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Posts posted by jkerouac

  1. He says to the patrons, "Here’s a deal. I'll open this alligator's mouth and place my genitals inside. The gator will close his mouth for one minute, then open it, and I'll remove my unit unscathed. If it works, everyone buys me drinks." The crowd agrees.

    The guy drops his pants and puts his privates in the gator's mouth. Gator closes mouth. After a minute, the guy grabs a beer bottle and bangs the gator on the top of its head. The gator opens wide, and he removes his genitals unscathed. Everyone buys him drinks.

    Then he says: "I'll pay anyone $100 who's willing to give it a try." After a while, a hand goes up in the back of the bar. It's a woman. "I'll give it a try," she says, "but you have to promise not to hit me on the head with the beer bottle."

  2. Slay,

    I have to admit that I understood your take on sports, but my animosity to the "semi-professional" nature of college sports such as football and basketball in the US colored my response.

    By the way, I think the U of Washington here in Seattle is supposed to have a pretty good business school -especially if you want to get into the high tech business. And half decent downhill skiing is available just 45 minutes or so outside of the city.

  3. Back in the 70s I spent a summer working in a factory in Bavaria. Half the slots in the soda machine were dedicated to beer. It wasn't uncommon for a lot of these guys to have their first beer of the day even before the 10:00 break. They grew up in Bavaria and were used to it.

    Not me. When I tried it I couldn't even point the screw gun straight. When I tried having one with lunch, I was yearning for naptime the whole afternoon.

    Still, I kind of liked the idea that the beer man came around to the house each week to drop off a fresh case or two of beer, and to haul away the empty bottles. Who needs milk?

  4. I graduated from BC....almost 30 years ago and have only been back there a handful of times since. I happened to graduate with the ever practical BA in English Lit, but I recall the schools of management and law (and other schools and programs) being very well regarded even back then. When talking to friends who went to places such as Harvard and Yale, one thing that stood out was that at BC the star professors actually taught undergrads, which was not the typical situation at other schools.

    I've kept track of BC mostly through their alumni magazine, and I am impressed with the improvement campaigns they have launched over the years both in terms of programs and facilities.

    I'm not particularly keen on sports programs as a reason for selecting a college or university. In my opinion, these schools, including BC, should stick to academics and leave the business of football and basketball development leagues to the NFL and NBA.

    With BC you get not just a great university, but the city of Boston as your back yard -- energized by a couple hundred thousand college students in the greater metro area to add vitality.

  5. At my brothers' wedding 10 days ago I noticed one of the bell captains/waiters practically wrenching his neck to get a view of my and other peoples' watches.

    I was rather amused, but wondered if this guy was going to end up in hot water with his boss because he was so obvious about his wrist staring.

    And at the same time I was tempted to clue him in so that he could sport a nice rep himself and cause his high-end clientele to choke when they realized what a great watch their waiter was wearing.

  6. IWC is a hot brand this year.

    I jumped on the GST, and am proudly wearing mine today (white SS with gold hands). It is an awesome watch with an awesome bracelet.

    Then there is the Jones, with or without the decorated movement, which I am still seriously considering purchasing.

    And most recently the Portugese Chrono is enjoying a flurry of attention, including a fairly popular group buy.

    All of these models are beautiful, and I know that some or many people would say 'why not own them all?' After all, there are people who own five or more Pams, or nothing but Speedmasters of different style and vintage.

    But my question to the board is, if you could only own one IWC, which would it be? The Portugese? Jones? GST? Aquatimer? Other? And in general, how do you rank these different models in terms of appeal?

  7. My wrist is 6.5 to 6.75, depending on how snugly I pull the tape when I measure. In my opinion, 44 mm Pams look good on me, but my favorite watch size is 42 mm, which happens to be the size of the SMP as pictured earlier in this thread.

    But it's not just diameter that you need to think about. Some watches are thicker than others, so a 17mm thick watch will naturally look bigger on a skinny wrist than a watch of the same diameter that is only 10 or 12 mm thick.

    Guesswho, you have a lot more leeway in watch size than the rest of us. I see a nice big Navitimer or Bentley in your future.

  8. People will always desire affordable copies of expensive, luxury items. People will be even more drawn to higher quality copies of expensive luxury items-- and someone will always pop up to meet that demand.

    A separate, related question is whether the replica boards have become too popular, with too many boards and too many short term visitors who dilute the community and clarity of discussions. I have nothing against newbies -- I like to think of myself as a perpetual newbie. But I also value the continuity and experience that extended participation provides. At times these aspects of the rep community become a bit harder to find.

  9. Bezel work shouldn't be too hard. You might even be able to do it yourself. There is lots of advice on the board on how to remove and reinstall bezels. If you still feel more comfortable having someone else work on it, I wouldn't worry too much because to fix a bezel they should have no reason to go inside the watch itself -- unless perhaps you ask them to inspect the movement or similar.

    I like to use minor repairs to evaluate repair shops in case I need a major repair --> even though I trust them for a minor repair, how would I feel about them doing more significant surgery on one of my prizes? So I have one guy near home that I would only use for minor work, and a second shop farther away whom I would go to for more substantial repairs.

    Sorry, these are on the West coast.

  10. Actually I think the Omega bracelets are pretty well regarded. I've purchased 4 omegas, a speedmaster, a bond-style seamaster, a regular seamaster, and a po. Two were in the $200 range, the other two were about $100. I thought all of the bracelets were quite good, but the inexpensive ones had crappy clasps. The clasps on the more expensive ones were excelllent.

  11. I do my own sizing when I can. But when I can't, I have an independent watch repair place a few miles from my house that can do the job (resizing) well (without damaging the watch). For more substantial repairs, I use another independent watch repair guy a few miles farther from where I live.

  12. Obviously it depends what your interests are. I'd also consider

    Westminster Abbey

    Tower of London (and Tower Bridge)

    British Museum

    the big ferris wheel (forget what it is called, but it is supposed to have spectacular views of the city)

    My wife and I arrive in London from the US on Tuesday, but we're only staying a day before moving on.


  13. Interesting thread. Archie and Andrew can work out their issues. Both are honorable men.

    I wonder more about fisherman -- I suspect an alias for someone who has a grudge against Archie, but doesn't want somethign this "fishy" to tarnish his primary alias. I wonder who it could be .....

  14. Clive,

    I know you have this watch-- your enthusiastic opinion helped sway me to purchase it as well (for which I owe you thanks. :clap2: )

    But why do you think it's a rep rather than just poor quality control for the photo shoot and Web site? Are there other problems besides the bezel?

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