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Posts posted by sssurfer

  1. On the relume issue raised by kruzer & fishgodeep --

    I agree 100% that a relume is a very nice add-on to these watches. I actually got my 028 relumed too.

    But on the accuracy field it is not absolutely required, IMHO. In the end, these timepieces are supposed to be tritium and 10 years old, so a weak lume is somewhat justified.

    Don't you think so?

    P.S. babola, if you read this, please PM me and free your PM box. Your cyclops is ready, your PM box is full, and I am soon going to leave on one week abroad.

  2. This is just to let babola know that his cyclops is ready.

    babola, I tried to PM you but your PM box is full.

    I am also going to leave for a week from March 17th to 24th, so if I can't hear from you within this week you will have to wait until late March.

    Apologies to anyone for using this section as a PM replica.

  3. I have a friend who cannot wear SS due to nickel reaction. Would a PVD coating make the watch 'wearable' for them (by creating a barrier between their skin and the SS) or, would the coating itself be likely to trigger the reaction?

    Unfortunately nickel is a component of most PVD coating too.

    On what I heard, the only reliable solution to Ni allergy are full-Titanium watches.

    I also seem to remember there was a thread by Victoria about it a few months ago.

  4. Behaviour explained????


    Also noticed that I got my explaination from you, not Neil. Faster in communication as usual.

    Or are you of the opinion that Neil gives me watches to take half way around the planet...which I disseminate out on a whim to whomsoever I please??

    That was a possibility. Even more believable than Neil changing the assigned destination because I publicly reported the facts.

  5. Thanks Sanro for your kind words. It has been really a pleasure to have to do with you, and to make something for you.

    I am really glad you are enjoying your timepiece.

    A quick technical note: the cyclops is centered exactly above the date window. Therefore, if you want to take pics with the date perfectly centered in the cyclops, try and position the camera lens exactly above the cyclops. You may even get help from the camera reflection on the crystal to get to it. ;)

    All the best, my friend,


  6. sssurfer is one member who was due to receive replacement items and I advised him that a friend would be carrying them home for me......as I made it clear that I wouldn't put these items in the mail system again...( friend didn't go home ...decided to go to The Philippines instead).....so I elected to wait until Narikaa came out and give them to him....which I duly did .....and Narikaa took them home.....( Fasttap and Nelly will confirm.....BTW Marco...Fasttap is wearing the one that was allocated to YOU.....)

    First of all, TTK, glad to read an explaination at last, and sorry to read about your illness.

    You know that I agreed with you on you not sending by mail.

    In reality, I was exactly hoping that you would give the items to Narikaa to take them to EU.

    Are you saying that Narikaa gave Fasttap the watches that you allocated to me?

    Why the hell??

    .......at that point Marco had elected to go public with his grievance which I understand however......let me say that he has NOT been waiting 7 months for me to send his items......HIS items were sent last August or so.....what he's been waiting on for is MY items to be sent to him........YES....MY items.......the ones that I PAID FOR........not that he paid for.....the ones he PAID FOR.....were seized......and as I have no LEGAL responsibility to replace those items.......I would be entitled to tell him to contact Thai Customs to enquire after his items......but I didn't....I told him that I would ASSUME ALL LIABILITY and replace his items...( hardly the act of a 'scammer'.....no...?)........which I will do.....however as I have no means to ship them to him at present......and given that they are MY ITEMS.....BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY ME.......I won't put them in the mail system again.....and if that doesn't suit him.....then go speak to Thai Customs.

    I already told you that I naturally appreciate your position about the matter -- even if I would have thought twice before ordering almost 800 USD from you should have I been in knowledge that you already were under the Thai Police sight (as you later explained).

    What I did not appreciate was the complete lack of any communications after our Skype session of late December. How would you feel after getting assuration by someone you still trust that the items that you are waiting since a long time are going to leave on the next few days, then nothing shows up, and no pm, no explaination, the other going offline on Skype within 10 secs after any time you go online? As a matter of fact, our actual status is that you have my money and I do not have your watches yet.

    You retain as your right to give or not to give explainations and when. Ok. Then you may also expect this brings consequences with it. In my case, the only consequence has been making the matter public. I just reported the facts, without calling you a scammer or what. Should you have just dropped me a PM, even that would have not happened.

    May I have an explaination about Narikaa's behavior now, or is it going under silence months long as well?

    Apart from this all, have my sincere wishes to your health.

    Believe it or less, not because of me getting the watches that way.

  7. I'm quite happy to post that chunk of crystal to anyone who has a tester to check and see what it is.

    I have the tester(s). If you are really interested, please PM me and I'll give you my address. And thanks for supporting the Replica Science! :)

    Bottom line here, if I get one of David's sapphire crystals, what are the chances it'll pop again?

    Close to zero. Yours would be the first one.

  8. Vicky, with all due respect, unfortunately your anedocts are no rebut. Pug already explained the first one, and sacrificing oneself to a child's life is a well known both genethically- and memethically-driven behaviour.

    Imagine I (like the "Saw" felloon) abduct you and put you into an empty room. There is just one button there. I tell you that in another room there is another one that I am going to kill in a while unless you press the button before I act. If you press it, I'll instead kill you and leave the other one free. You know absolutely nothing about him/her. He/she may be anyone from a child to an 80-years-old serial killer with a cancer that will kill him/her in a week in any case. What do you do?

    Too simple?

    Now you have two buttons, one green and one red. The red button will kill you and save the other one, the green button the opposite. He/she has two identical buttons in his/her room. If noone of you will press a button in a while, I am going to kill you both.

    And I might go on...

    Better not.

  9. Sometimes human beings act contrary to what is good for themselves, and their survival. Mothers do so for their children, almost as a given, but perfect strangers with no relation to another person, can give their lives for that person too. Why?

    It's not conditional. It's almost irrational, in fact. It's contrary to utilitarianism, which undermines that particular philosophy.

    The mothers in example are maximizing their chance of survival and reproduction of their genes and memes.

    The strangers in example might be maximizing their chance of survival and reproduction of their memes, if they share some common memes (e.g. religion or other beliefs).

    If they are perfect strangers who know absolutely nothing about the other one, sacrifice is not going to happen, unless because of previuos obligations socially taken (e.g. firemen), number considerations (e.g. sacrificing one to the life of many), or because of being driven by a specific meme that is intentionally (either consciusly or inconsciously) spread to take advantage of others' sacrifice.

  10. If it is really PVD, then that shouldn't even be a concern. At 2000-4000 HV, PVD is nearly as hard as sapphire. You couldn't polish a sapphire crystal with a Cape Code cloth.

    I think much of the effect of using a CC on PVD comes from the oils or solvents in the cloth, which penetrate the surface of the PVD. (Similar to gunsmiths, who often oil PVD finishes for the desired effect).

    However, if it's not really PVD, then all bets are off...

    This oil hypothesis is a very good one, IMO. In this case even just oiling, not polishing, would have the same effect. Unfortunately I have no DSN PVD watch to verify it.

    If, on the other hand, it is the polishing action that gives the result, then we have to assume that the polishing cloth is someway able to remove any fractions of the PVD coating.

    This is possible. Even if on the paper PVD is as hard as sapphire, in reality it can get scratched much more easily than sapphire -- as several Paneristi and myself can bear witness of. I cannot explain this, perhaps it is because its exceptional thinness.

  11. It is the mineral crystals that explode not sapphire crystals. This was a big deal in the fall of 2006 when Andrew and El were selling their Ultimate Fiddy 127 with "glow torch" lume and swan neck "Swiss" e movements and "sapphire crystals (They were not). Most of those, including mine, had their crystals break. ... There were many claims of real sapphire crystals, but were mineral crystal instead.

    Sorry, but it is incorrect, more of an urban legend. I already showed it here, here, here, and here.

    Your watch is on my list too. You -- and all others who got their Fiddies from that batch -- uncorrectly assumed that your crystals were glass just because they exploded. Noone had his crystal professionally tested to tell whether it was glass or sapphire. If you had your crystal professionally tested please tell me and I'll remove it from my statistic -- but sapphire will remain absolutely prevalent as exploding.

    You and the others have not been scammed by EL and Andrew because they sold you glass advertised as sapphire. You have been scammed because they sold you thin sapphire prone to explode.

    Most had DSN real sapphire crystals replaced and they have not exploded (Including mine).

    Yes, that was because DSN sapphire is thicker than EL's, Andrew's, etc. Not because his is sapphire while the others' was glass.

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