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Everything posted by Mardo

  1. I this real? ebay_auction
  2. This has the look of a scam site. First off, anything that is seized when a property or valuables are foreclosed on is owned by the lending institution that money is owed to. These are usually banks not the government, in some cases the government but mostly lending institutions. Since the valuables are the property of the debtor they are usually sold at auctions using reputable company's. Sometimes when the government seizes property they have their own auctions, years ago I used to work for the State Police and cars that were seized in drug related incidences were sold by the state at predetermines auctions as was the property of these individuals. One time some old lady bought a car from the auction and was having problems with the fuel pump. When she brought it to a mechanic they discovered around a 100k in the fuel tank......the state seized all of that money from her. I would not put any faith in something like this.
  3. These photo reviews are the devil, just when I tell myself that I have enough and my collection is complete I see this and now think there is just one thing missing. I think this watch looks great, its unique, classy, and looks amazing. Oh well there goes some more money from my bank account. SQL where did you source this watch?
  4. Great review, I can even sort of understand what is going on now.......sort of.
  5. I actually had this same thing happen when I donated to the forum, never happened before that.
  6. Thanks Toad! I have read every post on the 7750 movement issues and bubba-fix vs. real fix. I learned a long time ago you should never ask a question you have answer for yourself and I try and stick to this philosophy, although I do break it sometimes. My issue with fixing the movement noise is two fold. 1) I do not have nor have found a reputable watchsmith to service the movement. I took the watch to one place and they sent it to their watch person who refused to work on it. I don't know who to contact or send it to in order to have the issue fixed. 2) I am having a difficult time justifying spending $200 on a watch that cost me $250, seems to me I might as well just buy another one. So if you could help point me in a direction to find a component watchsmith in CONUS or Chicago that would be great. Otherwise I have what I have and its fine. BTW. I do not have the confidence nor the tools to do even a simple repair such as the ones suggested on the forum and I am not about to put automotive ball bearing grease in my watch, rep or otherwise..
  7. Don't forget to get your pets spayed and neutered! Thanks and remember to donate!
  8. I have the Mille Miglia GT XL Chrono Black Face and love it. It has the 7750 movement which is a bit loud, I haven't had it serviced yet and am going to, but its nothing you can't live with. So far its been great, kept accurate time and feels good on the wrist. It is a thick watch with the rubber, meaning its hard to wear with a dress shirt in an office enviorment, atleast for me. Some of the flaws are well documented, use the search function and you can find info on it. I belive some of the stems had MIGLIA spelled AILGIM, truely a mirror image! Lume is ok, not great on the mine. Chronos work but I don't use them at all. Good luck finding a good one!
  9. Maybe we can go on a fact finding mission soon!
  10. Congrats to all the vets and old timers for giving the newbies a great resource
  11. Ok, I live in the Windy City and I have never been to the row, my wife is going to hate me now, I can just see how this is going to go: Wife: Its Saturday what do you have to do today? Me: I thought I would run a quick errand downtown Wife: How long are you going to be? Me: Not too long, I should be back in the afternoon. . . Me: Honey I am home! Wife: You've been gone 8 hours where the @#*$ have you been all day! Do they just have gens or reps there too? How much where the PAMs and which ones did you see. This is Mecca!
  12. I actually wear the same watch you are having doubts about wearing, gen TT GMT Master II. This is my everyday watch, I am in a similar industry as you, I see absolutely no problem wearing that to an interview for a higher paying/skilled job. As someone said earlier you are selling yourself and your skills in an interview. Part of the initial impression an interviewer has is your appearance and if the job you want is to interact with HNW individuals then your demeanor and appearance defiantly come into play. That said, make sure your suit shirt and tie match what
  13. Welcome aboard. This site is great and the members here are insanely knowledgeable about reps and dealers. I did the same thing as you when I first joined, thought I knew which rep I wanted and needed to find info on who to buy it from. I only joined a few days ago but I have done a ton of reading since then and have changed my mind on what I really wanted. I knew a little about watches and reps before but this site changes everything. Bit of advice, all the questions you can think of asking have most likely already been asked. Use the search feature and do some of your own due diligence about vendors and where to buy from. Much of it might end up depending on where your located, CONUS or EU. What you might find, and what I did, is your tastes will change as you learn more. Cheers.
  14. Wow, as a noob I am scared if I get the watch bug as bad as you. Awesome collection, quite a few there that I want too!
  15. Wow freddy, thanks for sharing your knowledge. That is sort of what I was thinking but I never could have put it so eloquently!
  16. I was wondering what can be the best and worst case scenario for this typw of gold plating? 18K RG Thick Plated (5 mils) on Solid Stainless Steel 316L What happens if it wears? Does it look stained or does it flake off and look like someone put it through a blender? Curious because I am debating between a stainless Chopard Grand Tourismo and the rose gold one. I want something that will hold up for a few years and am concerned that the plating will flake off with use. BTW, I searched plating and could not exactly find what I was looking for, I only got a very general idea. Thanks everyone!
  17. I have read your noob guide, I have learned that you never ask a question you can answer yourself and will try my darndest to live up to that, thats why you have a search button. However, I might need a little reassurance once the time comes to actually buy a rep, thanks again for the warm welcome and I will consider putting some $ to help support the site.
  18. Thought I would get my first post out of the way and get rid of the RWG Welcome Message, so Hello! Great forum and great resources here, thanks Admins and Members for all of your future help and support. The reason I joined is because I wanted to buy a Chopard rep and didn't know who to trust, boy am I finding a wealth of information here. May not end up getting a Chopard but a Panerai, lets just say my eyes have been opened! I wear a gen two-tone GMT Master II as my everday watch, I love it but want an everyday beater and dont want to spend the money to get another gen, were in a recession afterall! Anyways, thanks again to everyone!
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