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Posts posted by arrowax

  1. Josh's pic is bad. King's pic is better.

    But King's is not the updated version as it still has the metal ring and the grey "AP", instead of white. Also has the grey tachymeter as supposed to white in the updated one.

    not a bad price IMHO, only $20 more than the SS. considering the gen has almost $40k msrp.

  2. Seems both trusty and josh say its a updatet ver out of the roo rg, another lie`or nice work? since they did not sell many due to all the faults?



    I don't think it's a lie. I was about to buy the old one and Josh told me to wait.

    So if he want to sell more, why would he told me to wait?

    I don't know about the metal rings. Have to see one real. Because all his steel AP's dont have metal rings, so why would they have a metal ring on this one?

    isn't it even harder to make the metal ring?

    I hope mine doesn't have the metal ring.

    add: dani, i think your pic is the old one. it has the grey 'AP' logo

    this is the supposedly updated one: http://www.jpc8118.com/00000aap10052-royal...c12-p-5743.html

  3. Again...you really need to read the guide. There is no ranking as all the dealers for the most part can get 90% of the watches you want. There are only a few high end factories, and the dealers here (unlike MOST of those out there) have access to these factories.

    Some reps aren't available by all dealers...but most are. They're all top grade replicas. By best given the type of questions you're asking you mean best out of the box...for that you have to read the reviews...because best out of the box depends on the particular watch.

    Some of the reps (most of the new ones) are very accurate...but some of the flaws may drive you crazy if you have an eye for detail. Again...judging by your repeating of questions...this does not appear to be the case.

    You have to decide for yourself which watch you want based on the reviews...because the one you want might not in fact be available in a high end form.

    Read the guide. 'Nuff said. Toad out.

    OMG toad..you are very very patient. I admire you. good on you toad.

    OP, do as he says. His guide is the first thing I read when I joined.

  4. Arrowax, I recommending sending a pm to The Zigmeister asking him to email to you his service list

    which will have pricing

    If his pm is closed that means he is booked solid with appointments for quite some time and you will have to wait until hispm is open



    thank you

  5. thank you so much for doing this review The Zigmeister. I have 4 AP@12 and I took the risks, because I just love AP's. I am just so happy that you OK'ed this one.

    Now, do you do watch servicing The Zigmeister? If I'm not mistaken, have seen somewhere that you do servicing, i just can't find the link.

    If not, where do you guys service your watch? and how much?

    I know the gen service cost quite a bit, probably 1-2 rep AP's for just a service. I hope rep servicing is not that bad :)

  6. yes, I have also been wondering about that myself.

    From reading the posts, it seems that many people think that gen manufacturers has some sort of agreement with rep makers.

    They probably are aware that they cant do anything to stop their products being repped, so to think that they make a deal with rep makers is plausible..

    However, I don't think gen makers want to deal in any way with reps.

    Probably they are turning a blind eye if the reps are really not that close. I don't know. Do you think it is likely though that they made a deal with chinese factories?

    In regards to free marketing, I agree though that in most cases it is never bad. But we have to keep in mind too that an inferior product (your rep keeps breaking down for example and people think that the gen is not reliable) might be bad marketing for the brand.

  7. Oh but you were being an ass, which is why you I suppose felt the need to apologize for it.

    You said, AP is no match for the "smoothness" of the Jaeger movement as a blanket statement. So if you knew about the JLC/AP connection why would you make the statement that you did? Not that I know what you mean by smoothness of course, given it isn't a term used in horology I know of. :g:

    AP and most other makers use lots of ebauches from lots of movement manufactories - to the point that it is almost of no consequence what those ebauches are. The truth in horology comes from what is done with ebauches as it is a given the train is fine if anyone chooses to use them. The Asian 7750 is an ebauche as far as I'm concerned, and if properly lubricated and decorated by anyone I mentioned would be as usesull and beautiful as any other.

    I guess I just find unfounded brand loyalty absurd as you seem to have about JLC. Facts are facts but there is nothing inherently special about JLC or any other manufacturer for that matter unless comments are specifically qualified with facts, like "JLC makes over 40 movements" or, "Lange uses untreated German Silver for 3/4 plates." or, "Vacheron is the oldest continuously running manufactory." - or whatever. So when I read that someone is trying to compare movement finishing and doesn't know what they are talking about and is doing it with attitude I figure he will expect to be challenged. And hey, I wasn't doing anything on Saturday afternoon so it might as well be me. :whistling:

    No matter though. Mostly I just decided to post to tell you there is no excuse for putting out the attitude in your original post. You certainly didn't come off as being knowledgeable about anything but yet presented your opinion as if you are an expert on genuine watch movements. The rest just came out to clarify why the inference you made was incorrect with some information that maybe the membership might find useful. Of course, the members might not find any use in what I wrote, but I'm certain it is more useful than "LOL...that is bull***t." :D

    hahahaha...first of all, I read many of your stuff and it really helps and I appreciate it. But I suppose your point is just to just help the guy cause I wrote BS?

    I wrote 5 lines and you analyzed it and you wrote an essay? and from the 5 lines you think I don't know what I am talking about? don't think just because i'm new that I don't know my stuff robie.

    If I do care to explain things as you do(you wrote 25 lines from my 5 liner), you might see me more knowledgeable. its just that I don't care. I wrote 5 lines man. hahaha

    Anyway, I supposed what I said did not help and if you are trying to tell me that i was wrong, it's ok. I apologised already, twice. But don't just think that I am new that I don't know my watches. Me being a jerk with my words does not mean that I do not know about AP's and Jaegers.

    Also, i could have deleted my original msg, but I did not, I admit I was rude and I wrote it in heat of the moment and I apologised for it.

    But really? from 5 lines you could read my knowledge? lol...

    well...get on with it man. I already apologized twice and not trying to fight.

  8. LOL...that is bull***t. :D

    man, obviously you have never owned a gen Jaeger.

    I own an ingersoll too given from my (now) ex gf.

    OP, I apologise once again for the quote above, didn't mean to sound like that. After I read it again I realised how rude I was.

    I am a very very huge JLC fan and the only gens I buy nowadays because they are not copied (yet, hopefully never), so I was a bit angered when I read your post comparing JLC and ingersol.

    Once again, hope you didn't take it personally.

  9. also you have to understand why i wrote it.

    I thought the OP said that the gen Duometre are comparable to ingersol. but then I take my statement back and realized that he compared it to gen ingersol.

    That makes a huge difference.

    as to comparing AP and JLC. I compared AP ROO with JLC gransport chrono, both gens I own long time ago and The movement on the JLC wins hands down.

    edit: (added)

    I am saying it is BS comparing gen ignersol to gen JLC because from the movements alone you can see how smooth the JLC will be and the duometre chronographe is on of their latest creation so it is impossible to compare them.

    Nothign to do with me being new here, I know watches quite well, not as well as members here, but I know enough and I own enough gen to be objective.

  10. LOL...that is bull***t. :D

    man, obviously you have never owned a gen Jaeger.

    I own an ingersoll too given from my (now) ex gf.

    OMG they are night and day...you should have seen Jaeger's movement. AP is no match really for the smoothness of the movement.

    And also, the duometre chronographe you have is the fake version and it looks nothing like the real duometre, which someone posted.

  11. what is so hard about buying one? it is easier than google-ing 'an omega replica'. they will take you to a scam site and almost never to the dealers' site mentioned here (in fact they might not like it if they are high up the google search) :).

    Im a noob myself and I think this is very easy. EVERYTHING is here, most watches has been discussed in detail..assuming you want to read of course.

    It seems to me you just want it easy. Even if you are buying a gen, you still have to do your homework about the watches, the prices,warranty and the dealer etc. I don't see anything different.

    search the watches you want and read the reviews. seriously, everything is here if you want to do your work. Also, I find reading all those posts interesting, because I am just into watches and they do not bore me.

    Read about the dealer review,open your email and send an email to every recommended seller about that watch you want. ( I just emailed a couple)

    get the watch from the dealer you are most comfortable dealing with. Now the hardest bit is the wait.

    good luck finding your watch, this is a great place. :)

  12. some brands are allowed 30% discount and if most dealers will give you the discounted price right away. Then you negotiate your way down from there.

    however, if you happen to want a watch in demand(daytona SS for example), or a watch they don't have in stock, you might have to pay close to premium.

    Yes they limit the discount on each brand and they differ, not only by brand but also by model.

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