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Everything posted by jraines87

  1. Just a reminder to the group that there is a section here called "RWG News" It seems some folks got a bit nervous when we went offline for a while the other day. admin announced this, but some people either did not know about the news section, or didn't read it.. Just a reminder
  2. we've been hanging out here for almost a week now
  3. Uh.... You mean base, not blade.... Blade is MIA
  4. depending on what method he used to send the package, you could go to www.usps.com and see if your tracking # works.
  5. In a nutshell.... A few months back the server would crash and be down for days without any explaination.... Since the admin over there has not communicated with anyone for months we figured that he had left the site to die on its own. In an effort to rescuse the site, we started this site with a long time admin from trc and tried to inform the folks to come over here. Now, this is by no means an all inclusive description (The RWG watch, Blade's motives, etc...) but I don't have time to explain it all. As to the "Klink" question???? Who knows? He was aware of this new site and was on board, but it seems that he's now a moderator of another site??? Feel free to continue to post at the old RWG, but don't be surprised if you log in one day to see that it no longer exists....
  6. Nice avatar.... Want us to change your screen name to Lumburg? Great movie
  7. With admin at the wheel, I think we'll be around for a while
  8. pwygant Welcome, and Glad ya made it over here....
  9. It's pretty Funny, but coming from a farming town, I can't say I totally agree with the message.
  10. This smiley replaces all missing smiley's Happy b-day Driz....
  11. I thought we were only counting reps??? Add my 4 genuines then New total 482
  12. It's on my leg and my leg aint pretty
  13. Hey, no fair.... I clicked on one of the google ads at the bottom thinking it would open another browser window....
  14. where oh were have have the loonies gone? 3 User(s) are browsing this forum (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) 3 Members: jraines87, johnnyboy, TwoTone
  15. Slay... The mod at TRC can not do anything over there because he can't access the "Stuff" needed to do it. Gran did 100% modify Bob's posts.... No need to question that.... Gran is going through some difficult times right now and for those of you who considered him a friend. (Me Included) we all need to wish, pray, whatever that he finds some peace and happiness....
  16. Mucking seems to have stopped a couple of days ago Could be "The_Savior"???? Whoever that is..... Some really weird stuff going on.... Hell could be Gaf has taken over the account since the site is hosted where they can get to it..... (All you conspiricy theroists.... Nothing meant by this, cause things have happend that I can't explain)
  17. Welcome Opusone Glad ya made it over..... It was not small task, and is still a work in progress, but I think you'll navigate your way around here pretty well.... We all become Pam fanatics sooner or later.....
  18. Already being discussed As is, "Moving off topic threads to off topic"
  19. hmmm....... That avatar looks familar Welcome
  20. I bought the Titanium 005 that was a "Special Edition" from EL last year and it's one of my favorite watches.... Looks Good O.
  21. Some folks are also trying to bring threads from the old site to the new
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