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Posts posted by rolli

  1. i am waiting for the final lettering print.


    by the Easter holidays, everything is delayed.









    ill take one..  what else do you have cooking ? :) I have a few of your dials now but not in watches yet lol  i've been busy with work, but dials like this 000 i can just install into my current 000 without building another watch.. 

  2. I have a very large 201 pictures archive. also by all pam models and versions since 2003.


    some show this what you've written.


    this is the effect which comes through the reaming with a reamer.

    for a lower hands-fit on the canon pinion.


    some of the pictures don't show the lower hands-fit on the canon pinion,

    not so flat with the canon pinion tip, but also this hands have the reamer effect and show the brass basic metal in the hand tube.


    basically hands will be punched from thin brass strips, also with hand-tubes 



    only hands which get the blued color cornflower blue by an oven with 290 degrees celsius will be punched from a special ferric, also with hands tube.


    Note:  only our FGD hands are manufactured over helen-arou  by a hong kong hands company.  these hands have no lume inside.


    our special lume was developed and filled by rc tritec in switzerland.






  3. for those who have interest for technical informations.


    pam hands for the unitas movement:


    hands for pam models can only be made in hong kong for a resonable price,

    and you only have to order a larger production number.


    NOTE:   swiss hands manufacturers charge for special hands shapes a base price of € 4000, --, for the production of the punching tool.

    this special hands cannot made by laser cutting technology,  because the hand-tube is with the hand a one-piece shape.


    that's why it is better to buy the hands in hong kong by a hands company.

    and in switzerland will be made the reworking for swiss quality.


    our hands run-through a special procedure.


    first it must be made a special hands-jig to put on 50 or more single hands

    ( hour, minute, small second hands )

    this special hands jig is made to spray on the barlac paint perfectly on the hands,

    also undersides.


    first the old paint and lume must be removed with a chemical bath.

    after the hands must be cleaned with clean water. then druying time.


    with special airbrush pistoles and special textured black matt berlac swiss paint,

    comes the paint on the hands surface and underside.


    then in a special hands oven with circa 60 degrees the burn-in process.


    after the cooling time, the hands will be attached on the special wrapping card.


    and i get them for inspection and control.



    Lume material mix:


    then they go to rctritec switzerland for the special lume applying.


    we have a special together with rctritec developed material.


    and always the triple luminosity power super grade-A material,

    it is extreme more expensive, but has a three time superior lume power,

    than all other watch brands.


    then rctritec sales this special developed material only to me for a higher price.


    coated wil be only with a hand-piece named stylograph which has different filling tips. also for hand coating.


    after the lume coating, the hands come in the oven and with 60 degrees the druying time.


    mostly will be made the hands lume coating in the same time like the dials.


    after i get them back i always control and check very intensively all the dials and hands.



    note:  not only the dial procedure, also the hands procedure is very complex and costly.



    I hope that this report provides a good insight, why Swiss quality has its place.




    all the best



  4. swiss making is extreme expensive, we only made and make a small producton number, and the prices are made by the swiss maker and not by me or by FGD.


    when someone say………….  ok when the price is right then please put me on the list.


    i never heard this or could read it from another member.

    I find your statement as rude.


    it would be enough if you had said nothing, or only ok.

    and later you could say ,no sorry the price is for me too much.

    but this kind of statement from you was not polite.






    Yea we get it Rolli and I also didn't appreciate your negative and quite frankly rude PM that I received from you all because I said 'If the price is right'...Get over yourself.

  5. an additional information report:


    without a special punching machine for the dial plates and

    without a special  jig ( clamping device )

    to set the feets and welding the feets or the special jig

    to install the brass dial plate with feet on the swiss almac cnc machine,

    a special machine made for dial miling also for 3D dials or skeleton dials and movement making, is the almac cnc machine with 5 fast running stems,   without these equipment it is not possible to make dials.

    this has a swiss oem dial maker.

    and also my dial maker has several of this machines.


    any dial maker in another country has not this equipment and not this jigs for all the different dials and movements.


    dial printer have special print machines with special jigs for this dials with different print heads and must have the possibility to make steel cliches.


    steel clichees will be made with etching technology.


    print jigs will be made by a dial maker with engravings of lines coordinates and lettering frames on top for the precise left / right balanced alignment of the dial, 

    then the dial will be fixt with its feet and with vacuum pump from underside of the print jig.


    galvanic bath:  a swiss oem dial maker must have many different galvanic baths,

    5 different black galvanic tones,

    different silver baths, 

    grey galvanic = rhodium galvanic bath,

    bronze bath,

    copper bath

    and different test bath for different additional colors,


    machines for the dial surface brushing cut like sunburst cut, or vertical brushing cut.


    think about all the watches on market from swiss watch brands,

    then you know who makes the parts,  only swiss dial maker, swiss movement maker, 

    case maker, dial application maker, numerals and marker for on top applications.


    hands maker for all shapes.


    and swiss companies who make only the dial lume fillings and hands fillings,


    rc tritec makes it only for smaller customers. their main product is developing of high grade lume materials in all colors.


    our dials can be made only in switzerland with the top oem dial maker based on the high precision work and must be made by an engineer.


    no other dial maker in another country could make our dials.






  6. here some additinal words:


    all swiss oem watch part maker are members in the swiss united central association for swiss watch making.


    they have rules which regulate the materials quality and kind of manufactur,  etc.

    and to use which machines.


    the swiss rules are very hard and only swiss watchmaking companies with a special number of employees are members there.


    i have the huge luck to know some of them personally, and that's why they work for me for years.


    and only if one is to comply with the swiss rules, then it is allowed to print swiss made.


    when a dial get the galvanic process, then it must be used a special brass alloy for the dials.

    and for the different special dial thicknesses,  this brass materials will be produce only in switzerland.


    i thought other brass dealer in other contries would have all the thicknesses and the necessary alloy, unfortunatly not, only in switzerland for the dial maker and movement maker and gears maker you can buy the special brass alloy with the different thicknesses for all the dial types and movement types.


    dials vector graphics will be made by a vector program, or auto cade program.


    the exactness of the dial vector graphic will be made with very important x - y axis coordinates,

    which guarantees the exact placement of all the dial and graphic elements.


    i've studied the vector graphic design , only to control and to help the engineer for a perfect dial vector graphic including all the pam specific lettering differences.


    and the dial maker engineer employee work with auto cad and he controls evrything again.


    also it is important to use an oem swiss dialmaker,  he has all dial jigs for all movements to set the movement specific feets.  and know exactly all measurements of the dials,

    i also studied all differences, based on optical laser measurings of genuine pam dials,

    i know evrything.


    before we started i studied each point. and made many sample dials and tests.


    the dial making is a very complicated field, also the dial printing,

    to know and control the tolerances with the steel clichee and print result,

    to use is only swiss berlac paint for the dial print, it has a special consitence and viscosity.


    the swiss dial printer with a master certificate and not any employee.


    i only work with best swiss contacts what is possible.


    and maybe some of you will remember, we already made the 360 dial beginning 2011.


    and two years before i woked with the swiss dial maker and made sample dials.


    and developed some of the rc tritec colors , and some as special color lume material for me.


    i learned from berlac manager about the different varnishes and paints about different consistences and viscosity for the dials surface and lettering paints and colors.


    that's why i also have the original 036 + 055 tabacco paint from berlac switzerland.

    berlac AG is also one of the swiss association.



    I hope this report provides more insight why swiss making is important


    all the best



  7. oem dial maker sit only in switzerland,


    oem dial pinter sit only in switzerland,


    developer and producer for lume materials rc tritec sit only in switzerland,


    in other contries around switzerland are no oem dial maker with high end machine park,



    only hands are made in hong kong,


    but the old paint and and lume was emoved from the hands by a swiss hands company and new special developed lume material coated by rc tritec in switzerland, also the dials indices filled by rc tritec switzerland.


    you can read all the workings in each dial specification text  in all our threads i wrote this,


    everyone who deals with watches professional know this that oem maker and companies for watch parts sit in switzerland , and the most of them in the jura in switzerland, the french sitzerland.



    and everyone who collect watches professional, also know this.



    only you don't understand this.


    because your style is to make criticism and mobbing for fun.


    FGD knows exacly that all the workings are made in switzerland.






    Sounds like what you're saying is again false and misleading.

    Sounds like they're actually not made in Switzerland?

    FGD already mentioned that it is not made in Switzerland but rather in various places including "surrounding countries"

    Get an attitude adjustment if you plan on interacting with other members. Maybe FGD can give you some PR lessons since you're just so abrasive time and again

    You've already been reprimanded for your false use of negative feedback here on RWG (a quick search shows the thread) and banned on 3 of the other rep forums. You should consider perhaps if it will be in your favor to act a bit more adult like to sell such expensive hobbyist parts. It would be in your favor and to the benefit of an otherwise fun hobby.


    Sent from the my iPhone using Tapatalk s

  8. then I am glad that you have understood this.





    Wow, defensive much? The question posed was actual location where these are made, which this thread gave no actual specs nor indication of location made, only "Swiss oem std". FGD answered the question already, and with much more grace than you seem to have. You are the one with the poor mental attitude, and it's unfortunate for FGD that your attitude also reflects poorly on him as well by association.

    I'm glad you have no more words because it may be best that you stay out of customer service related aspects of this endeavor and leave that to someone better equipped to handle.

  9. all dial specification text in all threads have the note - Swiss Made -


    oem swiss dial maker,  and made in switzerland, oem rules for swiss made,    etc etc..


    when nobody of you guys don't read exactly the specification text and see only the pics,


    then that is a sign of poor mental attitude.


    sorry but i have no other words







    My guess would be Asia location, but so are a lot of Swiss watch maker parts. Interested in the answer though.

  10. and not to forget,


    all the dials are real swiss oem technology making


    with top swiss almac cnc machines and top auto cad systems programming by engineers.


    original real rc tritec and made by rc tritec and filled by rc tritec, dial and handset,


    material is high grade-A quality triple luminosity C3 Super Luminova.


    the most expensive material of the rc tritec program.


    handfilled with a stylograph made by rc tritec.


    all procedures of the oem making is highest quality with oem swiss materials.


    no asia quality comes in the near of this swiss oem quality.


    and this is fact.


    all members who tell wrong things and try to give a negative effect should better

    keep out.





  11. some of the 203a had the blank CG pin and the blank steel lug-horn-screws,


    in my pics archive which i have collect since 2003 till today, there is no preV case in the other versions with blank pins.


    what you mean is possible the light reflection why it looks blank steel.









    Looks super just the way it is. Maybe you could have the CG pin brushed? Showing the metal with no dlc. Lots of genuine pieces from back then were that way, and a actually prefer the look. Congrats on your dial. They look superb. Cheers

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