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Everything posted by Devedander

  1. Yeah I know about that part... I have a Seamaster bond that the extension works perfectly on and I noticed that also... On this one if you look at the little hooks or whatever that are supposed to engage between the two pieces of the divers extension, they just aren't very pronounced or the inside part is not spread out enough (not sure if that's clear but maybe I can get a picture up later). There should be pressure and then a sort of snap as it goes into place, mine is loose enough there is no pressure at all and so obviously no snap... it just slides right in and slides right back out. It's smooth enough that if you didn't know it was supposed to click you would think it was designed to simply be smooth and fall open every time. I was thinking I coudl take it apart and pris the inside portion outwords but the pin that holds the extension to the half link on it's side is impossible to remove... I hammered at it and everything, no go...
  2. He means press straight down with no sideways movement... Anyhow, I just did mine and it wasn't terribly hard... however I had the benefit of some pins left over from sizing my Semaster Bond (which was a ROYAL PAIN) to help... If you can get your hands on a suitable pin (or get one pin out of your PO band) what I do is use the pin pusher to push the pin out as much as possible, then put the band in the resizing holder and use, then drive your spare pin in half way. This will push the pin in your bracelet out half way. Now they will both be moderatly stuck in your link, but a quick tug with some pliers gets the pin out fast as now each of them is just barely being held in by the collar inside. Getting the pin in is very simple in comparison, just hammer it in. Don't lose the collar! Now if someone can just tell me how to fix the divers extension that won't stay shut
  3. There is at least one dealer who functions from within... and he is a trusted dealer at one of the forums...
  4. I don't see how it would help as the stories being told include packaging obviously opened...
  5. I would guess the answer is... as hard as you have to... and I think the unfortunate truth is you risk breaking your crystal every time you mess with it...
  6. Yes, I am persuing the single sided coating thing, but I think with most eyeglasses it's customary to coat both sides so it's a weird request for them...
  7. So I got my 42.5 PO from Silix today and it has the loose divers extension problem in which it just falls open on it's own... I have seen this mentioned before and I think people say they fixed it, but my searches turn up nothing (the search feature on this forum is awfully unforgiving or something, I get a LOT of 0 results searches for common things). I tried to take the extension apart so I could spread the clasp with a screwdriver or something, but the pin that holds the extension in place does not want to budge... I went at it with the easy pin remover as well as a pin pusher and hammer... couldn't budge it 1 mm... Can someone point me to how this is fixed? Thanks!
  8. Bump for any more reviews or suggestions on cheap crystal press...
  9. For the record I have learned that it's always best to ask all these kinds of questions pre purchase to know what you are getting into including will the seller take responsibility if the item is seized on return trip.
  10. So I when passing by lense shops I have stopped in to a few and asked about AR coating a watch crystal, some of them simply say no but I have had a few who might be able to help me out. One of them quoted me $80 for 1 or $120 for 2 crystals, double sided high quality AR coating, choice of tint including scratch resistant coating (pretty much a waste on sapphire but they aren't offering prices without) Another offered me $30 but the guy couldn't tell me how many sides, what tints I could choose from or what not... and said I need to talk to his manager to find out details and if they will even accept the job for non eyeglasses (due to possible insurnace issues out there). In both cases it was recomended from the lab that I send in my crystals for them to evaluate whether the AR would take as apparently some materials can develop a nasty cloud from AR coating... Anyhow, it's interesting to find this stuff out... and see what kinds of watches Lense shop workers wear
  11. I think it may depend on where you live and what customs center it's comming through...
  12. I had thought about it but it always seemed you must use some special papers and inks to get it to look decent... but it certainly would be more fun to do it yourself... I may crack open one of my cheapos to give this a try and see what can be done....
  13. Hmm... that's interesting... I would think SF should be one of the fastest ones....
  14. So normally I don't care a lot what other people think of what I do... as long as I am happy with my choices that's what I feel counts... That said, I was caught off guard a while ago when someone asked me why I would waste my money on a fake Rolex. I wasn't thinking too clearly at the time (pretty busy and the question was sprung rather unexpectedly) and I was at somewhat of a loss for a good way to explain what I find interesting in reps. Now I know we probably have lots of different reasons between us ranging all the way from the The Zigmeisters out there to the people who legitimately want to fool people into thinking they own real Rolexes... I am not trying to judge anyones reasons, but wonder what you say when the inevitable "Why do you" question comes up... I have thought about it quite a bit and have my reasons lined up, but wonder, what do you say?
  15. So wait... is your 7753 copy really a 7753 copy or the modded 7750? A decent price 7753 I would think would be interesting...
  16. Oh believe me I know... for a long time I put up with him because we work together and he was a decent guy, but over the years he seems to be getting more immature to the point the only joy in his life seems to be talking about other peoples business... the mots ironic part is if you ever talk about anything in his life he flips out... Anyhow I made it pretty clear to him recently that my stuff is my business and unless I start doing something actually worth talking about (like trying to pull them off as gens) he needs to find other things to talk about... he got me pretty [censored]... the funny part... I drew him for our secret santa game at work
  17. Despite having lots of jewlers around me who work on watches, there is very little in the way of ways to get the odds and ends to work with watches (well I do live reasonably near ofrei but that aside) so I was wondering many of you out there have work benches... I am sure you must have found useful tools (either for watch work or just happen to work for watches) around in places you might not think to look... any ideas for everyone else? I wanted some small ziplocs for holding assorted parts (links/pins etc) and so headed over to my local headshop (smokeshop) where I got 100 1.5"x1.5" baggies for under $4 (they sell in lots of 100). Also for assorted small parts tools, one of my hobbies is RC cars and so I have been in and out of lots of RC shops, they have many tools and gadgets for working on small/delicate items. Not always the cheapest but you can find interesting things at RC car shops that might be valuable working with watches from good small screwdrivers and vices to glues and tapes.
  18. Well most of my friends can't afford and wouldn't buy a Rolex and aren't impressed by them really (the common thread amongst my circle of friends is (no offense to gen owners here) you are an idiot if you will pay that much for a watch becuase some company tells you it's wroth that much) but there is always my buddy who runs around telling people I have a fake rolex which makes me look bad and he told one very wealthy guy and his friends last night who didn't look like they appreciated it at all (the words used were "this guy has a fake rolex" so it doesn't sound good and sounds worse since I wasn't the one comming clean with it, so it looked like I was hiding it). There were scowls all around and I was told I should have just bought a real one as they are only $2500... I alloted to that I couldn't find them for less than $4500 but didn't take it much further as these people were obviously pretty disgusted with the thought of a fake Rolex, although none of them could come up with a really legitimate good reason to pay full price for one (other than that they all owned only gens). Different strokes for different folks I guess... I do have to wonder if they would have changed their minds had they known I could fairly easily afford a gen Rolex but just choose not to (I live considerably below my means).
  19. @kruzer I figure customs only operates 8-10 hours a day so if you aren't near 6 hours you are probably around 1 day (8 hours) or more. @chieft did your watch have any tax or anything assocaited when you got it? @indenial I am considering that for future orders, however most dealers offer combined shipping rates at a discount (which makes the cost difference even greater) and makes me wonder why they would if it increases risks... since many of the reship seized watches it seems they would want to avoid the possibility...
  20. Just send me $75. I will send you a watch, and you can return it to me if you want. You can do anything you want with it actually... just like I will do what I want with your $75... Am I the only one that thinks this is a joke?
  21. Responses I have gotten when showing people some of my watches (bear in mind they know it's fake becuase I wouldn't blow money like that on an overpriced watch) "I can tell it's not a real Rolex because: Rolexes are more shiny (looking at my brushed sub) Rolexes are gold Rolexes have more buttons (sub again) Rolexes have diamonds (don't have any diamond watches) This part is missaligned (bezel which was not seated at 12 at the time) and a real Rolex would never have that broken Rolexes have leather straps The cyclops looks like it's just stuck on (sub) The hand is smoother on a real Rolex (which is indeed true, but in this case he was looking at my Asian Daytona which has SO MANY mistakes it's rediculous) it should move completely smoothly (now this guy has probably never seen a real Rolex and I am pretty sure he was thinking like those electric clocks that really do just rotate and not tick). - One guy did think it was a real rolex for a few seconds - "I can't believe you would spend HUNDREDS of dollars on a WATCH!!!"
  22. I think it was good intentions that brought the post here before contacting the dealer (wants to research before he acts) but I agree you should always take it up with the dealer first before involving anyone else. And for the record, I doubt anyone will insure watches or accessories as in order to collect the sender must provide the shipper with a reciept to prove value... I doubt ANY of our dealers are going to be doing anything like that as they don't have a receipt to begin with. Email King, tell her your issue and be polite, I would be surprised if she doesn't make it right. But if she doesn't, it's an unfortunate. But there is no rule or law about what she has to do. In the future it may be good to ask your dealer before buying what they cover in terms of shipping damage.
  23. Yeah I think customs realized they will make more $$$ by slapping taxes on things and sending them on rather than confiscating and destroying at their cost... I can't think of any other way they could have opened and inspected a package with 4 luxury watches (including a Rolex) and decided to tax them rather than just seize...
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