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Posts posted by XRT

  1. I have seven fully-modded Rolex reps from Joe.

    I have posted close-up pics of all of them, and I think they look quite spectacular. So do a number of other folks who made very nice comments about them (this includes some of the same people bashing him in this thread.) :thumbdown:

    I look at the pictures of Panerai 153's DRSD and wonder how it could look so messed up compared to what Joe says he sent him. :g:

    Where are all the other pictures from other folks with messed-up RBJ watches. Please come forward and share them with the board.

    Panerai 153 seemed so happy with this watch when he wrote about it a few months back...what happened to set this off?


    I thought the pics of his new vintage lume-job looked so awesome that it inspired me to send my 1680 and 1665 back to Joe to be relumed. Obviously, if you take the time to look at the lume with a magnifier it will be imperfect. A magnifier-perfect lume line or dot can not be painted by even the steadiest of hands (even under the influence of B-blocker's.) Replace RBJ's fingers with a "DaVinci" robot, then maybe.

    I too would like to see The Zigmeister's lume under the same high-power magnification and contrast lighting.

    If ever I didn't like something Joe did, I would let him know and he would make it right (i.e. pay me back or fix the problem.) When he does an experiment (i.e. new lume technique or custom molded brevet crown, etc.) and you aren't happy with the result, why not just tell him and give him the chance to make it right?

    One time, he installed an experimental pearl dot for a vintage insert and I thought it looked way-off. He didn't charge me.

    He charges an hourly rate like any contractor I have ever come across (i.e. plumber, electrician, hi-fi techs, etc.) To me, it was worth the price since his quality has been very good and I too don't have the time or skills to do this type of work.

    In short, these photos do not represent any of the end products I have ever received from RBJ.

  2. 129347-19647.jpg

    Deep Sea Special and Model 6200


    Model 6204 and 6205


    Model 6204 and 6538


    Model 6536 and 6200


    Model 6536 and 6536/1


    Models 6538A


    Models 6538


    Model 6538 and 6200


    Model 5510 and 6536


    Models 5508


    Models 5512


    Models 5513


    Model 5513 and 5512


    Model 5513 and 5508


    Model 5508 and 5510


    Model 5508 and 5512


    Model 1680 and 5513


    Model 5517 and 5513


    Model 5513 and 1680


    Model 16800

  3. What's the deal with the rehaut on this one. Everything looks great except the date being misaligned (as usual) and the rehaut doesn't look on-par with the other MBW models I've seen. Rehaut looks the same as ELs.

    I DO like that new SEL though. A big accomplishment where TT is concerned. Also, are the minute markers correct (fatter at the markers)?

    Not sure what you mean by "what's the deal with the rehaut on this one?"

    Looks identical to my WM Black sub's rehaut...perhaps the photo's do not show it well enough.

    The date rides about 0.5 mm too low. The angle of some of the shots exagerates that.


  4. That's amazing - I'm kind of [censored] at this - I ordered the same watch from Maria 1 year ago and it came with one of the worst dials I've ever seen. It was purplish and dull, just awful. I could not believe Maria would send this out.

    I had to send it to Joe to replace the dial with a much nicer one.

    I wouldn't feel too badly about it...I must have spent way too much money on about 5 earlier versions of blue TT reps. The worst was that my first rep was from Idealwatches.com...highway robbers.

  5. luckyyy claimed in his sale post that the mid links were of solid gold. Have had the opportunity to check it? I did order the same because of that reason.

    They look solid to me...but who's to say that they aren't actually just plated without melting it down or scratching the surface (I'll try to vaoid that experiment.)

  6. It is a keeper. The Blue TT Sub was indeed my cherry and entryway way into this mad world of reps 3 years ago...damn you Blue! The addiction has never let up...prospective buyers beware. :o

    Never say Dr XRT didn't fairly warn you, newbies

    These pictures convince me that I want a sub and then when I finally buy one I never wear it and it ends up going up for sale.

    Prior to this blue TT model I'd agree with you...no longer...it is stunning.

  7. I thought you would say that! I have one coming from Eddie Lee. I hopes it looks as good! I'm afraid to send my money to Luckyy. Enjoy the watch

    Eddie's da' man. Good product and great communication.

    I was worried about buying from Luckyyy for a long time...I figured I give him a chance to prove me wrong. It's true what you read (he was great with the communication right up until after you send him the money...then, not a word.) His shipping took 3-4 weeks. I was patient and decided not to worry about it (to be honest...I worried a little.) It all worked out just fine in the end...just like the transactions of many others.

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