100ml of morphine and a load of other pain meds. My main problem was a neuro desease though, my fits got worse and finally I got taken into hospital last year by ambulaance. I had a really bad seizure in the ambulance which carried on into the hospital, about 2 hrs I'd say, when I came too I had no feeling at all down the right side of my body (my right leg was mostly paralysed from the bike accident so was no real change there). I ended up having to stay in a neuro ward in the hospital for about 4 months I think, the week before I was due to get home I had a really brutal seizure, when I came too I was completely blind and have been ever since. This was about 7 or 8 months ago I think, I have had no sight at all since then, not even 'shade sight' where you can tell if its light etc, all I see is black.

    Since then I have worked real hard trying to change my life around my disabilities, I'm doing ok I think. I managed to get on a course with the Royal National Institute for the Blind ( RNIB ) and they have been teaching me to use a screen reader called Jaws to navigate around the screen, and you can use a computer without ever having to touch a mouse, so I have worked my ass off learning anything and everything I could and now it looks like I might be going back to work in the nexr month or so. Well I really hope to be anyway.

    So there you go, my wee tale. I still have a pretty good memory for watches and really know what I like, and some of the guys on here like TJ, Hike USA, his Royal Pugwashness, have all been great in being my 'eyes' and helping me out if I like the sound of a watch then they will have a look for me and let me know how it is, but mainly my dad is my 'eyes' and since he is as big an enthusiast as me it all works out great! :)

    Good Lord. I just caught this. You must be one tough [censored]-er. Props.

  7. Did I say that I once got a lollipop with my watch. Screw them if they think they're gonna get me to convert to lollipopism. I take very seriously what I lick, suck, chew in this life and no confectionarmiast posing as a rep watch dealer is gonna push his sugar on a stick agenda down my throat.


    Bring back the Victory V's!

    Last time I was in Boots the girl said; "Sorry, we don't do those any more, they used ether in the mix." !?!?!?

    I knew she was lost to 'them' and there was indeed a sinister conspiracy. But that, goes beyond "Jonestown" even. Victory V's. Victory V's.

  8. I remember reading about a minister in the US

    "a" minister? I thought there was an entire 'sub-cult' with regard. :o

    And a few 'Holocaust' deniers apparantly? Ahhhh religion bringing the world together on a common ground.....................

    President Ahmedinejhad of Iran and this pious fellow;

  9. Asim, are you really in Catamarca, or the 'other' London? :D

    Anyhoo, I had a post penned and dumped it because it sounded too political even though I went to great lengths to make it not so........................in this environment you just can not separate the US Economy from the politico when 'Stimulus Packages" and "Presidential Fiscal Budgets" are being delivered in the middle of a major recession.....................but to those here whom are gainfully employed in the industry; 'fat.tail.event', 'RobbieG', 'Asim' others....................these adminstrative Bills of late are looking indeed like the "Trickle Up" economic approach that was campaigned by President Obama is on. A type of "War on Wealth"; the buzz word in the media today.

    How do you guys think this bodes for the global investment industry? Capitialism? It's amazing, even though many countries employ an indexed 'trade market', the spine of the capitalist system, they espouse they are not 'capitalist' by economic design, but, and I thought through globalization this phenom would have been long since diluted (the US sneezes, the world catches cold), the world markets still seem to look to the US free market as leading the trend?

    So it begs the question; If the current administration policies are going to make things hard on the US investor class (through pensions and 401k's aren't we all now?), and if you examine the current proposed provisions of the new fiscal budget proposed this week it most certainly will, isn't that going to hinder global recovery proportionally? I'd be warry as a foreign sovereignty. Maybe more critical than a US citizen. I mean, we voted him in. The general concensus worldwide is in approval of President Obama being elected. Why? How long will that honeymoon last? Two, four, eight quarters? Years? The US economy will probably be the first to recover. How long that recovery takes to initialize and rebound, in the case of a deep recession, just compounds the global recovery's lag. How long will the world languor waiting on the US's 'New Deal' to work or not?

    I suppose what I'm after in opinion; Can ermerging markets stand on their own? South America? China? I think the "World's Economic Super Power" tag is going to be handed off from these shores by default as a matter of current adminstrative policy. Who's up to task?

  10. "The God I believe in isn't short on pocket change..............."

    Bono Vox

    When Bono said that I stood up with a stout 'YEAH!". And I dare anyone to find a more charitable soul on this Earth than Paul Hewson.

    As a Deist I have accepted Jesus as my prophet although not as saviour, and yet will not donate a single penny to any established, recognised, or otherwise amalgamated religious entity that holds his word as 'sacred'.

    I do, however, donate 5K a year equally bewteen the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the American Cancer Society as those two debilitating diseases have struck home in my family. I would imagine though, that when relief, medicine and research is doled out to good use and comfort, many of the stricken will thank "God". From my pocket, to them, through their own beliefs then? They are more than welcome for and to my part.

    So yeah, once beyond the concept of divine intervention and the premise that you can indeed petition the Lord with prayer, I'm not above telling a pastor, or his messenger to go to Hell. Many of them deserve worse. I just don't have the time or insight to separate the wheat from the chaff nor the sheep from the wolves in sheep's clothing.

    Me to them; "Have a nice day!" :)

  11. Back on the old RWG, when I called out 'Rolexaward' as a 'troll', he responded;

    demsey has me confused with wife, a harry creature who sometime live under bridge..........none of your biz!

    Which loses something if you weren't of that moment in time, but in the cadence of that thread? OMG I pee'd myself.


    "The woods would be a quiet place if only the best birds sang."

    Awesome! Reminds me of my best friend, a city dweller, whom I took to the Adirondacks camping. While canoeing a band of Raccoons entered his tent and completely trashed it;

    Ahhhhhhhhh! Damnit! The woods is no place for animals!

    Along the lines;

    Yeah, I went to Thailand. it was OK, but way too many foreigners..........

  12. I'm a Flight Instructor, back into it after a long medical hiatus from commercial aviation. The timing couldn't have been worse in the currewnt environment.

    My advice for prospects is to matriculate the "Truck Driver's Training Institute" or in step with the President's stimulus plan with regard to infrastructure; learn a skill with heavy Caterpillar equipment rather than any flight school. You will do better financially, but, the chicks do love the prop and jet jocks over the 'dozer driver. So.

    I have a small stake in a commercial fishing venture.............but bascially rely on people like RobbieG to keep the wolf from the door. So I'm pretty much a successful layabout. You know, a capitalist.

  13. I feel bad that it was my fall-out with Neil and the way it was handled that ran Timm off...

    I figured as much. It is known that Timm and Neil had bonded in the 'early' days of the boards, perhaps even before TRC. That is not to say that 'Star' was 'TTK' 's back pocket. I remember an open episode where Timm's own son was at loggerheads with TTK over issues, and he posted the usual concerns (spelled; rant) with regard; mirroring what others have said in this, and countless other threads about TTK. Timm backed the general concensus of the board putting his Admin. responsibility above a 'friendship', at least publicly, then fearing he would fall from TTK's grace too. That says a lot. I certainly have no background in TTK's banning here, as I wasn't registered, but having been @ TRC when he was similarly banned there, I could easily write the script. The fact that Timm took umbrage for a friend in the light of obvious shortcomings says more. More than crummy fake watches.

    I dunno. I just tip toed around TTK. I never called him 'Neil'. He trolled me quite a bit back @ RWG when RWG2 was formed. It was great. I think his taunts on the behalf of RWG2 were a great impetus to why I stayed the duration there. Then again, I like chewing tin foil. So.

    Personally, when I am at a loss for understanding I just demure to the judgement of those whom I do understand or respect. TTK? An enigma. Supported by many, the least of which are not 'Star', 'Omni', 'robertk' others. So, and still, I just ordered all my watches from Eddie Lee, and Joshua :lol:

    One thing tho'; his presence and modus operandi made for great practical experience for the noobs. Any noob that kicked in the door on a Saturday evening and ordered a watch from TTK on Sunday morning because of 'pretty pictures', and then bemoaned the fact after doing 'post sale' due diligence searching keyword: 'TTK', perhaps to the point where he got burned, got a trial by fire about why these great boards exist; pick your dealer, then pick your watch.

  14. Actually I'm sure that if a poll was done you would have rated as the most respected moderator of all the forums.

    Good to see you are still with us in some manner if not as your recognized handle Timm.


    Mega dittos!

    The 'Star' avatar was like a porch light on......................

  15. Dems - the wife has a Z3 and on occasions when I have had to use it and spied doing so by my mates, they tell me it makes me look like a gay hairdresser!


    (Not that I've got anything against gay hairdressers!)

    LMAO!! Yeah, my wife had the MX5 BK (before kids). I used to hate to even passenger in it;

    "Hey, check out the cute chick in the Miata! Why do they always have gay guy pals? Hmmm"

    Pity too, because I'm sure the Z3 and 8 are fun.

    It's like a recurring rock dream I have tho'; I'm at the Albert Hall in 1969 and Pagey invites me up on stage to jam a tune I penned that he and Robert are all on about, Kashmir (I'm from the future you see), then the roadie hands me my axe:


    I usually wake up in a cold sweat............along the Straits of Fear, ooooh, oh, whoa, whoa............

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