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Posts posted by Defender110

  1. what is this 7750 and how does it compare with the latest ASIAN copy 7750?

    is this real swiss/asian origin 7750 movement?

    we see it has a adjustment that is diff than ASIAN COPY. also avail in 7753 (3,6,9) version (appears to have sunken date). i do not care if it is swiss made or asain made just if it is a copy movement or not.


  2. the hercules pics got me thinking...

    posted in the thread we have pics of brushed SS and also of polished SS.. the cases are are very much diff. not just in finish but also in shape.. the polished is much more rounded..

    did breitling also offer the SA -Super Avenger in both these cases???

    as posted before i was able to source a SA with corrected dial.. although not perfect rep (hahaha) it is the best rep SA so far... however if you review the pics the case is POLISHED.. and much more rounded off then the brushed style case...

    did breitling also offer the SA -Super Avenger in both these cases???


  3. I asked Andrew about the movement and he answered fast, as usual, it's an asian movement. I ordered the watch because I love it.


    interesting... why would most here ask w/ advertising like this:


    *&!@#$ BR Instrument SS Black 46mm 1 : 1 Eta 2892-2

    Model : Brushed SS Case, Black Dial, Special Shape Leather Strap with Insignia

    Buckle ( Special Toolkit provided for removing Straps) Superlume

    applied to dial markers and needles

    Movement: Eta 2892-2 Automatic 21J Movement

    :mellow: ??????

  4. first off i'd like to say that the only purpose of this poll is to give a quick overview of how the item was advertised and what kind of affect it had on the buying public.

    this is a very simplified poll.

    we could have added a few more choices...

    for example to separate those that did purchase as to those that only had it on the wish list, or to those that only were/are only familiar with the item.

    i endevored to simplify the poll choices so that at a quick glace we could see what kind of impact overall this item as advertised had on the buying public.

    this poll is NOT to stir the pot or create controversy only to show that the item as adverstised did/did not affect or influence the buying public.

  5. nasty reps on canal street.. actually all the stuff is pretty much junk and aviod the electronics too. :-)

    in the jewelery district some of the very best ONE OFF custom made solid gold rollies can be had though. :-)

    best bet is to just enjoy the sights, sounds, and food! ! ! enjoy your stay..!

    when you are back in your office you can order and rep you want from the trusted (cough) dealers.

  6. i have heard of this correct rep as existing... awhile back someone posted a blurry pic of a rep that most on the boards assumed was a gen because it had the correct 1/3 red circles. i have asked Every dealer on these boards and then some about this watch in alot of diff. ways in my quest to source the item... most dealers said they never heard of this Correct dial Version or that it was a factory sample and was not produced yada yada yada... but a old dealer contact of mine has now CONFIRMED its existence... and i have now ordered this baby!!!


  7. i have recieved my, too

    price was very good... but watch is not the best. Looks little bit cheap, and the crown is HORRIBLE. Also very thinn and wrong engravings

    but i think a good watch for $95 incl. shipping

    i like more quality and will get more money... so not for me this watch

    thank you friend touby1801.

    this is the review i have been waiting for. :-)

    i like this item, but now i know better to save and get better more refined purchase.

    for 99USD it is very Good Buy but i now can use this $$ for other watch projects. :-)

    clearly without other watch projects i would without hesitation make this purchase. :-)


  8. If you like it.....get it. It's a beautiful watch. I know the real deal rather well, and this is pretty damn close... even with it's flaws.

    How many here have even seen this watch before, let alone become expert in how it should look?.....without a 3x loupe?

    exactly why its on my 'to buy wish list'. your associates who don't know the brand are gonna look it up.. and be stunned that YOU have one. paleeze.. the hardcore members on this board are WIS. [this means you are too picky analretentive] now if your buddy has a gen RD EasyDiver you may not want to get this rep.. but how many of our buddies have a limited (<1000 production series watch)??????

  9. what is the going rate for these movements??

    serviced or as a core:

    -El Primero

    -ETA 7750

    -ETA 7753

    -ETA 2892/3

    -cortebert 616/618/620

    -angelus 240

    i tried to post this elswhere but i kept getting error mssg.

    mods. move this to another area if needed.

    as i am not IN the industry its hard for me to know the REAL value of these. i know i can pay what i am comfortable or WILLING to pay but what is the REAL value?? serviced or as a CORE???

    thanks :-)

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