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Posts posted by justlounging

  1. Regardless of wat was promosed or agreed on, this thread is simply unnecessary..

    There is a proper way to address this..first speak with the dealer..david has given you some options..up to u to take it or leave it..if not, PM a mod here..they will be more than happy to help out and be the neutral party..if by then u still feel like you're scammed, and with the approval of the mods, go ahead and open up a thread to feedback and criticise..

    This hobby requires a lot of patience..and asking yourself how many flaws in a watch can you accept..

    If you want it exactly 100% to gen, either buy a gen or source for gen parts and build it up..

    Else where can you find a 95% close to gen watch for maybe 10% or less of the gen retail price..

    Enjoy the watch and enjoy the forum..it is a treasure trove of information and great members! :)

  2. Hi all,

    I recently stumbled upon this seller on fleabay that was selling aftermarket LV inserts...

    I wanted one for my noob sub and heard that the JO/WM inserts were a tad too dark green in their recent batches..

    Some of the earlier batches of LV inserts were more 'olive/lime green' whilst later and current batches are darker, perhaps like forest green..

    Well i received this in the middle of this week and mounted it up on my noob sub..no issues with fitting..fonts and pearl were pretty decent as well..

    my concern is now on the shade of the green.. :rolleyes:

    Here are some pics taken this morning on a slightly overcast sky..White balance on my Lumix has been adjusted as well..

    Please let me know your thoughts on this.. :)

    RE: the pictures are taken at slightly different angles to show the green..





    These 2 taken with flash



    And mounted on my noob sub..yes this is lacking the maxi dial and hands.. :p



    On a side note, I will be doing a photo comparison with a gen LV insert next week to see how this insert stacks up.. :D

  3. Update:

    Received my TW clasp and insert earlier this week and on they went onto my noob sub..

    Shaved the TW insert slightly for good crystal height, slightly recessed 'look' and a nice snap-on fit..no glue required :D


    BK-modded pearl is totally sick..


    Shaped the crown slightly to give it a more 'gen' look


    The TW Clasp (Thanks G!)


    Good looking coronet and engravings


    Correct 93250 Hollow Mid-link 'Noob' bracelet


    And fully assembled..for now.. :whistle:


    Mods to do:

    1. BK DWO

    2. Transplanting of high-beat (28,800bps) 21J movement.

  4. Functions: Hours, minutes

    Power reserve: 62 hours

    Case material: Polished Stainless steel

    Bezel material: Polished Stainless steel

    Case shape: Cushion

    Bezel shape: Round

    Case size: 47.00 mm

    Dial: Black

    Numerals: Arabic

    Hands: Gold

    Water resistance: 3 ATM

    Strap: PrimeStrap

    Crystal: Plexiglas

    Case back: Sapphire

    I think we are asking about the specs of your watch and where the parts/watch came from..

    Case: maker?

    CG: maker?

    Dial/hands: maker?

    6497 movement: Asian? Swiss?

    Caseback: maker?

    Plexi: neckyzips


    Official specs of the gen watch can be easily googled..

  5. Not too sure if this is the correct section to post..but Mods, if you think it should belong elsewhere, please go ahead and move it..Thanks! :)


    Just recently modded my Noobmariner (thanks Narikka!) and thought I'll post up this simple mod for all members who want to improve the appearance of their Noob Subs..

    This tutorial covers only the modding of the pearl..The rest of the other mods have been mentioned and can be found in the beginning of my pictorial review:http://www.rwg.cc/to...ck-from-narikaa

    I did some research and found from members' inputs that certain types of clear epoxy turn yellow after a year or so. Thing is once the epoxy is cured, it will be very difficult to remove and apply another layer to the existing pearl.

    Only solutions are to (i) pop the pearl out and change to a WM pearl or any other pearl available in the market OR (ii) live with the yellowed pearl.

    I can't recall exactly where I saw the tutorial that used GS Hypo Cement as a lume binder but it struck me whilst modding my Noob that it could act as a 'fix' for the pearl..

    I mean, GS Hypo cement cures crystal clear and is used for model cars and on clear plastic parts. "This could actually work out pretty well!", I thought out loud. :rolleyes:

    So to put theory to the test, I went ahead and did the mod..First few times were quite bad but as my hands got steadier and I got a better feel of how much 'glue' to use, the pearl got a much better shape and clarity..

    This is one of the first few attempts..see that the pearl is slightly deformed and 'glue' spilling over onto the metal rims of the 'cup'..



    Then it became better..



    And now this is what is on my Noob Sub..




    Ok back to the tutorial, first we start off with the necessary tools; Some inserts, a 3x Magnifier, a LED torchlight, GS Hypo Cement, Paper..


    I like using GS Hypo Cement mainly because of the fine applicator tip..it is fine enough to fill the pearl..Another plus point is that GS Hypo cleans off easily using rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover (light acetone) with no marks remaining on the surface..

    And an entire tube should last you for like ever and ever.. :p



    GS Hypo cement becomes sticky in about 10-15mins after application and will partially cure within the hour..Best results will be seen only after 24hours..

    The pictures below will give you an idea of what needs to be done:

    1. Let some of the 'cement' form at the tip of the applicator, like a water droplet..


    2. Make sure to do some 'practice runs' before actually applying to the pearl/insert




    3. This is where the LED torchlight becomes handy (Mine comes with both White and UV LEDs)..Shine onto the pearl and make sure that there is no dust particles on it..Some Rodico putty or a Dust blower can be used here..



    Ensure you are comfortable applying the 'cement'..This shows the 'cement' after it has been applied to the pearl/insert..you can see that it is sitting quite high..once the 'glue' cures, it will sit a lot lower..



    I use the UV LED to shine onto the pearl to see if I covered the entire pearl..


    One more check in natural lighting..All looks good..


    Now we just sit, wait and let the 'glue' cure and dry..


    Did I mention that this was REALLY simple? :D

    Word of Caution:

    You do NOT want this to happen to the pearl..As shown in the pics below, there are 2 small air bubbles trapped in the 'cement'..this is unsightly and will have to be removed..



    "How to?", you ask..well very very simple..find a needle or pin and lightly poke at it..




    The dried 'cement' should come off very easily like a clear 'film' and no sticky residue..

    Once removed, repeat the above steps again until u achieve the "Pearl of your dreams".. :lol:

    To end off this tutorial, here's a lume shot of the modded pearl..


    Go nuts on this..and oh, any feedback/comments will be much appreciated.. :cowboy:

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