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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. my first try.. wat do u think? :p

    I think going by your first attempt, you can write the next part of the guide, that's a great shot :)

    What an amazing yet sharp, simple & concise guide, b16a2! :good: :good: I especially like the part you mentioned about "Lighting, Angle, Personality And CAPTURING THE MOMENT"....

    This will certainly set the tone for many camera-phone users...

    And that's a very nice shot of your Carrera, arminvanbuuren! ;)

    Thanks CF, hopefully it will be of some use :)

  2. The V3 dial is actually very very dark grey, just like the gen.

    The funny thing is that it appears to be a little brown under the standard AR.

    I have the gen dial and also this one seems to be brown under the crystal.

    This is not the case when you hold the dial in you hand so for some reason the blue crystal makes it brown :D

    Just waiting for a AR

  3. I think it's partially due to the lighting; different angles and what not. I should also note that I don't have an AR'd crystal in my pic; vly's is, I believe.

    Both are EL V1, I think; since my dial is uncassed, I can try and get you a pic snapped of it au naturel...

    Cheers Ubi that would be much appreciated!

    @Chieftang - what an incredible 3717 you have there! You really took my porn posting request literally :)

  4. As a massive fan of IWC, it has just dawned on me that I don't currently own one.

    I was chatting with Demonslayer about watch collections the other day, and he mentioned the 3717 to me.....and now I think that this one might be the one to add to my collection.

    My question is....what is the dial colour like? I have seen some pictures where it appears black, some where it looks grey, and some where it looks like a browny/grey (usually in direct sunlight) I would really appreciate any input on this from people who have the V3 as this is the one I am looking to buy. Addiotnalyl, feel free to post your 3717 porn here for us all to drool over :)

    Many thanks :)

  5. May I suggest for now we table it and just get members to post their watches with mobile camera's

    It will be more a gD camera section...

    but for now I will participate myself.... my pic is like a late night date...

    good from far bur far from good....... so I hve a lot to learn from you all .. looking forward to it.. B)

    Imagine I had a black on black on black 4x4 lifted . with the entire front window tinted .. no only 1/4 of my window has tint.. :D

    No problemo, it's on the shelves as we speak :)

    Man, I really want to live where you do Lani!!!

  6. Construction of a section for cam phone Q&A and tips is being worked on b16 ...

    the excersize here is so no member will be left out.. we are inclusive of all.

    what we really want members to be aware of .. is that your image does not have to be 'award winning" but to .. "participate.. without images of your watches on your wrist.. your just hanging out...

    We are a community, and where else will you find the appreciation for what your wearing..

    but we have members like yourself and ammandel that can contribute and share knowledge ..

    thanks for taking the time b16 ... this is something new and exciting.. and will bring more members to share ..



    Ah sorry Lani I didn't realise, I would have held out on the cameraphone guide :bicycle:

    Hopefully when it is constructed we could move it in there. Do you want me to post my guide to the editing side of things in here that I've been working on, or shall I wait it out a bit?

  7. It all depends on which gen and which rep.

    For instance, the SOSF is as good a quality as my gen SMP overall, and nearly as good as the gen Planet Ocean I had. With gens, a lot of it has to do with the psychology of owning it, rather than the actual quality of the watch. I would even go as far to say that quite a few reps are on a par with brands such as Omega, Breitling, Rolex and Tag.

    In terms of build quality, the reps really aren't that far behind. In terms of QC, movement reliability and water resistance they still trail, but a service and pressure test will sort that out.

  8. Definitely, this would be very helpful. When I first joined the forum, my pictures were really bad. They're still not to the standard I would like, but just through reading write-ups from the experts here I have been able to make my pictures more presentable. To have constructive criticism and pointers on how to improve would be a great benefit to all!

  9. Untitled-1copy.jpg

    First of all, I want to say a big thanks again to KDX_Time for a flawless transaction.

    Secondly, it is also important to note that this is a review of a refurbished WM9 V2, and there are a couple of differences from the WM9 V2 that you will receive from Bk (see By-tors review linked to below)

    The Review

    I have collected replicas now for quite a long period of time. It would perhaps therefore seem strange that I have not owned what many consider to be a fundamental part of any rep collection

  10. Cheers Laz. Its a shame that the SMP didn't grow on you, but at least now you know it's not the watch for you. To be fair, your collection is impressive enough not to miss the SMP, especially with that UN sitting there too :)

    Kbh, that's a really good read! I remember having a look at that a while ago, and being really impressed at how the SMP stood up against the Sub.

    JD - they're V2's

  11. what a great thread. beautiful love story. i know that many don't give rolex that "chance" because of the common stereotypes, but the SS Sub is just a beauty. simple and sporty yet elegant at the same time.

    keep it brother, you will grow to love it more and more!! and it looks really gen lol!

    All so true, and I agree, it really does feel like a love story :)

    Hate to say I told you so...

    ..but I told you so! andddddd I stand by my words about you wanting a gen within the next year :D

    I've come to terms with the fact that Rolex is like the flagship of self indulgence in material possessions.. and I don't mind at all.

    ps; Its still new to you, so I'd suggest keeping it on the metal for a month or so. After that 100000% recommend that you get a black 20mm Nato from Timefactors and shove the sub on it.

    I never even thought the NATO look was that great in pictures on the forums (no offense guys), I just liked the idea of changing the strap from the metal which can be uncomfortable from time to time... Simply put; as soon as you get on on your wrist its like.. Everything just falls into place..

    It really brings out the watch head where as a sub would usually fall into the background, but moreso.. Its the ultimate transformation for the sub in turning it into a real; "Ive got stuff to do today" watch, turning it into a real rugged, reliable tool.

    I wish mine had superlume..! I'm starting to consider the sub date gen more now than ever. Still got my eye on the GMT IIc though ;)

    Just trust me ok!? One Brit to another ;)

    Yep, you did tell me so, and you were so right. If your predictions are right for the future, this time next year you may see a gen on my wrist haha

    I agree completely about the NATO strap too. I had my PO on NATO, and it looked great. The Sub is just built to look good on a NATO, so in the next few weeks Im going to have a Bond striped NATO, and a full black one on their way for it. I was going to try and fit my SMP bracelet to it, but the end links look too different. Might be worth a go tomorrow in between breakfast and the Turkish Grand Prix though :)

  12. Ok here's an update;

    I have had the watch for 4 days now, and I can finally say.....I get it. I understand. I know why people buy a Submariner.

    Before I had owned a Rolex, I appreciated the brand but it never really 'spoke' to me. I didn't ever have the urge to buy one. Now that I have had this on my wrist for four days solidly, I understand why people love this watch so much.

    I was sitting there watching the ladies finals of the French Open in my tennis gear, ready to play tennis myself after it had finshed. I missed so many points in that match because I was oogling the Submariner on my wrist. So here are my thoughts of it now;

    It is so comfortable. I love how it feels on my wrist.

    When I first bought it, I didn't like the way it sat. The SMP is wide and low, whereas this is smaller and sits higher. Now that I have become used to it though, it feels and looks great.

    I love it having no AR. With a Bretling, no AR cheapens the watch. With this, I think AR would ruin the aesthetical quality of it. It is just so pure and uncomplicated without AR.

    So where does this leave me......well I still prefer the SMP, but the Omega is in the drawer and the Rollie is on my wrist. I am also now looking to buy my second Rolex (bear in mindthis Sub is my first in three years of rep collecting, so two in one week is a big step :) ) My next will be the Noob factory black Explorer 2.

    I still don't think I would pay out for the genuine, I would prefer the IWC 3714, or a Glashutte. However, having owning this replica, I can see why people would want to buy this watch from an AD!

    In summary, I am glad I made the jump, it has opened my eyes. I know that this willbe a keeper, because sometimes I buy a watch love it, then it loses it's appeal. However, when I am not sold on a watch,and it grows on me like this one has, I know it is something special and it will be staying here for a long time to come! Sorry for the rabitting on, and here are a few quick and dirties from me sitting there watching the French Open finals earlier today.

    Thanks for reading,





  13. Well as for the size, the 3714 does wear bigger than an SMP due to the design of the watch. The dial goes right to the outside of the watch, whereas the bezel on the SMp makes the dial smaller, and therefore the overall appearance of the SMP looks smaller.

    Onto the colour.....They only light coloured dial on the portuguese is the white. there is a nice Ardoise dial, but it is more silvery/grey in colour, and the case is in white gold finish. Many people also change the straps on their IWC's for other IWC or even aftermarket straps, so just because it's not OEM doesn't neessarily mean it wasn't a real Portuguese.....if you seem him againa, see if you can spark a converation about it :)

    As for whether it is real or not.....even the replica's, when on the wrist are completely indistiguishable from the genuine. For it to look odd, and not right, it would have had to have been a quartz replica, or a really bad asian 21j based one.

  14. Unfortunately, with this supposed V5 they have mistakenly placed that little tick. It's too far from the 10. It should be right after is, not a big gap like that.

    Im not too fussed what version the watch is, it comes from the same factory a the V3 whatever version it is. Im mainly concerned about the dial colour.

  15. There's a better version already. This is the V4 BTW.


    This is the V5, it has the tick after 10. This dial is perfect.

    V4 and V5? Its just a white dial BCE with the updated datewheel. The one with the leather strap is too, surely they're just V3's? I must be getting old, this whole V labelling system seems to be getting out of hand now lol

    I wonder if I buy the bracelet version whether it will come with the tick like on the leather strap....I can't imagine they would make two separate dials for the same watch..... :g:

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