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Posts posted by Demsey

  1. Gee, it's been a while since Navigation 303 in flight school.

    You're probably trying to plan a rather long (longer than a Scout hike) horizontal traverse over a geographical plane. The maps you have need to be compensated for the Mercator Projection on a globe in order to follow a true Rhumb line to realize 'real world data' for the planning phase. You know, over a sphere, Pythagoras is wrong; the shortest distance between two points is a curved line. Wear heavy wool.

    Here's the graph of the equation if it's any help;


    Ironically, if you turn the graph 90 degrees, you can plot the new administration's economic performance since the inauguration.


    The resultant curve is what we call in other aviation vernacular; Flying Blind.

  2. The fire he is connected with killed 21 people. He is due to be charged with arson and posesing child porn. Further charges are expected to follow.

    Oh, for Christ's sake. If only this were a case in Florida, I could rationalize; "I can move away from this..." But, I have no 'rocket ship'. Austrailia? No. Please Lord, "no".

  3. Let's take it a step further. The free market is the solution to recession and depression. The solution is never brought by politicians seeking votes, but rather by entrepreneurs seeking profits (wealth creation enriches everyone). And it is, in fact, scary how utterly clueless our latest crop of central planners appear to be. It's bad enough that they're going to take the Bush fiasco and multiply it by orders of magnitude with Geithner's $2T bank rescue plan on top of the $800B "stimulus" set to pass imminently, on top of the already spent $700B from round 1, on top of God only knows what else. But what this one-trick fraud Geithner wants to do now is once again prop up the market for asset-backed securities. Unbelievable!! News flash: the securitization of mortgages, and credit card debt, and all that other garbage paper is exactly what caused this problem! And so how anyone can go along with this plan to recreate the exact same bubble in the exact same manner is absolutely beyond me. And, besides, why would the hedge funds and foreign investors buy back in?! Especially after they hear Geithner on CNBC actually state that we need the government to supply the demand that is missing in the economy... Cue John McEnroe. Putting the repetition of epic failure and catastrophe aside... for the love of all that is sacred and holy.... did this guy even take Econ 101? I mean, to come full circle here, it is the productivity of the free market (not the government) that supplies goods which creates demand. Supply creates demand. But when you've got the government propping up companies that were too unproductive to survive on their own and should have gone bankrupt, then what you're doing is preventing economic recovery by diverting resources to companies that should have gone under, and away from new companies that could have been viable, thereby preventing business expansion. And therefore we should not be thinking of this as a rescue plan. But rather, quite the opposite.

    There was a real opportunity here to slam on America's brakes as we head straight towards a cliff and steer us back on course, but without any question at all, what they're doing instead is nothing short of stepping on the gas pedal. Scary, scary stuff brewing. No two ways about it.

    Wow. That is some good stuff. What was your MOS 'Chief' ?

    There was a real opportunity here to slam on America's brakes as we head straight towards a cliff and steer us back on course

    That would have been the Conservative approach, the least of which not being; 7% capital gains tax and maybe what 'Nanuq' proposed; interim, unbridled tax relief, spelled; M-c-C-A-I-N, just for laughs, however, but, no sense in doing the "woulda', shoulda', coulda' " at this point.

    Like Rummy said; "You don't go to war with the Army you want, you go to war with the Army you got."

    This Administration has ALL the power. If it is failing, or will fail, it is like a tennis match; if you lose hard, it is because you suck. Not the team; America.

    "Be careful for what you wish for (or vote for), you just may get it............"


    Werd up America.

  4. (Back from the pub- Hic!)

    You know Dems, I am really enjoying the discussions on economics, and the vagaries of same.

    Far be it for me to stem our attempts to alter the economic history of the planet.

    'Tis only when the political name calling moves to one line barbs, and economics is suddenly renamed politics, that the red mist descends.

    So, ' to it lads...I'll just retain a very light pressure on the big button, and/or until the next round of [censored] slapping commences.



    Oh absolutely A. No one knows that game and it's ramifications more than I. Especially if you consider the 'lost' years of the old RWG. As I'm sure you are aware yourself, as you did throttle by from time to time, how it can escalate in the laissez-faire?

    The beauty of that scenerio, well camouflaged in the vulgarity of a moment and yet reassuring to the human condition, was; that eventually the tempers would burn themselves out and 'nikki' 's recant here would have come from his own volition and good judgement not at the prompt of the Admin. Fascinating and ultimately....................a waste of spirit. Tho'.

    You know how it goes; tell a free man "No" and he will certainly test the parameters, give a man free reign and he will more than likely not rise to the occaision. It was to the point on the old board that the F-bomb, back biting, and derogatory remark ultimately carried no weight whatsoever. To really get the goad of a troll, in the void of 'zero moderation' we invented counter trolling. A well crafted bag of tricks that included but not limited to tacts ; endless paragraphs that strayed so far away from the point only to drift back on course and adopt the troll's original point of view. I used to debate myself for laughs. Not even in an alter ego, just casually. It confounded rational thinking and frustrated the determined troll to fits. Hilarious!

    One of my favorite ruses was to visit a hot thread well underway and lay in wait for a detractor of my POV to log on as well. You know, down at the bottom of the thread, the line of visible members 'viewing'. Then I would click the 'Reply' link and put my name in italics on the footer, the signal I was 'composing' a reply. Break for lunch or leave my desk for 30-45 minutes. All that while the troll would stick around to deliver his scathing brilliant retort. I would return, the troll would still be there, would have posted in the interim; "OH! This should be good! Come on 'Demsey' ! We're all waiting! Make it a full pound of your cr*p!" And I would simply 'log off'. :)

    There is simply no language you can muster, in any tongue, that will show a fellow human being your total disgust and dismissal than to simply 'ignore' him and leave him standing there out in the cold. "Do not feed the troll" said Clive. It is immaculate in design, so very hard to ride.

    Anyhoo, all in good fun with regard to social science experiments and wayward watch sites, but in the end, I have found, there is nothing wrong with any good thing in and with 'moderation'. Civilizations are civilizations because of 'rules' adopted certainly as the man who promised the 'wheel' acknowledged;

    "You know, this would be a lot easier if you other Neanderthals would stop slinging your sh*t at me." Is what I found.



    @ Robbie

    I'm with you Robbie, in theory, and in the markets. I work, always have, will as long as I can, but have passive income, from generations past behind me. It affords some 'things', some tangeable, and some as intangeables too; a sound(er) future for the next generations and opportunities, but I do not 'rely' on it. I foster that in and from myself.

    I follow the market, try to understand it from an investor's POV, but have found trying to develop or even imagine an 'edge' outside the great sway of the thing, what you allude "This is America", is chasing waterfalls. I have faith in the fiduciary responsibility of two of the nation's largest financial entities and take my cues from them. Do they care about me? Probably not. But if they care about their balance sheets, assets and ownselves? I'm along for the ride. I don't trade or manage my own portfolios. I think for the average person it is foolish, like the old saying; An attorney who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.

    If America can get this far in 233 years, we can get past this. See what happens.

  5. Apologies Offshore and all, I did get a bit over the top there! a) Fakey does my thruppnies in and b ) I know way too many people come back to Scotland in a bag!

    I'll step out of this now, and again sorry to forum and those that have to take the flak for this, re Mods and Admin (except JTB cause he is just as bad as me!! :p )


    I was hoping you'd get one more dig in before Offshore got back from the pub. I was going to bring out the BIG GUNS! I know I promised Ken I would not fan political flames when I registered, but desperate times require desperate riffs!

    Without further ado, the BIG SCOTTISH GUNS! DUCK!!

  6. I agree Robbie.

    History has shown through recessions and the Depression, that the first indicator of the economic recovery is the recovering free market. Long before what the public perceives as a recovery; "I have my job back, and I have money back in my pocket". Shown first as a reflection in the proportionally rising stock market. That (merely the rise in stock valuation, an abstract at best) may not be intrinsic to the mechanics and function of a recovering economy, but is like fishermen showing up on the lake just at sunrise; there were fish to be caught an hour before sunrise, and there are fish to be caught an hour after, but the mere phenom of the sunrise triggers the catching. When the fishermen come out.

    So, the 'concensus' is an irrational thing. Is what I drew from your post? Driven more by emotion than a 'science of an economy'? Agreed. Catering to the free market is what leads to booming economies that 'presidents', their cabinets and their parties like to take credit for by citing unrelated social policies. Reagan did it with upper tier tax cuts and the 401K program, Clinton with the laissez-faire approach, letting the market run it's own course and resulting 'booming bubbles' and what Bush did with mid tier tax cuts, lowering capital gains, and what he tried to do, but failed, in privatizing Social Security. Is it lost on people who and where Tim Geithner came from? Why the market rallied the hour his appointment was announced? Why President Obama appointed him in the first place? Why he survived the 'Turbo Tax' mini-scandal when Daschle didn't? He's a banker, he is Wall Street. He's KEY to Obama's economic recovery, just as a recovered stock market is. Yesterday Barney

    Frank took a position that was entirely out of character; he started to defend the CEOS of the major banks, he has started a putsch to 'un-demonize' Wall Street in the eyes of Main Street. Stating unequivocally that it may appear that they (the banks) are being rewarded for mismanagement with TARP funds, but without the gesture all is lost. Like gunning for the doctor who removed your lung to save your life. If you want to begrudge his salary and his Porsche while his diagnosis and prognosis took you off the golf course, fine, but that's well and aside how he performs his role in your health care. If the public wants blood, wants butts, to punish Wall Street on some sort of misplaced economic Jihad, they're just cutting their own throats.

    Strong economy is driven through public 'confidence', it's what gets the cash off the side lines and changing hands, and is nurtured with positive rhetoric and action from leadership, not the DAVOS Summit or charts on marginal utility and certainly not with campaign speeches dsiguised as press conferences designed to impress; "You need me because things are dark and scary". Ronald Reagan was the king of the process. He wouldn't lie about poor economic numbers, he would just ignore them in addresses and focus on the facets and facts that could lead to prosperity. Something this administration has either yet to learn or is deliberately sabotaging for reasons which I am at a loss.

  7. Oh! Dear!

    Trans-Atlantic derogatory remark, general nation bashing and three decades of pent up partisan frustration!? This thread is about to be 'binned', sorry 'Chief' !!

    But before it's locked, you know what we must do? Yes! It's time! Cue the Scots on double necked Standard Gibsons played with a half-crown! It's on!

  8. It's time to come to terms with what the real issues are. As exhibited here.


    This was the wrong decade to lose James Brown;

    Superhighways - coast to coast - easy takin' anywhere -

    On the transcontinental overload

    just slide behind the wheel.

    How does it feel when there's no destination that's too far

    And somewhere on the way

    you might find out who you are.

    Living in America - eye to eye - station to station.

    Living in America - hand in hand - across the nation.

    Living in America - got to have a celebration - rock my soul!

    Smokestack - fatback - many miles of railroad track.

    All-night radio keep on runnin' through your rock'n' roll soul.

    All-night diners keep you awake

    on a black coffee and a hard roll.

    you might have to walk a fine line

    you might take a hard line

    But everybody's workin' overtime........................... :lol:

    From the Vogue article;

    "We want entertaining in the White House to feel like America, that we are reminded of all the many facets of our culture. The Latino community, the Asian-American community, the African-American community... hip-hop, spoken word - we want to bring the youth in, for them to hear their voices in this,"

    Michelle Obama

    Looks like 'phoband' was right; the WASP is out....................... :lol:

    As if 'Congressmen' weren't bad enough, now the White House wants the opinion of 'youth' ? Free condoms, weed and beer it is then. :lol:


    On lunch break and trying to digest the testimony of the Major Bank CEO's in front of the House Financial Services Committee. Good Lord this Congress is stump dumb to a wet bag of rock. They understand and know NOTHING of economics or the current environment. They can't even fake it. I think the Liberal Majority are the ones listening to hard to Rush Limbaugh.

    One thing Geithner stated yesterday that gives me hope; "Banks can not be run well by governments". Phew! I think he's alone with that notion with regard to the administration. Yesterday the President and his Cabinet had their shot at 'confidence building'. The market tanked. Today the banks speak and the markets hold their own................

    John Lewis; ".................the Bank of America is sitting on millions of dollars of product available to the private sector and commercial interest in the form of collateralized loans, and has been for the past eighteen months......................"

    Congressman Spencer Bachus; "What about your exposure to sub-prime loans? And when did you first realize the melt down was coming due to sub-prime loans?"

    John Lewis;"...............the Bank of America has never participated in sub-prime loaning. Ever."

    Congressman Bachus "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh."

  9. K Bob, I'm on it in XL...............

    This will be a good week-end to scout it out. The races are going on and I usually spend a lot of time at the open air markets looking for racing memorabilia from the seasonal vendors. I'll extend my search over to the clothing vendors............

    Who knows, maybe I can talk a drunk race fan from Loudon NH out of the one on his back. Shipping free, dry clean extra.

  10. Us Omega guys consder them both as posers.

    :D Classic!

    You're calling Diego Armando Maradona "Anti Hero"?

    Best football player who has ever sh*tted between two legs... blasphemy! :D

    Hey, just because an obese cocaine freak who pals around with Castro and Chavez, has a tattoo of Fidel on his left leg, one of Che` on his right arm, sides with Ahmadinajhad, has dedicated his entire retirement to lambasting anything 'American', and cheated against England with the infamous "Hand of God" goal in the '86 World Cup? I will agree you should cut some slack to the man who wears not one, but two 116520 Rolex Daytona, one on each wrist, and did, at one time possess some mad football skills. But that's as far as I will concede. :)

    <edit> And I never said I wouldn't go fishing with the guy..........................................

  11. Looking for your response to CS here Bob. I live in FLA and can easily hit up a few Goodwill stores, flea markets and the like if he has linked to what you are looking for.

    Dunno about us Floridians giving up our woolens though. I know it's like Springtime in Anchorage, but @ 29 F the other morning, I wearing my Filene's flannel as I type this!

  12. Some other thoughts on this...

    Listening to Geithner yesterday was like listening to my high school valedictorian's send off speech, except replace do great things in life with do great things with the capital markets/economy. Maybe its that he's just too young and I have a bias for grey hairs at this point.

    Watching the House get so frustrated with Bernanke and Geithner only reinforces their lack of understanding of this grand scenario. At one point a woman on the House Fin Services Comm. was just railing on Bernanke about TARP. Barney Frank had to interrupt to remind her that TARP was administered by the Treasury, not the Fed.

    Ron Paul is dead on about lack of transparency at the Fed. We are putting all of our force and hope in one institution that has minimal oversight and accountability to Congress let alone the citizens.

    There is a tidal wave coming. And I feel like we are putting on our Sunday best, digging our feet in the sand, and just peeing in front of it. You may look heroic, presidential up until the point you get crushed. Time is better spent thinking about the aftermath and beyond.

    No one wants to recognize that something so dark can be so beautiful at the same time. But thats exactly what I think of bankruptcy system in this country. Ramp it up. It has greatly contributed to the success of this country and makes recoveries more efficient.

    This is a great post.^^^^^^^^^^

    I will agree it is dire, I will agree the best minds are trying to make some sense of it and develope a decisive comprehensive plan. Until that time, I think the President and his Cabinet should spend less time 'campaigning' an agenda. He's already won the hearts the minds, the election. Less face time on television at town hall meetings promoting what he 'hopes' to do and more time behind the scenes in ground school.

    The guy is 'smart'. Not even his biggest detractors call him an idiot intellectually. But the smartest man, thrown behind the controls of a runaway airliner with no training isn't going to pull it out. Recounting your youthful exuberance of the day you had hoped to soar in the clouds with angels won't cut it. Rehtoric needs to bend to being brought up to speed and then to action.

    I listened to Geithner's speech yesterday as well. And watched the market plummet proportionally as it became evident he had nothing concrete to say with regard to a 'plan'. Other than a 'plan' was indeed needed. Jeez. 'Silence' is more comforting than "Uh, duh". At least you can rationalize; "They're up on the Hill working on this".

    I like fat.tail's analogy. At the conclusion of the Secretary's speech I likened it to a sick patient looking for imminent medical attention. You know it's bad because you feel like death already. The lab draws blood and urine, the doctor performs biopsy and his nurse says they will consult when they receive and digest the results. The weeks go by and you get the call, "The doctor needs to see you". You break a sweat and hunker down for the diagnosos/prognosis, you have a plan for every eventuality.

    "Well, we took blood, urine and the biopsy. When we figure out what we have here, and what we need to do, we will try our very, very best to take care of you. Until then, go home and wait for a phone call. Try to relax. Remain positive. It's horrible, but we are dedicated to your health."

    Uh, WTF? Why am I here and why are you talking? Go look through a microscope or titrate something dumb*ss!

  13. I agree with the TZ respondents who said that while I can appreciate the look of the GMTIIC, they (Rolex) have lost all pretense to their 'tool' watches being anything more than very expensive (& increasingly blingy) jewelry.

    Me too. And I'm bummed out over it. I never liked the Yachtmaster for this reason, but acknowledged they were apropos to that genre of the 'America's Cup' crowd. Largely pretentious. Then the Yachtmaster II; Well! Ahoy Polloi! and thought, "Uh oh".

    Shame. For years, the Panerai guys on the boards would look down at Rolex as zeitgeist yuppie fodder for would be Real Estate and Stock Broker wannabes. Considering most of my heros in this world (Col. Yeager, Paul Newman, Eric Clapton) as well many infamous anti-heros (Che`, Armando Maradona, Yngwie Malmsteen) wore them it was easy to dismiss. Now I think they may have a strong case. Sigh..........

  14. 'Jetmid' is what old horologists tell their grandchildren, to put the fear of God into them, when they won't eat their vegetables, settle down for the night or threaten to rat out a dealer to PayPal; "Be careful or Jetmid will get you!"

    Kind of like Keyser Soze, but just a little more arrogant. Nobody believes. Some say he was a tennis pro from Canada. Some say a prop jock working for Castro's paramilitary arm. Just lore. Snopes doesn't even have a line on him. One day the 'benefactor' of RWG stops paying on the domain and, poof!, just like, that he's gone.

    I say he'll ultimately surface just long enough process my resume` with Combs Gates and after that he'll never be heard from again.

  15. you might give The Zigmeister a long hard look for this. Seriously.

    He's that good.

    Mega dittos.

    The Zigmeister would be my 1st choice to have the job done right.

    Mine too.

    it arrived late, but it arrived.

    Ulcer material.

    I feel your pain though... it will NOT be fun putting the 1665 in a box and mailing it, registered or not.

    Therein lies the rub. You're not paranoid if they really are out there looking to get you! Or your watch! :D

    Hey. You're a pilot. :g:

    The plane ticket would be cheaper. :)

    I remember kicking around a genuine Rolex site years ago and members would stage GTG's to do just what we are discussing here; personally hand delivering cherished watches for service en masse`. They would travel, maybe not such great distances and consider it a social event, kind of like a 'poker run'.

    I'll suss it out. I think it may be good fun looking locally, maybe down to South Florida to the more influential enclaves, in search of a capable smith. Wearing the watch in may get some good conversations going.........................

  16. Thanks all. Just wanted a 'ball park' figure for the eventual appraisal..........................I now have something in mind. Cheers.

    'Collectability' aside, especially here with regard to the WIS knowledge, to handle this watch as an ignorant 'layman' and to know what it may command at auction has dumbfounded many in my personal circles. And me! lol, the next noob who bemoans the fact his WM9 16610 feels 'light' especially considering the hollow bracelet, should heft this piece. With Plexi crystal hollow folded mid links and stamped endlinks it's a feather @ 75g !

    The watch operates well, not sure if it still is within COSC, but merely by virtue of 'time that has passed' it is in dire need of a service. That will cost a bomb I'm sure but I'd like to have it serviced and cosmetically brought up to speed before the appraisal. One subdial totalisor (minutes) is a little off it's mark at 'reset'. That will be an interesting venture in and of itself. I have heard that AD's and authorized service centers have been shying away from servicing the vintage models. The watch not being 'broken' is an edge. Not sure of the availability of 727 calibre parts? My Dad kept up with the service intervals, but I'm sure he didn't have the presence of mind with the regard to 'collectability' to have saved receipts. The B&P, and with them, the original Panda dial, are 'somewhere'. Hmmmmmmmmm, anyhoo, as John hast alluded, the worth to me is 'priceless' so I'm not sure how comfortable I would be posting this in the mail, even insured to the hilt, and sent off. I may have to go on a Haj this Summer to find a capable and willing smith and hand deliver.

    MmmmmmmmmmK thanks again for the input guys!

    @ Robert,

    Speaking of 'high' I 'Totally Remember..............' your old RWG avatar. Too funny.....................

  17. Ummmmm, I'm into Rolex, as my Dad is/was, but, what is realistic with regard to the worth of a '73-'75 6263? There was a thread recently with regard to the original purchase price but.................... Surely, the below, is unrealistic? Nuts!

    Freddy? Opine? eBay


    I just came into possession of this watch recently and am going to get an appraisal for insurance. What should I look for as fair value?


  18. I had a lot to say in support and empathy to the victims and commonwealth, but I will demure as it has been well said already in this thread.

    I will just ditto those sentiments and be glad to know 'Australians' above all others, as I have learned all these from this international community, are of 'stern stuff' and can deal, endure, and gain perspective to this and other similar tragedies. Do what you do. And God Bless.

    Indeed this tragedy would have been on a far greater scale had it not been for the brave men and women who have literally risked their lives to fight these fires, some would have been aware that their own houses would be lost whilst the battled to save others.

    The measure of the heat of a bushfire is in KiloWatts per Meter of firefront, the CFA will not send fighters to a fire over 4,000kW/m, the fire that did the most damage had a heat reading of 20,000kW/m and a firefront that stretch 100km long.

    Authorities state that to get in the path of this fire would have been suicide.

    And yes as CS states this fire moved fast, one estimate was that it covered 5km in 1 1/2 minutes and the savage furnace wind that ran ahead of the fire was blowing off roof's of houses like decks of cards.


    Certainly Ken! And towit; if it has not been mentioned already, a shout out to our own 'trailboss69' as this is his castle keep. Where he does his work and well. Not sure if the geography is in his jurisdiction, whether he is there physically or not, but no matter, in spirit and in like kind of his bretheran, it will all be OK. Bless them.

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