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Posts posted by Demsey

  1. If Mississippi wore her New Jersey, what would Delaware? Idaho, Alaska.

    In similar news.... http://www.homertribune.com/article.php?aid=3941

    Only in Alaska.


    Do you ever wake up on a Saturday, hung-over, and think; "Oh sh*t, oh, man, I logged onto RWG last night, that much I do remember". Then you gingerly check your own profile for 'Content/Posts'. It's usually pretty embarrassing. Yeah, I see this in my near future. G'night Gracie.

  2. I'll cross the balls and you head them in. Or in US parlance I'll throw the football (?) and you make the touch up........sorry down! :D :D :D

    Sorry John, never was much into 'ball sport'. I was on the wrestling team. Local girls mostly, occaisional daughter of the Dean. In my circles tho' there really was only the three ways to leave school not a virgin.

    1) Pass the football well.

    2)Catch the football well.

    3) Play Stairway including the lead break. To any skill level.

    Made it by three short weeks. Thank you Mssrs. Page and Plant. Eternally.

  3. "............in addition, since new Bruce is going to be teaching politics, I told him he is welcome to teach any of the great socialist thinkers, provided he makes it clear they were all wrong. Australia! Australia! Australia! We Love you Sheila!" You just can't write this stuff.

    Welcome 'offline' henceforth shall be known as 'new Bruce'. Padre? The honors:

    "Lord, blessed be our new member, 'new Bruce' and keep him. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Amen.

    Right then, that's done. Ale gentlemen.

    In closing, I would like to suggest, on record that RWG by-laws and rules #6 be changed;

    [6] - Anything discussions regarding politics and/or religion in anyway, by poofters, will be closed or deleted unless determined to be pertinent by admins/mods.

    or Rule #6 be removed altogether. Open for discussion. Naturally.

  4. Took a plane and my Koran,its the only way to travel to the land of the kinda free.... B)

    Roger Davie. And as things slow down here I can still fit you in for some flight lessons. The offer stands. You know, you can do more damage if you actually 'lift off' the ground. And too, not so sure how much damage a 'hang glider' can do in a 'taxi accident' anyway. You still owe the Rochester post office 10.43usd to repaint the front door.

    K, keep at it.

  5. I was active on The Replica Collector a couple of years ago and really only registered here to check if my PAM 029 is worth anything.

    At first read I thought this was going to go; "I was active on The Replica Collector a couple of years ago and really only registered here to check if my PAM 029 was shipped by 'TTK' yet.............." :o

    Welcome back, sort of. Yeah, the rep quality is wayyyyy up from a few years ago. I bought most of my watches around '04-'05 buying the then 'best-of-the-best'. Now I'm embarrassed to post most of them in the 'Weekly Wrist-Check" threads. Still the old timers get a kick out of 'good Rolex rehaut with lousy crown guards' for Auld-Lang-Syne..............still, they all keep great time and function well. Only lost a few 7750's in Daytonas.


  6. thats really bad...i had the same problem some years ago with straps...open it and it was just the invoice...no strap , no buckle...so sad...but our hobby has this kind of mess sometime

    Whoa. Hey Faber! I was thinking of you the other day. Well, to be honest I couldn't for the life of me remember your SN, but remembered your avatar and your SG. I suppose some would suggest I alter my priorities. Some. Good to see you.


    Joshua will resend the watch. Best of luck to you.

  7. A great idea.

    I'm interested in one of the 'Breitling' watches i have read about,if someone can please put the complete history of this brand along with model types that are good as replica's and which dealers i should consider for each brand and why,please pm me the info.,thanks again,i'm glad to be here. :)


  8. It's threads like these that I miss 'TTK'. Lemme see:

    ...............Oooooh! I just love noobs................but after three I'm quite full :lol: ...............they do store quite nicely tho'................ but you have to stack them as cord wood................standing them upright in the corner on their little sloped noobie heads won't do.............they keep falling over :lol:

    Nope. Just not the same.

  9. For me, it's as fast as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

    Or it could be we've been busier than a ... "One legged man in an ass kicking contest..." :)

    "As worthless as a nice rack on Hillary Clinton!"

    OK, that had zero bearing on the trend, I just love that Jon Stewart line..................

    And the board is slow for me as well, always has been since I registered. Patience is a virtue. Doesn't bother me in any event, when I log on here, it's a sure sign of 'nothing better to do for the moment' so....................besides when the page hangs for loading, you'll never know what you will catch in the time continuum :D


  10. I'd hold off on spending any money modding existing speedys. Josh has already stated that a new moonwatch is in the works with the proper subdial spacing. Best to save your pennies and get the whole watch when its done right ;)

    +1 and add as many zeros as you would for effect, I demure as to not eat bandwidth, but aside that I would fill the next two pages.

    Thanks for the heads-up Andrew. This is great intel and a reason for new found 'paying attention with regard'. I just may have to buy a replica watch after a three year hiatus.

    When I saw the thread title, "Speedmaster Doomed crystal"

    I was expecting a Nanuq-esque post about a watch crystal which had met with a rather unfortunate demise with graphic, stomach churning pictures.

    Seems I was wrong.

    Happy hunting.



    Picture this;

    A mountain bike precariously perched on the edge on the smoldering crater rim of 'Redoubt'. Vintage 6542 GMT strapped to the cross bar.


    A local geologist friend with whom I jam (and owes me favor regarding that Kodiak and his youngest, another thread altogether) got me a pass and full clearance. One hundred meters down from 3108m ASL rim altitude, at an angle of 70 degrees, core temp 1250 degrees C. Let's see how "Trustytime" 's 'best' holds out, shall we? Pictures at 11. If she blows again, pictures will be from 30,000m. :Jumpy:

  11. Looks great doc, let us know Tommy how the swap went with the Moon. You can source gen solid casebacks here and there to further the mods, but it 'aint cheap and you may not want to go the full Monty on a 'cheap' Moon. Still........................

    So................what's up with the 'nick change? Flashman, is from Tom Brown's School Days Yes? And that avatar, you're not an Eton man are you? Gordonstoun?

  12. OK buddy, the Otter holds about 20 so maybe it was a wrong guess.................still it's the king of STOL (short take-off and landing) capability. Adapted to skis and floats, they use them a lot up in 'Nanuq' 's neck of the woods. Considering that one pic on landing, not only is that runway short, you're definately HIGH crossing the threshold, prolly considering the mountain pass you described. Those pilots earn their pay for sure. Tell you what though, the more hairy the op, the safer the flight. 'Boredom' breeds 'complacency' and things happen. That airport looks anything but boring :D

    K, love the 024, glad you had a good trip. I live in FLA, but I'm still jealous!

  13. You know I went to Fiji 10 times and I never thought to take happy snaps

    You know Ken, when I travel, I just take pics of my family. When friends ask; "Wow Dems, you went to Alaska, where are all the great photos"? I just tell them; "Go to the mall and buy the calendar", nothing beats a 'pro' :D

    It appears the picture was taken from a Cessna Caravan,(just like the ones on the ground in the pic), quite a common plane for island hopping. Pic is taken from the right seat (co-pilot), and that plane doesn't require a co-pilot.

    lol, and this shot was taken by 'kruzer' hanging off the left wing strut about to let go and skydive right into a Corona ad :lol: .........................


    Looking at that spinner, I would bet dollars to dimes it were a De Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter. An old one too.........................

    Good times Kruzer! Penny for your thoughts on the best meal you had? Bet it involved Grouper and jerk? You da' man, mon!

  14. Three things that are not wasted on me in that pic; 1) The brown stain on the fifth wheel bow 2) The blood pool below the moose 3) Dave pee'd himself in the passenger's seat.

    Life in the 'Great White North'. Moose is gooooood eatin'. Cross between an O'Possum and 'Coon.

  15. Also, in my case, the thicker portion is actually cause by bad moulding. There is a thin protruding layer of nylon perpendicular to the width of the gasket. It is similar to the excess plastic on the edge of a badly moulded toy. So for my case, I used a penknife to thin it instead.

    Ahhhhhhhhh, in the plastic extrusion/injection molding process, this is called 'flashing'. Yes, a trim with a blade would make sense then. Wow, you'd think these things were made in China or something. :D

    Great watch!

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